IDEA: All Mori's

I was just lying in bed and i random idea popped into my head about Mori.

Survivor's don't like Mori at all, Most DC so that means the killer losses Mori and everyone gets stuck in the load screen... Bug or something?..

What about removing Mori from the bloodweb and putting it in game, BUT WAIT, Before people say NO, Just hear me out...

To make it fair for killers and survivors, What about on the second hook and if you down them again you get to kill them instead off hooking, So that means its a nerf to Mori.., My memory is bad so doesnt that mean Mori takes 1 hook and you can kill them?, So this idea takes 2 hooks instead off one but its in the game instead, Its a nerf..

I just think it makes most people happy?..

What you think?, Just think about it?, Maybe put this idea on the PTB and see what its like?, It gives the killer a bit more time.. because off the Gen rush.


  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    @EntityEvictorc Like a voodoo curse

  • Panduh
    Panduh Member Posts: 51

    I would agree if it didn't inadvertently screw with Kindred! It'd make the perk usuable only twice instead of giving it to your teammates one last time on death hook. I think if they were still offerings while requiring 2 hooks would still be cool, we all like the animations n all- but getting a game cut short or pretty much being guarunteed a hatch game/lost match for an offering kinda blows! I know myself the "ultra rares" aren't as ultra rare as they sound.

    Killing a survivor who needs to be transported to a death hook still saves some time depending on distance, and a hook! Or, maybe helps against someone who was saving an endgame DS. I do think Mori's are an issue atm and I'd love more discussion on them without being "remove them" or "just don't get downed lol"(or just don't play the game, essentially)

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I think something like this could be a perk rather than a base mechanic. It counters endgame DS, flip flop and is faster in general.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    Wow, what a very original idea you got. It's absolutely not like I haven't read that one oh so many times already.

    Sarcasm aside, that would make a Mori pointless.

  • Blueberry
    Blueberry Member Posts: 13,590

    All mori's need is to be removed from the offering window during the load screen. This would prevent people from knowing it was used and consequentially the early DC's as soon as the game starts.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    I still think that what the OP is suggesting would make a better perk rather than an Ebony Mori change or a base ability

  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108

    I like the idea that it could be a perk instead off my idea... 2 hooks then you can kill them, remove mori from the bloodweb, This stops people DC when they see Mori :)

  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108

    Why can't Mori be a perk instead?, 2 hooks then you can kill them and remove Mori from the blood web?, Any chance?, My idea was just a idea, Thats all, You can't get 100% on everyone but that's life haha

    I would love to maybe talk with a Dev who works on this stuff, I just want Mori to be good instead off people DC when they see Mori, Iv lost 2 red Moris due to people DC when they see Red mori :( But whatever.

    Any news on the hatch aswell?, I'v heard there working on end game?..

  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108

    That's a ok idea but when you use Mori on 1 to 2 people people just rage quit and leave, Seen it haha

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,531

    Mori's already exist inside of perks (Devour Hope, Rancor, for example), but they typically have a pretty steep requirement because they have the most powerful effect you can get. A perk that would allow you to mori anyone who has been hooked twice would probably a little too powerful.

    The end-game and hatch are indeed being worked on. We'll be able to share more details on them when they are closer to being ready.

  • Stubbsyefc1
    Stubbsyefc1 Member Posts: 108

    What about making Mori as a perk? and remove Mori from the bloodweb?, 2 hooks and then you can kill them

  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266
    edited April 2019

    I have an idea of mori ... The killers have a bar in the HUD that progresses depends on the actions of the killers and the survivors.

    If the survivors repair the generators very fast the mori bar progresses (the mori bar decreases little by little if the survivors have not repaired a gen after X seconds, the killer can progress even more if the bar performs actions like hooks, persecutions etc ...

  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456

    No, moris are fine as long as Instaheal exists

  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    So you want killers to tunnel even harder? Man, i think it's time to find something else to play. This community is just horrendous.