I just got facecamped AGAIN - New Idea

If you are being camped in a very close proximity points from the killer will be given directly to the hooked/camped survivor as compensation for being unfair and desperate for the kill.
The points are already deducted anyway for camping. All I'm saying is that the camped survivor shouldn't have their emblems sabotaged by a killer who wants to deny you of a fair chance to play and earn points to work at your emblems.
Yeah unfortunately theres just nothing that they can do to prevent this from happening... it's a playstyle that was intended.... the devs could put all the punishments they can think of and that player will still camp simply because they wanna see the salt drip off the survivor.... it's the same reason why certain survivors T-bag after a pallet stun or at the gates....... players wanna see and taste the salt
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It's intended but doesn't make it any less of a ######### way to play. Unelss the rest of the team is a bunch of potatoes, camping results in 3 players finishing the Gens at the expense of one player doing nothing and dying on Hook unless Borrowed time and body blocking allows the camped Survivor to get away.....but said Killer types will just tunnel them down again.
Camped Survivors need some kind of Bloodpoint gain for essentially "distracting" the Killer.
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Yeah the distraction you are to the killer should be worth something. I do feel like dirty tactics should be punished more though
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No little survivor. The only play you got left when you are being face camped is to let go and die already >:-)
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if that mentality was used by everyone then expect the game to die down. Facecamping is a ######### thing to do, and I hope I never have to use that tactic before endgame. 🖕🏽
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Stop distracting me. Just suicide on hook please
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But it's fun to purposely depip people so no.
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You say don't get caught be better at stealth but being face camped is punishing you for playing the game. If you are doing stuff you will be in danger if getting seen. Killers shouldn't see facecamping as a useful strategy.
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And if she’s on a gen with no clear line of sight to the killer? Sometimes it’s impossible to stealth away. Also unless the killer is really bad they are going to find someone and that first someone could always be you.
Facecamping when the gates are open I can understand but when it’s the first person you catch? Usually those are the killers that say ‘ggez’ endgame chat looking for salt, they end up disappointed in my games.
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Honestly the devs need to put a foot on anti gameplay "Strategys" when they pose no function but to make someones game less enjoyable.
Camping when gates are open is fine by me but a Lf blocking the stairs at 5 gens left when he teleports into me with his laggy chainsaw which happened yesterday is not ok.
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Why should the survivor be rewarded for failure?
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If both roles had a chilled gameplay, this wouldnt happen.
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You guys disappoint me. I play more killer than survivor, but if you think it's fair that the killer can force you to depip + not get any points after being hooked ONCE, you clearly don't play enough survivor as well.
If the killer decides to pour their time and resources into assuring you die on hook, you're indirectly helping your team get objectives, period.
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Surely being hooked is punishment enough for making a bad decision as survivor.
If I was to say every time you get pallet stunned a gen is done, that would also be punishment for killer failing. Both ideas of punishment for mistakes is massively blown out of proportion and are illogical.
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don't t-bag and you won't be camped, or if you're camped after last gen is done, what else would the killer do you big baby? he will secure the kill not let 4 of u escape ffs. stop crying already and learn to play the game better, especially as a survivor. It's ######### walk in a park for survivors in this ######### game and you're still crying.
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I hate this whole “if you don’t wanna get camped then don’t get hooked” mentality that some people seem to have. Have you PLAYED this game? Sometimes you get downed because the game screws you over. Vaults that can’t be vaulted, ridiculous hit boxes, downed from the other side of a pallet, teleporting back towards the killer etc. Stop assuming that people get hooked because they made a mistake, it isn’t always that simple and you should know that if you’ve ever played survivor before.
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I hardly ever tea bag. I do get face camped when the killer decides **ck playing the game when he gets me.
Killers mentality is "I'm not playing your game mr survivor" yet the survivor is playing the game as it is meant to be. It's fine if there is a purpose to camping but when it's there for the sake of being an impenetrable defence of the survivor to sabotage their game and points then it should be frowned upon and penalized.
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Camping is annoying but it isn't unfair. Unfair are hacks and lag-switching.
If survivors would punish killers by just doing gens instead of feeding the killer, camping wouldn't be that big of a problem.
Anyway - you need 9 Emblem points for a safety pip. How many Emblem points do you want to get for getting camped?
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If I'm face camped I want some of the objective points earnt from teammates while I was hooked in the form of distraction points.
The scoring completely ignores hook defence for the killer. If killer was given +30bp per second if they have a hookd survivor 20m+ away.
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@AshleyWB Are you only talking about bloodpoints or Emblem points as well? Do you want to get both while getting facecamped?
Off-topic: Please use the @ tag if you want to let others know that you replied to them.
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I might be persuaded to agree with this if it only applied during the struggle phase (since it's really the only time when you're actively doing something) and under the same conditions as the chaser emblem penalty (i.e.: killer near the hook with nobody else around and not engaged in a chase).
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Being hooked wouldn't be punishment enough if you were to get a reward for it.
The problem with your comparison, other than the fact that it's easy to get a stun when the killer can't even see you 100% of the time due to being in first person, is that a pallet stun is something you do that is beneficial to the survivors. Camping is something the killer does that is also beneficial to the survivors, as long as they don't feed.
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How about instead of punishing killers for camping we give them incentive to leave the hook? Oh wait... You guys dont want that, you complained about Thanatophobia and BBQ and devs nerfed It... Well, deal with what you've done.
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Yes, bugs are things that exist in the game, but here's the kicker: killers have to deal with bugs as well. On that front, both sides suffer from bugs. What about ghost hits, failed grabs that shouldn't fail, and a bunch of other crap? Should we start giving all killers insta-downs to compensate? Or should we just not balance around bugs?
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@NoShinyPony Both but they'll still be pretty small amounts.
However I think it would be good if the extra points/emblems earnt are just added onto the closest scoring category to being the next level emblem.
Example - I need 200 altruism points to get a gold however the distraction points I earn are awarded at the end of the game to push your nearest emblem to the next rarity. In this case 200 distraction points would go to altruism and you'll get your gold.
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Bbq nerf was a mistake I'm perfectly happy with perk changes if they deter hard camping.
Maybe if movement speed was increased for 5 seconds after each hook for killer. That'll give them the speed to make up more ground and look for someone else.
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@AshleyWB But keep in mind: If you get found early in the game, get chased a bit and then camped to death, you will still depip.
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If its really early game then unlucky that happens. BUT if you are found you should be tested in chase to see if you deserve these extra distraction points to maybe not depip.@NoShinyPony
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A temporary movement speed buff is not good enough. To make it worthwhile for the killer not to camp, you'd have to accomplish two things:
- Make it heavily punishing for survivors to unhook in the killer's face.
- Make the killer very powerful if they're away from a hooked survivor.
The first one will guarantee that survivors no longer feed. The second will guarantee killers go away because there's a good chance they'll be able to find and hook someone else (i.e.: apply pressure) before all their work with the first one is undone.
Personally, I'm a fan of giving killers insta-downs and the same recovery speed on both hits and misses as the Legion gets for misses during Feral Frenzy, but only within a very small radius of the hook (like, 2-3 meters, tops). This will deter any and all would-be hook vultures and accomplish the first goal.
On the other front, you could increase sacrifice speed by 2% for every meter the killer is away from the hook, starting at 32 meters. This would make sacrifices take about half the time if the killer was 70 meters away (at which point rescues are 100% safe) and put pressure on the survivors to unhook.
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@AshleyWB So like if you manage to get Irisdescent in Evader before getting hooked, you should get enough "camping compensation points" in order to not depip?
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@NoShinyPony yes but I don't know the figures. Iridescent evader and compensation distraction point thingys in the next nearest complete emblem. Even in games where I've been chased all game and end up with just evader this would give me a little more.
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Even if a 14 m radius of hook was revealed if further than 50m away would give you the option to be chasing one guy and stopping the save being made.
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Pig/ Myers/Nurse/Billy/Bitter Murmur/Tinkerer/Spirit/ the list goes on and if allt hse so called killers giving advice want to be smartasses here.
Give up all your perks and play without any aura detection perks of any kind, so no BBQ/Whispers/Spies/Surveillance/ Mirror Myers/Amanda's aura perk/no Doctor Shock Therapy/ M&A no nada zip zilch etc.
Now go find those survivors that try and stealth off when they hear your terror radius.
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This would actually make a lot of sense. In a chase you waste the killers time to let others complete generators. Same applies here, you are wasting the killers time by struggling and should be compensated by getting points to the evader emblem.
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You basically told her to get off the gen before she’s even in the killers TR. I told you that’s not always possible depending what gen you’re on.
It is a valid argument. There are some unsafe/dangerous gens that need to be done otherwise you end up giving the killer a 3 gen strat or playing in to their 3 gen strat.
Its just not as simple as some of you killers think. Survivors in these forums are told “just stealth”, “don’t get caught”. Now give that advice to all 4 survivors in a match. Either way someone will eventually get caught and hooked and some of those killers will facecamp for whatever reason.
Yes it’s up to the survivor to be aware of their surroundings and know the risk they’re taking. But this thread was a complaint about facecamping and some killers will do that no matter what anyway.
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I never said that you don’t experience bugs from the killers perspective? My response was clearly to the people who think getting hooked is always down to a survivor making a mistake, which as I said, isn’t always the case.
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And my response was to you and the people like you, who think game balance should take into account unintended behavior (bugs and exploits).
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We need that "everywhere salt" meme lol
But you are right, camping is like t bagging. Either revenge or the try to tilt the opponent.
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That doesnt solve anything, cause they dont camp you for bloodpoints or kills, they camp you cause you cant do anything against it. Its just their "fun". The solution is to counter the camping right off the bat, like stopping the timer while in certain range (+prerequisite against abuse) and compensating surv in BP and emblempoints.
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I would love to see that meme right now xD ...
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Hook with survival facecamp: 95% slow down bleeding on the hook
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Ok but hook without facecamp 95% faster bleeding on the hook! Fair, ok?