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People exploiting 4 man survive with friends.

Okay before i get any hate from survivor mains let me be clear. Playing with a bunch of your friends for fun and to simply enjoy the game for how it’s meant is completely fine and i enjoy going against these and even playing with them in solo survivor queues. But what is killing this game is the consistent 4 man survive with friends who all bring flash lights or insta heals and all use them clutch perks to help each other. They usually just take turns infiniting around the killer shack the whole game while T-bagging when they miss a swing or spamming flashlights repeatedly to act toxic. As a person who enjoys both survivor and killer in this game I don’t enjoy as a survivor seeing 3 prestige 3 claudette’s with flashlights bully a rank 15 wraith until the point where they aren’t moving or simply disconnect. A quick solution to this would be make it so the killer has an advantage when put against a 4 man survive with friends. Such as unable to destory ruins, a speed reduction to completing generators etc. Ive noticed these 4 man SWF are the most toxic in end game chat as well. I killed 3/4 of them and not a single one said GG they only cussed me out and insulted me for playing the game.

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  • Member Posts: 835

    Killer shack infinite? Well then.

  • Member Posts: 1,649
    edited March 2019

    Well, u nearly act as if they are really rare and don't exist. 4 men SWF aren't always sweaty full organised and optimal swat teams, everyone admit that.

    But tbf, it doesn't need that much to dominate low tier killers. All you need is pretty good loopers and optimal gen work. 4x Adrenalin and here you go, just use voice coms to call out some stuff like who should unhook and you can end games in under 5 minutes very consistent.

    I personally don't have such a big problem versing them while using Billy, Spirit or nurse. But with every other killer I need to play extremely optimal to stand a chance like everyone has to.

    And btw, getting stomped by 4 solos is a.... pretty bad performance from your side tbh, I never versed solos that strong that it felt like versing swf swat teams.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    “Consistent” K

  • Member Posts: 943

    Actually now solos ARE the new hit squad because of the Emblem and pipping system.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    This so much, the boosted swf groups aren't there anymore just as myself and other people predicted. The people at the higher ranks are the people that know how to play and can dominate with no voice.

    While quite a few boosted killers are still in ranks they don't belong because for survivors to pip they have to unhook, the killer can camp and still pip.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    It is a game mode.. How exactly is that exploiting?

  • Member Posts: 284

    Killer shack is an infinite? Well, you learn something new everyday.

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    0 posts. 0 upvotes. Saying swf is every game and exploiting.

    Nice smurf whoever you are that keeps getting wrecked as killer.

  • Member Posts: 3,293

    Either this is an alt to prevent getting backlash on their original account or it's a newbie that has no idea what exploit means...

  • Member Posts: 923

    Since this season i can't play and pip correctly gen get too easily done since a few weeks i get the strongest solo players you will ever see. my Billy without ruin don't stand a chance.

  • Member Posts: 1,790

    Survivors have been conditioned to genrush harder and harder with each new killer release. That would be the survivors adapting, like killers say they should do.

  • Member Posts: 1,519

    "infiniting around the killer shack" yeah I'm not gonna bother with this one lol

  • Member Posts: 35

    Swf shouldn't be in public matchmaking period, comms aren't in-game for a reason.

    Do you remember when survivors bitched about killers face camping the unhook prompt so it got changed but whenever called out about blocking the hook prompt they act like it's completely legit and different when it's just the same thing except it's not removed because the devs are spineless and scared of survivor mains.

  • Member Posts: 194

    When a killer blocked the unhook prompt there was nothing survivors could do about it but go do gens and leave the person to be camped.

    When a survivor blocks the hook prompt a killer can smack them and injure them making them move. Does it take time? Sure but the chances of you having to go far enough to a hook that the survivor can wiggle off isn’t that high. Also survivors get points for taking a hit while someone is being carried to the hook so of course they’re going to try it. It only really works in newer ranks because the killers don’t look down to see why they can’t hook or don’t hot the survivor.

  • Member Posts: 1,141

    There was a time when there was zero entity blockers, no bandaid window blocker perks, and survivors always fast vaulted.

    People still got caught. If you sit and smash your W key and go through every window, you’re gonna have a bad time.

  • Member Posts: 1,867

    You are more likely to be hard camped/tunneled as a survivor than you are to face a 4-man hit squad as killer. Granted, the odds increase at red ranks, but it is still not the norm. Watch any red rank streamer and you will see several teams who try to be a hit squad, but few good enough to be competitive with it.

  • Member Posts: 49

    I sometimes play a 4 man and it’s more about fun then escaping. If I had a good time, then I’m not gunna complain. Minus if the killer is face camping or tunneling but there’s always next match. Now if I play a 2 man, it’s about fun as well, but we also try to escape because it’s with randoms and they probably want to escape. I’m not toxic all the time though. Ofc if I decide to bring a flashlight in, I’m going to try to use it.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    I know that some people don't like 4 man swf but it's not an exploit can we PLEASE stop calling everything we don't like an exploit... How dare you do this or that filthy exploiter!

  • Member Posts: 1,260

    I do get what this is guy is saying and I think if he comes up against people who he legit thinks are playing just purely to troll him, then the first instance you get that just quit. Save yourself the time and aggravation. However these people...that are doing this are having "fun" it's just not your type of fun, or most others either..however they purchased the game and are entitled to play it how they wish. Like I said, if you don't like how it is going then just quit - no one would blame you.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    The issue is voice comms which, while not forbidden (for obvious reasons), completely shatter the balance of the game.

  • Member Posts: 1,260

    @Orion - This is in fact 100% correct - however no one forces the killer to play against it and doesn't really get penalised for quitting so. It's like repeatedly sticking your fingers in the socket - if you don't like it don't do it.

    I play SWF a lot - and we use comms - ofc, itd be stupid not too..however all my teammates are ######### ..most of the time..thus making it bloody pointless.

  • Member Posts: 13,036

    I do not see any sort of exploit in here but for some reason my cup o' salt be full

  • Member Posts: 10,200

    There is nothignn wrong using all the ingame tools available, but its up to the devs to balance that #########

  • Member Posts: 2,320

    Nah best thing to do is just don't do anything.

    They are looking to troll you so just stop doing anything.. Don't chase.. don't hit...

    I just let them get their points and go.. but I don't offer up much more then I want to.

    Then once the gates are powered... start recording.. cause if they don't leave.. you can report them if they stay there for too long.

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