On a scale of one to ten, how happy with the game are you?

So, out of 10, "how fun/enjoyable do you find playing Dead by Daylight at the moment?"
1= negative 10=positive
steam already has a system for this
77% enjoyable0 -
Depends on what kind of players I have in the game, honestly. One time I get bunch of wild survivors, BM'ing, crying and taunting, then I do not enjoy it, and another time I get a team of normal players, then the game is enjoyable.
2 -
When the following planned changes FINALLY make it into the live game (whenever that is):
- Self Care nerf.
- Exhaustion nerf.
- Decisive Strike nerf.
- Brand New Part nerf.
- Ability to close the hatch.
When all of these announced/planned changes actually get IMPLEMENTED than I'd have to say a 9/10.
That would increase to a 10/10 if they could finally do something to fix hex totems being removed in the first 30 seconds of the game when it spawns on a hill or right next to a generator / the killer shack etc.
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Between 4 to 7 depending on my mood.
1 -
Tough to say.
Value wise like cost / hours wasted = a 10
Probly a 6 in general though
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I really love this game, but, let's be real, the problem for me is the toxicity of the players, specially in high ranks, survivors with flashlights that are just annoying you, and when the doors are open t-bag.
I would give it a 9/10 but the toxic community is just annoying.3 -
When I'm playing solo survivor, it's currently 2/10 the vast majority of the time. As killer I'd say 8/10, but then I never bought this game to play as killer and for a long time didn't at all, so 8 is probably as enjoyable as it could get in that role.
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8 when survivors are not BMing.
4, 5 when they are.
0, 1 when I play against Ochido clones.6 -
Some days DBD and I have a love/hate relationship so I’ll give it a 7/100
8 as survivor.
3 as killer.
0 because I'm a PS4 player. (jk, shame we don't have the update yet, but I'm sure it'll be out in the upcoming days).2 -
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I give it a solid 8. There's just enough challenge and taunting to keep me coming back.
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Honestly just like @Runiver it is variable for me. I have a love hate relationship with this game. I would have to say perhaps a 5/10. The game is fun sometimes but other times it can be so frustrating i just want to uninstall and never look back but it does have its moments. I have over 500+ hours in the game and despite the enjoyment i still get out of it the horrible state of balance and how much of a slog it has been trying to get the changes we have now makes this game worth a 5/10. DBD is unique and special but damn if things couldn't be better.
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I'd say 2. Just today I had to restart my game at least 10 times in two hours because of the lobby bugs, the game crashed so I lost 2 pips, got spawned in the no escape room in The Game- lost 2 more pips, got errors, dc-s and what not, just today. Had a bug recently where I couldn.t move. The game is infested with bugs and hackers and the devs instead of addressing those problems, fixing their reporting system, they're talking about the store, cosmetics, balance changes and honestly yes balance changes are needed but I think their priority right now should be the increased number of cheaters and their bugs. Im quite salty right now I know . I m just fed up with the state the game is in .
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It would be a 10 if we had the version 2.01
8 right now0
A 2 right now
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I would rate a solid -1, since PS4 has yet to recieve a new update. Will think of a better rating post 2.0. @AllDevs2
As a Survivor, 2. There are too many hackers. Normally that's an 8.
As a Killer, 8-9. Love it. Have not encountered any Survivor hackers in the latest round of them (1 in the past year) and I love the gameplay.Both sides: win, lose or get rekt, the gameplay is fantastic and enjoyable. Even those matches that only last 1-2 minutes for me give me pleasure.
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playing survivor=10
playing killer=5
15/2= 7.5 depends on my moodPost edited by switch on0 -
Depends on mood.
Average day= 7.8
Good day = 10
Bad day= 5
Emotional Breakdown day = 1Overall I still love this game. Even though it's extremely flawed I have no plans of leaving anytime soon.
1 -
Varies from a 6 - 8 out of 10 although even on my best days I can't confidently recommend this game to any of my friends without feeling guilty they would experience this games worst issues and feel awful.
Content wise I have no complaints. Game has a lot to offer from maps, killers, survivors and loadouts although it's a bit on the grindy side and the game can get a bit expensive unless you invest in the game over time or buy the DLC during a sale. The only thing I could ask for content wise would be steam workshop support for maps, cosmetics and other things. Even official and community dedicated servers would be great that support alternative gamemodes and even mods. Aside from that though BHVR can keep doing what they're doing content wise to support the game.
Balance in this game could be better. I won't say much about this because I won't really be adding much that hasn't been said already and BHVR is improving the game as of lately. Although the upcoming Tinkerer change feels like it should be a Surveillance change instead. I understand why they would want to change it but I don't agree with their proposal. Either way I'll wait for the PTB to see what comes from it. Although overall the balance for this game is above average compared to most games but has glaring issues BHVR is at least aware of.
The negatives I have for Dead by Daylight that exclude the above is pretty much...
- No filter / mute options so I have to deal with BM or disable chat even if it's just 1 out of 4 players being rude. I'm not a sensitive person but it takes its toll on me seeing the N word for the 5th time in a row in a single day even if it isn't directed at me.
- Survivors can ghost killer loadout to other survivors if they Die, Escape or even DC to post game lobby.
- Survivors can DC to give the final survivor instant access to hatch instead of the delay they would have if the second to last survivor was sacrificed.
- Large amount of bugs this game has including loss of progress and lack of proof of purchase for in app purchases. I can't even backup my own saves manually now so I have to worry that I won't lose my stuff if their servers crash somehow. If it ever did I'd have no proof of stuff I bought in app with shards or cells.
- Lack of dedicated servers.
- Now lack of a report system although from my understanding it was abused so they disabled it.
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8 outta 10 - I think they're doing a pretty good job so far but I'm craving new map locations other than woods, farm, swamp something similar.0
8 outta 10 - I think they're doing a pretty good job so far but I'm craving new map locations other than woods, farm, swamp something similar.0
Overall... objectively?
Currently (ps4 user)
5/10 this wait is 1 week too long. Period.
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I'd say 7/10 on average. That rating doesn't really fluctuate unless I come up against the most toxic parts of the community, but I just remind myself that those people are at fault, not the game. There are a few things that need fixing (totem placement, some killer buffs that seem to be incoming already, a few bugs)
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5 not good not bad. Im apathetic to the game currently.0
@Dustin said:
Varies from a 6 - 8 out of 10 although even on my best days I can't confidently recommend this game to any of my friends without feeling guilty they would experience this games worst issues and feel awful.Content wise I have no complaints. Game has a lot to offer from maps, killers, survivors and loadouts although it's a bit on the grindy side and the game can get a bit expensive unless you invest in the game over time or buy the DLC during a sale. The only thing I could ask for content wise would be steam workshop support for maps, cosmetics and other things. Even official and community dedicated servers would be great that support alternative gamemodes and even mods. Aside from that though BHVR can keep doing what they're doing content wise to support the game.
Balance in this game could be better. I won't say much about this because I won't really be adding much that hasn't been said already and BHVR is improving the game as of lately. Although the upcoming Tinkerer change feels like it should be a Surveillance change instead. I understand why they would want to change it but I don't agree with their proposal. Either way I'll wait for the PTB to see what comes from it. Although overall the balance for this game is above average compared to most games but has glaring issues BHVR is at least aware of.
The negatives I have for Dead by Daylight that exclude the above is pretty much...
- No filter / mute options so I have to deal with BM or disable chat even if it's just 1 out of 4 players being rude. I'm not a sensitive person but it takes its toll on me seeing the N word for the 5th time in a row in a single day even if it isn't directed at me.
- Survivors can ghost killer loadout to other survivors if they Die, Escape or even DC to post game lobby.
- Survivors can DC to give the final survivor instant access to hatch instead of the delay they would have if the second to last survivor was sacrificed.
- Large amount of bugs this game has including loss of progress and lack of proof of purchase for in app purchases. I can't even backup my own saves manually now so I have to worry that I won't lose my stuff if their servers crash somehow. If it ever did I'd have no proof of stuff I bought in app with shards or cells.
- Lack of dedicated servers.
- Now lack of a report system although from my understanding it was abused so they disabled it.
jesus Christ Dustin it was just an "Out of ten how much are you enjoying the game" question. lol
2 -
As a player that mostly play killer i would say a 7 because there are balance issues that needs to be taken care of.
And as a survivor i would say a 9.
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Probably a 4. The game is good on a conceptual level but the fact that it's literally impossible for most killers to win against a good group of survivors makes the game a joke. There's a reason you see nothing but Nurse and Hillbilly at high rank.
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@TeambossFloze said:
jesus Christ Dustin it was just an "Out of ten how much are you enjoying the game" question. lol
I don't know I'm bad at short answers and it felt odd just giving a number. Although I bolded my post highlights because I knew it was a wall. I figured I might as well take the time to explain why if I'm going to bother posting.
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I fell in love with DbD when by brother first showed me it about two years ago on the pc. I don’t have a computer (only an IPad and xbox one) so when I heard it was coming to console I was pretty damn excited to say the least lol. So I would give this game a 10/10 because win or lose for me, I ALWAYS have fun with this game. The toxicity of it could get annoying but I love this game. Killer main here.
2 -
Too many campers/tunnelers/pallet loopers/teabaggers/lagswitchers and Claudettes.
Overall I'd say 10/10 IGN1 -
Survivor: 9
Killer: 30 -
I am happy with the game, happy with the ideas of changes 7/10 maybe 8/10
BHVR 1/10.
2 -
Does t-bagging actually still effect some of you? I let it fly over my head these days. I must have become immune to it. It did bother me at the beginning but now i’m like blahh.
Enjoy it more when i’m drinking but i’d say 7/10 in general.0 -
Still deciding whether this game goes under crack addiction ranking or masochism ranking
Why not both because ######### ME RIGHT
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It sucks but not enough for me to not play.
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7 as a killer. After having played intensely some Final Fantasy XV this week, I realised how frustrating it is to play as a killer , even if you don't let yourself getting upset about t bag or gen rush.
9 as a surv.0 -
8/10 as the survivor. I play solo for the most part so the game is usually a good challenge to me and it's pretty fun, though the role can feel repetitive at times.
6/10 as the killer. I usually have at least a fair amount of fun, even in games where I don't do too great. Those games with Squadettes running around with flashlights have given me a mild case of PTSD, but outside of those games, the others are fun.0 -
i give it a 10
0 -
7/10 I feel like both the killer and survivor perks need an overhaul. I run into more speedhackers than I'd like, I feel like the games are weird, but fun. The Game is an awful map that needs tweaking, it's really easy to get lost and it's hard to locate anything, just some color coding or something to make the generator rooms more unique. Part of me thinks the game needs an overhaul with mechanics like gathering parts to fix generators or another objective (like totems needing to be broken before the exit gates power as well).