The First Timer's Experience

Zefier Member Posts: 23

So, I just started playing Dead by Daylight the other day. I've been watching a couple channels like TydeTyme, Monto and no0b3. I decided I wanted to play killer as a main and decided I liked the looks of Legion. (This was, before, I knew how bad the hate for the killer was.)

I've had my first few matches and, boy, the difficulty variety is on two sides of an extreme; Either I'm up against a survivor team that rushes down Gens so fast and want to bully me into submission or the survivor team is utterly braindead. I haven't found a match I could call as a healthy middleground.

My first two Legion matches I did okay, killed two survivors first match. All four the next one (One of those braindead matches I was talking about as everyone was WAY too altruistic).

After that began the great drought, lots of matches where all four survivors got away on me. The toxicity really spiked here, a lot of people stutter stepping in my line of sight, purposefully taunting and T-bagging in front of me, which at first I was like "Eh, they must realize I'm new and are rubbing it in." I'm only rank 19 after all.

Until the post game chat, where I get bombarded with "That's what you get for playing Legion!"


It's a bit of a shame because I love Legion's aesthetic (I loved the Hunter in Left 4 Dead for the same hoody aesthetic), but I do know why he's hated for what he does to the game both for killers and survivors alike. I haven't gotten to the point where I dislike playing them, probably because I have a lot to learn, a lot of skills to build on and maps to learn, but boy does the rampant bullying suuuuck.

So, one of my dailies was Trapper. I figured I'd give Legion a break after getting them to level 10, and try the daily. In almost a full 180, it was right back to the braindead teams, it was like people thought I was blind or something.

I guess maybe I have an edge, like I said I watched a bunch of youtube videos before so I had a good idea where to put Trappers Traps, by windows, pallets, and places where I feel like I'm gonna get looped, preferably as close to gens I can patrol as possible.

My first match I downed one survivor early, and hooked her. Had a trap on a window next to me, I turn around to see a survivor standing -right there- as if I didn't notice her. I promptly down her too, doesn't even try to run.

"Okay", I thought, "Lets just get some more traps, I'll let her slug for a little bit, I have to seal this area off-" Two steps later there's -another- survivor around a corner, who I also promptly down, hook both of them. I eventually catch the fourth survivor trying to save them, and naturally getting caught in said window trap.

Next match, same deal.

I guess in low rank survivors really don't get traps...? A lot of times they're falling into them when I'm not even around... I expected everything to be dismantled and me to get T-bagged on some more. Hey, at least no one's hating on me for trapper I guess!

I can't say there's a real 'Purpose' to this thread... I just kind of wanted to share my thoughts and first experiences. Figured it might be fun to start some discourse as I haven't really delved into the community much. Also don't take the negative bits as something too bad, I'm still having a lot of fun with the game. Just, interesting introspective.


  • Zefier
    Zefier Member Posts: 23

    P.S. | Oh, also, as an addition. If you're that survivor I played against last match who escaped from me twice while your entire team was down? Scuba Steve I think it was? Apologies, I wasn't BMing, I just had no idea where the closest Hooks were. New map and all.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    It doesn't get better I'm sorry to say. The tbagging and taunting is only gonna get worse the higher you get no matter what killer you play.

  • Kim
    Kim Member Posts: 76

    It’s unfortunate that people who play this game can be so toxic. Tbh i have a hard time dealing with it sometimes so just try to stay positive while playing, because honestly the only person you should care about when playing killer is yourself.

  • Petraaahh
    Petraaahh Member Posts: 208

    It's always refreshing when a newcomer puts their thoughts in a clear concise and intelligent way rather than the usual I just played but this game Is terrible for (blank) reason nerf (blank) now.

    I want to say please don't feel bad for playing legion they're in the game and totally a fine pick if you enjoy them/their ascetic. In terms of the community hating them? Well theres a legion of legions on this very forum who wear the legion badge loud and proud... Honestly don't feel a need to change this because someone told you that you should post chat or because a YouTuber says they're bad.

    In the end have fun and play in which ever style caters best to this, especially in the low ranks... you can worry more about etiquette and the unwritten rules in the higher ranks and even then follow loosely so long as to keep your enjoyment up.

    Last peice of advice grow a thick skin players from both killer and survivor groups will find a way to be toxic and bad mouth you so just get used to it and learn to take negative experiences on the chin. Keep it together or they win.

    Good luck out there!

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    Play every killer. They all play different. Some games you'll get a 4k, and some games you'll feel relieved to kill one. I've noticed the earlier in the day i play, the more likely I'll get knucklehead survivors. The later, more likely swf.

    Enjoy the easy kills! Drink beer or scotch while you play! Play a few rounds of survivor this weekend. Think of the tbagging as a non verbal welcome to the game- it's pretty common.

  • Zefier
    Zefier Member Posts: 23

    Day 2, got a daily for Hillbilly. Gonna try survivor in a little bit but, pfew...

    Okay so how does one even hit that Chainsaw? I feel like it's only useful for getting across the map sometimes lol, I know he's one of the top tiers but... BOY. I also caused my first ever ragequit.

    I downed a survivor by Hook, and naturally she crawled under pallet. One of her friends came up to drop the pallet and I, kinda, calmly just stepped back, making them waste a pallet while I promptly dodged it.

    They DC'd shortly after and I got to sacrifice their friend, went on to clean out the rest of the team. (Still didn't hit anyone with that bloody chainsaw though)

    Still good fun though, lots of easy bloodpoints!