Mettle of Man useless?

I'm not sure if this is intended, I went against a Nurse earlier, and every time I would take a hit after she blinked, I wouldn't get a stack. Is this a bug, or intended? I also went against a Legion earlier, and the perk does not gain stacks from their Frenzy attack either.
By this logic, it seems like any kind of attack that gives deviousness points doesn't stack, IE Hag phantasm attack, Nurse blink attack, Pig Ambush, etc; even though you are clearly being hit by their M1. Can anyone confirm with other killers than Nurse?
If this is the case, then this is a largely useless perk against many popular killers in the game.
Works for me, it's just not all that good. It's like dead hard in training. Flip flop is the perk to go with.
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This perk is weak tbh.
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Of course its useless. How many useful perks do survs have? Half a dozen? And yeah the perk wont work if killer use their powers before their hit. But dont tell this to killer mains, they say its OP!!!
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Its sometimes really funny to go back and forth between killer- and survivor forum, cause the experiences are invers^^
Killers pretend they have no chance against the evil genrushing survivor, and they claim that killers are all tunneling/camping monsters which need to be nerfed again.
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I've not seen any killer mains on this forum say mettle the of man is op... Fake news
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@Petraaahh There were so many posts from people saying they would quit Dead by Daylight if Mettle of Man was released with Ash as is. Everyone else told them to wait for its release to see how it would work in a real game, but nope. They just look at it like it's OG Decisive Strike.
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Formal apology since posting that I've seen several threads of people saying they are quitting the game due to this perk Yeesh!
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It’s pretty weak considering you can’t choose when to use it. Like it’s always going to be the third or fourth hit (I forget which one hit) you take
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Doesn't work Vs insta downs so chainsaws are OP, Michael can get around it etc. You have to not heal
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Already lost out on three kills due to it. File it under mega-crutch along with Adrenaline. I have no respect for any that uses it.
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I'm still learning how to play Survivor using Ash. I have not proc'd Mettle of Man once.
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Hmm...I'm curious... Since Billy and Leatherface saws with speed limiters get NOED applied to them does that mean speed limiter saws trigger MoM?
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According to the perk, it gives you endurance in the injured state from any attack that deals damage. In the hands of a good looper and competent survivor, mettle of man easily adds plenty of time to a chase. Also, people forget the effect stacks since all 4 players can run it. Mettle of man saves survivors from being hit when through pallets which can easily keep chases going.
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It activates when injured after a third basic attack charges it. Can be paired with insta heal to make a chase require 4 hits to down. If mettle of man is charged by the first chase which can happen with body block and selfcare, the first chase will make you a 3 hit down. Survivors can also body block, selfcare, enter chase with an insta healto be 4 hit down first chase. Many ways to charge it. Can run into locker and get grabbed if you're gonna lose a chase anyway to get grabbed and save Mattle of man. There's lots of tech.
So yeah, any hit after the third that will put you into dying state from injured state, so it doesn't trigger upon 4th hit unless it brings you from injured to dying state, it could trigger on 5th or 6th hit etc
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It's not weak, there's plenty of tech. It's a chase extender that goes off in most matches and can be run by multiple survivors, I wrote some tech above in some posts. It also gives yourself borrowed when you get tunnelee from a hook.
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Not sure how one could consider a free health state against most killers useless or weak.
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Perk saved me twice now. Because of the short sprint burst you get after getting hit you can make it to a pallet or loop.
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This effect is actually worse than old DS in some ways.
DS you had to hit a skillcheck and you was dropped to the floor from a dead stop.
This gives you a free sprint burst and protects you from badly time pallets.
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Mettle not working against Nurse blink hits is confirmed bug.
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Yes, community manager and devs saying it's bug = braindead people thinking its bug.
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4th post community manager confirming it's bug.
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I've given it a try and don't plan on using it anymore. Works fine and haven't had any trouble using it, but find it just as unappealing as old ds was. Its just to simple and doesn't require anything other than not being a potato in chase and aura never prompts cause I prefer to be injured over tracked. I also don't care for second chance perks as I would rather have something active than end up wasting a slot.
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duplicate post.
Post edited by Itq on0 -
duplicate post.
Forums ######### with me. I tried to post earlier today and my posts didn't show up. Now there is multiple.
Post edited by Itq on1 -
It's not weak at all. It won't help a survivor that doesn't know how to loop to begin with, but a good survivor can squeeze another minute out of a chase when it procs. It can swing the entire game, especially when more than 1 survivor has it paired with Adrenaline.
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Its not weak, but its not as OP as some people claim it is either.
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I am not sure about hag, but I know with pig dash you do not get a stack if you are hit by the pigs dash.
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Mettle is an OP as hell second chance perk against any killer who has no damaging M2.
Had a guy hatch on me even though he messed up and got hit twice, because of that damn perk.
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Funny how much a difference a week can make. It's pretty strong.
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Hag ITHs will both charge and activate Mettle of Man. Confirmed in a game last night.
Edit: Played against an Ash, hit him with ITH, normal hit, hooked. Second time I chased him it was ITH, then ITH activated MoM.
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So any perk that can cost you a kill is bad? I will start using the bad perks so you feel better
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Is there a detailed explanation of this perk anywhere? I have a few questions about it. Which hits are considered bugs right now? I know the nurse blink is bugged. And this is the part that I'm not sure about, so if I get hit and metal of man is activated and right after I heal the killer can permanently see my aura until I've hooked again? Now what happens after I'm hooked again and I heal? They can no longer see my aura right? Now what happens if I'm down immediately after metal activated and I never get to heal, and I'm hooked? The killer would not see my aura because I've been hooked after the perk activated?
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If you are injured it also blocks m2 like chainsaw hits ect.
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lol they can't even use it when i'm plague I love the perk.