My reason why the new Emblemchanges are awesome

like my topic says: In my opinion, the reason why the new emblemchanges are awesome is: It punish campers, it punish tunnelers, it punish mori users and survivors with genrushing tactics also and thats phantastic. I feel like devout should reward gold if you kill 3 and get the minimum hook requirement, but if it´s a 3k without minimum hooks it should be silver. Malicious and chaser need a fix for trapper, specifically since it seems like you get nothing for these emblems if you catch people in traps.
by the way, a little tip by myself: as long as a game goes, theres a much higher chance to pip for survivors and killers in any emblem category and in any ranks and that´s important to know for all players they don´t listen.
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I'd generally agree. That said, an unfortunate said effect of the changes is that is punishes the killer when he does extremely well, like a 4k with zero gens done. When you do that well it "looks" like you just camped your kills, even if you didn't at all.
So some small tweaking but I like it as well.
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yep ._.
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I hate the new emblems. Killers that are good late game cant get gatekeeper because you get points every minute per gen uncompleted. If you are good late game with one gen left, you get like 3 points instead of y or 8 like high-pressure snowball killers get.
Devout does not reward you for kills as it should, but you have to hook people, but if you go for more hooks people call you a tunneler and if you go for kills you get called a camper. Moris just keep getting nerfed.
Chaser punishes people who play smart. Instead of getting looped, they exit the chase to go after more people. That counts as losing the chase.
These new emblems are terrible and need to be reverted.
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... but don't killer mains always claim that you shouldn't pip if you stomp the other side because pips should only be granted if you were actually challenged in a game and proved yourself worthy of a pip? At least that's what they always told me when I was unhappy with the original emblem system when I stomped killer after killer after killer at low ranks as survivor and didn't pip.
If that is how it should be for survivors it should be the same for killers. No challenge, no pip.
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100% agree with this post. It just a shame all the complainers are Gen rushers, Tunnelers, Campers, Loopers lol so 90% of the community
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How are any of those bm?
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@Letroni You're a bm
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But sir how
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I actually really dislike that it punishes moris so harshly.
What's the point of using moris if you're going to be punished for using them?
I like that they're being less lenient on people using moris for an easy win, but I just think the 10 hooks thing is the wrong way to go around the right idea.
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I've literally never heard a single person ever say that and I've put a lot of hours into this game. Also, if matchmaking is actually putting you against people correctly at your rank then you are going against the correct difficulty of people and thus should be rewarded even if you stomp them.
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I hate Mori's, think they are stupid and gimmicky and have to be honest, don't like they aren't subject.
Would rather they be subject to skill checks as are the survivor crutch toolboxes.
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Who cares about pips anyway. I would rather always blackpip instead of sometimes 2-pip. Emblems are fine atm but not good enough and still need lil tweaks. Old emblems were pure training wheels and no challenge at all.
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Doesn't really matter in my eyes. The end result will still be the same as what we got now. Except their might be more division on the player base on those who and who don't care about ranking up. But the end result is going to be the same. IMO.
People complaining about be matched up with bad teammates... pitted against bad players... playing against 4 man SWF troll squads...
I could be wrong.. but I don't see any of the complaining going away. I don't see any of these emblem changes benefiting the game.
But at least the new MM will be working for the Dedicated Servers.. so at least we know that should be working pretty good when they come out. That is a plus anyways.
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and also punishes those that get tunneled and camped when killer doesn't give a flying ######### about emblems...very awesome.
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That won't stop campers, just make it worst for survivors to have a chance to loose no pip
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I don't care either way. Rank is meaningless.
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the next we need is now finally the league system and rewards for ranks.