PS4 queue times are broken for survivor.

Hello I am a PS4 player. Devotion 4 level 38 player. I play both Killer and Survivor on what is my favorite game. Killer queue times run about 2 or 3 minutes, which is perfectly acceptable. However survivor times are broken. with the current matchmaking queue. If you solo survive it takes about 10 minutes for me to get in a match. If I bring a friend it takes about 20 to 30 minutes. If it is a 3 or 4 man survive with friends times can go to an hour before being queued into a match. When you changed the matchmaking around the current DLC release. Times for survivors were 1 to 2 minutes max, no matter how many people were in SWF. Killer was queued in under a minute, under this matchmaking setup. Now you reverted back to the broken queue time matchmaking at least for us PS4 players. Is it not possible to have our matchmaking the new way and let PC have the matchmaking the way they want it. I hate to say it but, I really am about to give up and quit playing. I know about 4 or 5 people along with me that are about to give up the game also. We all buy DLC and cosmetics, so in turn if there are more people feeling the way I do. (and the twitter comments on the matchmaking before you turned them off tells me I am not alone) you really look to kill your player base on console. I hope it gets fixed before I actually do quit, because it really is my favorite game I play. Campfire simulator is not fun at all.


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Solo takes 10 minutes for you? I get instant lobbies as solo. Are you in the red ranks?

  • Danfu22
    Danfu22 Member Posts: 7

    I was but with the new pip system Im in purple ranks now

    ATOMIC_ACE_PUGG Member Posts: 359

    I think a lot of surviors just gave up lol

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    I was just saying this but @NoShinyPony mentioned that they are reworking it. So I guess SWF is back to 20-30min and Solo is 10-20min queues 😔.

    Before with the new system it was 2-3min so that was awesome but I guess PC was having more issues so 🤷‍♀️

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943

    Here's the post I was mentioning

  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104

    hi i am on ps4 as well

    solo is ok, it takes about 1-3 min

    but swf is a mess, i dont know how long it takes. i dont wait more then 10min in a lobby for a game where the killer evtl dodge the lobby or other survivors disconects. its really not funny at the moment.

    i had faster lobbys with the time indicator. at least i could find swf lobbies within a few minutes. now it takes forever

  • Danfu22
    Danfu22 Member Posts: 7

    Guess it was reverted and reverted back within 24 hours and now back to the Lobby Sim. At least I didn't waste my money on the plague, Jane, and wont do so on Ash either as I must say its time to leave and play something else for now on. Dead by Daylight Devs when you decide to not care about the game as a whole (meaning PC and Console players equally) then your audience suffers and leaves. Its what I am doing, and know at least 6 others have uninstalled because of the lobby issue of not getting in matches. It was a fun run and hope you all fix it, but me being on console, I don't think you will. I know you cant please everyone with game style but when you cannot play the game due to the matchmaking holding you out of games. You no longer have a game.

  • pyrosis
    pyrosis Member Posts: 3

    wasted money buying outfit for Jane.. couldnt agree more on the queue times being so broken on ps4.. Its rly as bad as u say.. average queue time before getting in is like 20+ minuttes when just teaming with a friend.. solo is actually just as bad for me..

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    @pyrosis I get almost instant lobbies when I play solo surv (or yesterday with only one other player in a 2-man-SWF). I'm also on PS4. May I ask which region and rank you are?

  • pyrosis
    pyrosis Member Posts: 3

    Europe and rank 10.

    got 4 games in a 4 hour span yestoday from 20-24 with a friend rank 14.. Its so bad that we end up just playing other games..

  • escape_plan
    escape_plan Member Posts: 104
    edited April 2019

    same here europe 11 rank

    solo is acceptable

    swf, with only one friend is frustrating (same rank 11)... 4-5 games in almost 3 hours (21-24) when we find a lobby, killer dodges... when we start a game, some survivor dc's at the beginning of the trail. not funny, we will probably stop playing if its not getting better. sorry spend 3 hours for only 4-5 games???

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    My lobbies have been taking awhile since Ashley came.

    My guess is killers are playing survivor because of MoM/Flip Flop.

  • Danfu22
    Danfu22 Member Posts: 7

    my region is USA Ohio and my rank when the stuff began messing up was 4 and now since the new pip system I am 8. tried to play with a friend rank 10 last night and we got in 4 games in 2 and 1/2 hours. and one game killer quit as soon as his ruin was busted. Tried to play alone and after 15 minutes I turned it off. Was my favorite game but now its in my trade pile. I was devotion 4 level 49.Sad I have to give it up but 30 minutes of play time in a couple hours is not worth it.

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    Broken beyond repair.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Been waiting for 20 minutes as a solo survivor guess no one wants to play killer anymore... Guess I will have to 🤔

  • Khalednazari
    Khalednazari Member Posts: 1,433

    I really doubt that's the case. If Thanos was smart enough, he would look for the time infinity stone in Dead By Daylight. Available in abundance.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158

    Just wanted a nice chilled night guess back to my killer hole of suffering I go lol instant lobby as killer lol