Hatch Idea?

I see a lot of complaints in the forums in general but here for the hatch, I was thinking that the hatch should be more difficult to enter as it is not a objective and more of a reward for survivors playing bad, so, I was thinking...
The Hatch can be closed within a 5 second animation if found open, making the icon for hatch disappear, for trying to jam the hatch shut, making the hatch only open by a key if shut?
The Hatch only is available at 1 gen, not 2.
When closing the hatch, the hatch is blocked from other survivors jumping, a good ol' f you to the survivor, keys aren't too common, so utility of the key will rise but again, the key has to have high rarity to even open the hatch.
Do you feel like survivors should be able to use a key on a hatch that has been closed, any suggestions or ideas on this?
Hello @ShrekIsHot ,
This idear look like this one : https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/54747/dead-by-daylight-3-0
What do you think ?
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Yes! I did apply the 5 second animation due to I myself have wanted this for a long time since knowing of the possibility of closing the hatch, I mean the points are kinda simple.
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Who cares smack them and move on to the next game
What do you think?
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That's what a insta down killer with Save the Best for Last is for. ;0
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Why don't you come tell me how you feel when you kill 3 people before 3 gens are done and the 4th person is handed an escape and 7k bp. It's not fair to the killer.
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Oh its happened, and I've felt perfectly fine after. Its not the last game you'll ever play.
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I do fine without it you can easily double pip without that 4th kill and why the heck would you care about survivors getting bp? Hatch for me at least is just a reward for that one player that got screwed over by bad teamates although I will admit we have survivors that don't do gens and just wait for their team to die for hatch.
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A strategy that ends in a loss is a terrible strategy. A solution to a game design problem that relies on one or more parties not playing to win is a terrible solution.
Either way "smack and move on" is a non-answer. Just like "Jump and move on" is.
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If you want to play the hatch game and stand there for 20+ mins. go ahead that's you
I'll smack and move on.
If I killed three of them and the fourth gets the hatch I don't care I still see it as a win.
I agree if there's survivor(s) that don't do anything all game they should not be able to get the hatch easily, but what can you do besides smack them and move on
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If 3k is a win then why is the game still going? Your wincon according to the game is to kill the survivors. If one of them escapes through the hatch then you obviously haven't done that
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@NuclearBurrito Here is how I see DBD and how the killer "wins" first off if you think a 4k is the only way you win that is obviously wrong simply because the real winner is the one with the most BP so :/ and second off a 2k in my perspective would be considered a "tie" between survivors and killers 2 escaped 2 died a 3k would be a win because you killed the majority of survivors and you can still double pip ect with 3ks so thats just how I see things.
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bE has already thought about implementing a way for the killer to close the hatch. They were not satisfied with the results; therefore, they decided against it.
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It's a 20+ minute game with the hatch opened, much faster for the game in whole for the survivor to just finish the gens rather than wait for the hatch, same thing for the survivor to just leave when the last left.
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Dude if you don't care, don't comment.
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There is a way to win a hatch standoff as the killer, but you need the following conditions to occur to have that chance to win it.
!Survivor must be either injured or exposed!
Once this condition is met, walk behind the survivor and smack them when they are on the EDGE of the hatch. When they enter dying state from a attack from behind, they will be thrown forward and possibly out of range from the hatch. If not, they still have to wait until the falling animation expires to jump in, trust me a killer has done it to me before and it was amazing!
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I'll comment if I want your not the boss of me
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Dude how old are you, that's something a kid who's around like 7 or 8 would say.
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Why, are you a cop?
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Mates, it's not only from killers perspective a stupid mechanic. For solo survivor this mechanic is stupid aswell. Everyone was in the situation to be the MVP solo survivor in the match, doing all works, running the killer very long without wasting pallets etc and at the end you die cuz the last survivors refuses to do the last gen (while you are in the middle of a chase hoping to get your adrenalin kicked in soon) cuz they camp the hatch. Yeah, great mechanic.
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BP is not your win condition and almost no one sees it as one. It is gained for meaningless actions, isn't established as being related to winning and doesn't function well as one regardless.
Piping is a similar deal. Nowhere does the game say that pipping is how you win. Much like with BP pips exist for the Grind rather than the second to second gameplay. The difference being that pips are often viewed as a wincon anyways and the grind is for rank instead of for the bloodweb.
If you actually check the tutorial there is a page defining the win condition for each side. Survivors win if they escape. Killers win by sacrificing survivors.
I'll grant you that it doesn't specify a Number, however a 2k would still not be a tie.
In general Ties in games only occur if:
A: The game hits a stalemate where no one can win or lose (such as chess with just the 2 Kings). If the game has ended by everyone escaping or dying then this hasn't occurred.
B: Your wincon and your losecon are achieved at the same time. Not applicable for Killer who doesn't have a losecon, the survivors losecon is death.
C: Your wincondition is achieved at the same time as your opponents win condition (Such as 2 players killing each other in a 1v1 deathmatch). This cannot happen since a dead survivor by definition cannot escape and vice versa.
D: All players lose condition was achieved (a wipeout in mafia). Again, the Killer only has a wincon and no losecon
Thus a tie is logistically impossible