Effective ways to use Sabo?

Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

I've had Sabo for a while but I've neglected to use it. Wanting to try some new builds I've been running it but I'm curious if it's effective.

Usually what I do is sabatoge a hook to 99 and when the killer comes near I drop it or however many hooks I worked on and just try to loop around the area.

Should I try using it for saves?


  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Unless you want a miserable experience, just don't. Sabo is currently viable only with a dedicated swf team.

  • Kagrenac
    Kagrenac Member Posts: 773

    Yeah you're right. However I just cant help but feel secured when I create a safe haven on the map

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Well it's nice for the points as well both for bp and for emblem progress and I'll sabo hooks to 99% but not ever drop them unless I'm solo. I'll also when solo only sabo hooks far away from the killer.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    If someone is doing a gen in an unsafe spot while the killer is busy. Or the killer is chasing the crap out of someone and you want to be a distraction then start trying to sabo a hook where they can see you and sometimes they will ignore the person to try and mess with you instead?

    I've only sabo'd a hook once to see what it was like. *Shrugs* But those are what I'd use it for if I decided to use it again.

  • TheLastGreatStar
    TheLastGreatStar Member Posts: 1,002

    If I ever run that perk, I try to get as many hooks as possible to 99% and then you can break them before somebody is unhooked to buy them time to wiggle free. This is annoying as hell when it happens to you as a killer, but it’s a useful tactic to save teammates, especially ones that are being tunnelled.

  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47

    Is useless, there are so many hooks and is used only for trolling the killer, plus gives you almost 0 BP

  • Heroiq
    Heroiq Member Posts: 1,134
    edited April 2019

    sabo is currently a big waste of time. taking a worn-out toolbox would be better.


    1- most important hooks to sabotage are these (99%)

    • closest hook to the exit gates (most importantly)
    • closest hook to an LT walls loop
    • closest hook to an infinity
    • if there's a dead zone that has a generator in it. sabotage a random hook in the dead zone.

    2- worthless waste of time hooks to sabotage

    • hooks in the corner of the map
    • hooks very close to the basement
    • hooks in a dead zones that doesn't have generators
    • hooks next to 2-4 pallet loops

    3- best scenarios to 99%

    • when a survivor is escaping from the exit gates. but killer catches them (N.O.E.D. or didn't make it). sabotaging the closest hook to the exit gates can save his life
    • when a killer is tunneling a S.W.F. teammate. tell him to get down in a [insert loop location] and before he gets down. 99% the closest hook to him.

    4- tips for sabotaging

    • DO NOT SABOTAGE EVERY HOOK YOU SEE!. that would be a big waste of time especially with saboteur. try sabotaging when you need to.
    • 99% a hook is always better than breaking it
    • DO NOT DROP THE HOOK ONCE YOU START THE CHASE. once the killer comes to you. do not complete the hook's sabotage. first it would probably be repaired once you're down. second a teammate could have saved you and wasted time with it.

    (this screenshot is from a game. a bill got down at the exit gates. he couldn't make it out. and i had a toolbox. sabotaged the closest hook to the exit gates. and saved his life)

    edit: just fixed some grammar mistakes

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,545

    the most effective way is to just not use it, its far better to just work on gens or totems

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Sabo isn't really worth the time investment unless you have a team of at least two dedicated to doing it. Hooks come back and if you get a rep for saboing you're gonna start seeing more moris and dcs. Not to mention it wastes time, toolboxes, and with the currentl scoring you won't get your emblem progress.