DS should be a 4 second flat stun change my mind

As stated
4 secs stun time was fine in DS's previous iteration imo, enduring will now go from a high tier perk to a crutch perk which really isn't a good thing at all.
4 secs flat across the board easy peasy
EDIT: I'm not saying DS should go back to it's old iteration just that the stun time was better otherwise this version is far better
DS was a crutch before the 2.6.0 comes out.
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@Ihatelife ok I may edit my initial comment to make it clear I'm not saying it should go back entirely just the stun time needs changing in regards with how it works with enduring.
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Just make it not affected by enduring...it's not hard to do and we even told them ages ago, idk why they don't listen or even try this change.
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But from patch 2.6.3 there will be 4 sec stun, just like you want it to be.
I mean
5 sec stun for killer - 1 sec for survivor to run= 4 sec
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DS should not even be in the game
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I think I should redo this thread lol I know the stun has a 1 second window my only point is that enduring shouldn't effect DS and to counter act this should lose 1 sec so the time would be flat.
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Us killers waited two years for DS to get the nerf it needed. Don't ######### about it to get buffed again after 2 weeks.
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Don't have to.
It's how it is now and this post won't change that.
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It's just a meme dude I don't expect this thread to change anything just having a discussion
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Oh, so i don't have to take it seriously.
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DS should have stayed as a 3 sec stun and Enduring should have still affected it. Change my mind.
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it is 4 seconds
5 seconds
-1 stuck in animation
= 4 seconds
like before the rework, just reworked
and now leave
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It is way too short when running enduring. I've only been hit with it once and dropped them again within 6 seconds of use. 3 of those seconds was the supposed "stun".