Thanks for Mettle of Man, Devs

I was quite sick of all the Wraiths, Trappers, Doctors, Freddys, Pigs, Hags, and, Spirits at high ranks.
Maybe I'll finally get a chance to play against some Hillbilly and Nurse.
What do you mean no Freddy? All you have to do is let the survivor wake up, put them back in the dream transition, mindgame it, and hit them immediately after the transition ends. See? Easy! Totally balanced perk!
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Don't forget about Legion!
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I didn't know freddy was a perk but ok.
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now brothers its time to say to the killers its time to adapt like they said to us XD
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If you don't mind to get insidious camped with a Bubba reved chainsaw? And in case you do mind... Adapt?
Jokes aside, it's not about killers vs survivors telling each other to adapt. Its about a healthy and balanced game so we can all enjoy every part of it and not have to deal with toxicity.
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Literally the past several matches have been... 3 Freddy's, 2 Pigs, 2 Doctors, 1 Hag, 1 Plague, 2 MM, 1 Spirit, 1 LF. All different players. Diversity is alive and well on PS4.
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Iucky you
I only get billy on ps 4
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I don't really like playing against Pig, Doc or Freddy lol. But I'm sure all Billy is awful
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My potatoes teammates dont help neither.
I'm always getting the highest amount of BPs even if I die and the others escape... *sigh*
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I bet the devs are sitting thinking you are very welcome, smiling as the vast majority dont care and just play the game.
Even though the perk MoM is actually quite weak its nice to see people talking about the ASH DLC, no publicity is bad publicity afterall and will just bring in more sales for them.
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Sure, just give killers the same treatment they gave you provide examples on how to adapt. I have yet to see a single Survivor explain how any of the killers I listed can adapt to MoM. @Tru3Lemon
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MoM is useless!
It needs a small buff: MoM makes you invulnerable to damage and you make the killer lose 1/2/3 pips once the match is over.
NoW tHaT iS a PrEtTy GoOd JoB
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Wait for people to "adapt", those anecdotal numbers will change
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I'm sorry when in the hell did we tell you to adapt o yea, after op pallets vacuums were removed, DS and exhaustion was nerfed, and infinites were removed; All thing that were serious issues that you guys cried about afterword. With the introduction to a perk that can't be countered and can be paired up with other perks like dh, bt, ect, and an Insta heal it becomes more broken than post ds so no this is not an instance were we can adapt but the others on the other hand can be.
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I haven't run into MoM abusers yet, but i'm dreading the moment i go up against some asshat SWF team with DS, DH, MoM and some flashlights along with some other cancerous survivor bullshit. I'll probably have to 'adapt' by finally just learning Nurse, and then adapt further by not playing the game until that bullshit perk gets nerfed.
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Im going to leave this here in memoriam for all killers who will face MoM....
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Depends on the rank. Red ranks and you’ll never see a Plague or LF.
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MoM feels like strike 2 after Legion. Why is it too much to ask that a developer actually sit down and think about a piece of content before cramming it into their live build and calling it a day?
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M1 Killers are too OP, we need more second chance perks for the survivors.
Keep them coming Devs!
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Bahahahaha for the last year certain killer mains on here have been telling survivors to adapt each time they had a complaint or there was a change. Brand new player comes to the forums not knowing any better Git GUd and meme and ADAPT.
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I agree with all but Hag- just a little bit oveboard. Hag is just such easy to play killer with such strong tools. It is my favourite killer to farm points with. She is just so easy to use and 4k with I very often find myself leaving surivvors to run infront of me for points cause the matches dont last very long often unless you get a very big open map like the swamps
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How do you suggest M1 killers deal with MoM combined with many of the other second chance perks survivors have?
Or is this just a troll post?
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Your memory is worse than mine. Since the game launched it has been Survivors in control or abusing crap and saying the old "git gud and adapt" nonsense.
Every time Killers have had something broken or too strong has seen that fixed rather quickly. Outside of a single stretch where the machine gun build (STBFL + Unrelenting) controlled meta, there hasn't been much of anything that wasn't fixed ASAP or never seen play outside of a PTB. Survivors on the other hand though have had FAR more to abuse over the years and their toys lasted for months on MONTHS at a time if not longer.
Survivors have controlled DbD since it launched if they bothered to do well. Killer has simply been trying to adapt to them all this time and they are STILL not able to do so but for a couple of choice Killers. And even Nurse/Billy can't deal with proper teams to this date.
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99% of powerbat's posts are trollposts
or at least i hope they are
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No, he is quite sincere.
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Unlike survivors, killers always adapted... and always got nerfed because of it.
It will be the same with the new crutches. Killers will find a way to go around them, survivors will whine the house down and the devs will take away what killers used as an adaptation.
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And the fact, that he is sincere, is the worst.
Knowing there are people really believing this ######### is worrying.
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Sure , I’ll adapt. I’ll just camp whoever I catch out the full three hook phases so they cant get the “three strikes” to activate MoM. Sounds good right?
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I don't think Hag is bad. You'll notice I included Spirit too. It's that they are M1 Killers who have no answer to MoM.
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This. And then we find new, creative, ultra-specific ways to adapt to the nerfs and get around the ######### decisions born from the vocal outcry of terribad survivors and they just cry about the method we used to adapt and get that nerfed, too.
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hey poor bubba he only wants some friends to play with xd ive play against 4 survivor that had mettle of man and guess what i kill all of them now i know some ppl like to play theyre favorite killer but come on its says if you m1 them they will get a stack until mettle of man its activated now theres alot of counter except nurse that i heard that they will fix it but theres alot of killers that can complete counter it like myers with that goes to tier 3 1 hit but its gives you 2 more to activate the perk if you keep going like that you just countered mettle of man, billy chainsaw cannot be stacked, bubba i mean i know hes weak but i heard that hes getting a rework good for bubba hes getting some love, you also have the plague and shes one kinda of killers that can counter it with her powers vomit the survivor until hes broken status then hit or with her corrupt purge, even do i do know that its a good perk but not that op since theres alot of counter just like BBQ but i do know this ppl cry about perks that just realised if its killer or survivor look at autodidact it was awesome on the ptb now its garbage but i do say that ppl need to realise that the devs want to make more perks so ppl dont have the same meta cuz i do see alot of same meta: self care,sprint burst (or balance landing) , adredaline, urban evasion and for me im a main ash even tho i have most of my perks at lvl 1 but when i have my meta i will not use self care since i know how to deal some of the killers