What's the nicest thing a Killer has done for you, and Why?

Kurisataru Member Posts: 460
edited March 2019 in General Discussions

If they gave you a hatch/exit, or avenged you for some cool reason, I'm curious. I have a few instances where the killers either avenged me from sandbagging/vault alerting/toxic teammates or let me escape for some cool reasons like a random instance of sympathy so I'm curious to see what unique experiences others have.


  • nunadventures
    nunadventures Member Posts: 198

    i had a killer let me live because I started messing with them like just walked up to them and stuff.

    i usually try to be nice to survivors who play fair and stuff in comparison if their teammates are being toxic or hotbgarbage in general. Like if a survivor is the last one left and only two gens were done I take them to hatch

  • fluffybunny
    fluffybunny Member Posts: 2,161

    A teammate farmed my in solo play and the killer spared me after downing me, looking at me before running off to get the other person, allowing me to get picked up. I know it sounds small, but most typically take advantage of any lead they can get and it was just really nice. I ended up dying at the end, but I made sure to thank him for his act of mercy.

    Also back when I first started playing, a piggy stayed with me until I could get the hatch. I wasn't expecting her to drop me at the hatch. xD I wasn't the last person. She just felt like being nice and it was really sweet.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942

    This was fairly recent, but I had a match on Auto Haven: Blood Lodge against a Myers. He was kind of wrecking me and my team. During a chase, I somehow was able to 360 him really hard. I wasted my opportunity to get some distance, and Myers downed me. He then let me wiggle out and run away. I don't remember exactly what happened later in the match, however.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    One time there was a Wraith, it was right after his patch so people hadn't figured out his counterplay, I looped him so hard but my teammates were so bad that I was disgusted. He let me get hatch after crushing them.

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    For some reason I had a survivor watch me get hooked, walked up to me, crouched and nodded for a while and then pretended to rescue me a few times (where you grab off the hook but don't follow through).

    The killer felt sympathy, hooked them and gave me the hatch.

    I REALLY want to know what I did to offend the other survivor though but I thought asking them would lead to trouble.

  • Gamzello
    Gamzello Member Posts: 828

    I’ve had a few killers do this already but when they were AFK, after everyone leaves the match; I try to get their attention so they can get at least one hook.

    They always deny and down me either taking me to the exit gates or hatch.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,081
    edited March 2019

    Several things:

    3v1, the guy on the hook killed himself and the other guy DCed. So I was alone with 4 Gens to go. Killer let me do the 2 Gens and searched the Hatch for me.

    One game I got farmed two times by the same guy. Killer downed me, downed him, hooked him. He killed the other person and let me do the last Gen to get the Hatch, because he felt sorry for me.

    And quite recent, during the Moonrise Event: 1 Person dead, I am slugged on the ground, the other two teammates (P3 Claudettes) were stealthing around the whole time. Killer found them, hooked them both and gave me the Hatch, because I was the only one not hiding and not only doing Gens to escape with a Lantern and therefore was basically downed the whole game.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    I had a Michael that let me do two gens while a Dwight stealthed around doing nothing. He killed me when the gates powered, but still pretty cool.

    A clown told me he didn’t tunnel me Bc he said I didn’t bring a flashlight, tunneled the other person though.

    Had a pig take me to hatch Bc I was grouped with a bunch of over altruistic goons that all ended up slugged, and I got them all up, plus did all the gens by myself, they skipped out the exit by the time the pig spotted me and trapped my head.They said I deserved it.

    Honestly met a lot more cool pig killers than others. So I love them.

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985

    Oh I had a match with a spirit and this ace farmed me, so I asked the killer to let him bleed out if they catch him. They obliged.

  • thrawn3054
    thrawn3054 Member Posts: 5,897

    Had a pig give me the hatch after I'd been downed nowhere near it. There were two DC's so I think they felt bad for me.

  • JoannaVO
    JoannaVO Member Posts: 750

    The nicest thing killers have done for me is probably just messing around with me, not all to sweaty or serious but just fun for 15 minutes.

    Also have been given the hatch multiple times after getting farmed off the hook, which I very much appreciated too.

  • 53nation
    53nation Member Posts: 681

    I was in my 4th or 5th survivor game ever. It was in this game that i also found my first flashlight ever. As a killer main, sweet revenge i thought.

    The gates open. I make my way to the gate, and ready myself for one more hit before i escape. What better opportunity to blind the killer!! No it's a billy and he chainsaw'd my ass. I begin to crawl for what's left of my life, only to see him slowly walking the opposite way.

    To this day, im convinced he completely gifted me the crawl escape trophy. What a guy. Hoping to pay that forward at some point.

  • Nos37
    Nos37 Member Posts: 4,142

    Almost every match that I play Jane, the killer will give up chasing an injured survivor and chase me instead even though I'm healthy. Pretty nice of them...

    And we all know why: thicc brings out the thirsty

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Today I had a pig who downed a David he dc’d. (David left at five gens left) She farmed with me and walked out with 10k bp since the others didn’t cooperate. I felt bad for her but she wouldn’t kill me.

  • Saint_Ukraine
    Saint_Ukraine Member Posts: 942


    Gotta stay true to SAW. If you fight for your life, then you deserve your life. (Or something like that; I don't really know)...

  • HeroLives
    HeroLives Member Posts: 1,985
  • TheRockstarKnight
    TheRockstarKnight Member Posts: 2,171

    I'm a Killer Main, but I too have a story:

    Neither of my teammates would work on gens (Ruin) and after being hooked they both killed themselves on first hook. I finished the first generator after they were dead and didn't run away from Billy when he arrived. He took pity on me and let me fix a generator and bonk him with a pallet (his idea, not mine) before carrying me to the Hatch.

  • Robb_Stark
    Robb_Stark Member Posts: 87

    I was about to crawl out through the Exit Gates as Jake. Next to me, there was a Dwight, also in the Dying State. The Killer, a Trapper, had time to pick up only one of us... and he chose to kill the Dwight ! 🤩

    He said he had done this because of two reasons:

    1. He liked my outfit more.
    2. He wanted to take revenge on all the Dwight's as he had seen a video on YouTube in which a Dwight fought and knocked out a Trapper 🤣 ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UShrMJCPHjk )
  • NekoGamerX
    NekoGamerX Member Posts: 5,277

    2 dc or all 3 dc and they let us do all the gen or if it just me 2 gen for the hatch nicest thing I can think of

    as a killer if one DC I normal just farm with the other 3.

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113
  • Plu
    Plu Member Posts: 1,456
    edited March 2019

    Not death-hooking me after being farmed and keeping me alive trough the game (Altho he played like normal, he just left me on the floor) to give me the hatch at the end when he killed everyone else (And mori spammed the farmer)

    It was amazingly wholesome.

  • not_Queef
    not_Queef Member Posts: 820

    Allowing me to farm and escape when the whole team DCs is probably the classic story, but tbh just generally playing fair is the thing that I appreciate more than anything.

    You get unhooked when the killer is near and even though they clearly see you, they go after the unhooker instead.

    God bless those killers (a rare breed).

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
  • HexMoriMeMommy
    HexMoriMeMommy Member Posts: 192

    I have yet to meet a killer that didn't either play like a jerk or focus on four manning.

    Maybe I'm just unlucky but more often than not my "Nicest killers" Show me the hatch before they hook me.

  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    Killers usually help if some b**ch DC'd

  • Mrs_Fairfield
    Mrs_Fairfield Member Posts: 125

    An Amanda player (pig) had everyone dead or DC before a single gen was done to trigger my RBT. When she caught me she dropped me at a generator and helped me finish it by roaring and lunging at one side which was pretty cute. I thought she just wanted the trap activated to kill me for an achievement or lols but she allowed me to walk to a Jigsaw box and nodded that I could try it. When it wasn't the right one she kinda body blocked me against it nodding. I'm still not sure what happened exactly.

    We crouched and nodded at each other while my timer ticked down. Then I remembered I had diversion and threw the rock which she turned to look at and humor me, allowing me to creep away. I crouch walked shirtless, wounded David with a blinking, beeping RBT loudly ticking down and an amused killer creeping behind me to the next box. To my shock and possibly her's and not a second to spare I was free! She immediately downed and re-trapped me then carried me to another generator to repeat the process.

    I was pretty sure she was going to kill me if I ran, wiggled, missed a skill check or just couldn't get a trap off in time. Sometimes she carried me to boxes, sometimes she let me walk to them, sometimes she carried me around random parts of the map like I was getting a tour. But to my suprise, she eventually gave me the hatch.

    All I could think of was him or her doing a Jigsaw voice and saying, "Congratulations. You are still alive. Most people are so ungrateful to be alive. But not you. Not anymore."

  • Dark_Whorse
    Dark_Whorse Member Posts: 45

    He carried me to the hatch after my displays of bravado in rescuing my bread-brained teammates. I had ran him for a bit, and eventually it caught up to me and I got shanked and downed, and decided to just let him take me without a wiggle since everyone else was dead. Ole Myers picked me up, carried me around searching for the hatch, and then dropped me off like a hero.

    And then BHVR's garbage game crashed and I didn't get any of the bloodpoints because it considered me a DC, despite getting to the 'end game' screen. At least Myers should have got the quitter bonus.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,081

    Some Hillbilly let me live yesterday, because he thinks I am cute :3

  • LightsOut88
    LightsOut88 Member Posts: 123
    edited April 2019

    I had a player who kept making terrible hook saves and the killer obviously did not want to tunnel, so after about 3 hook farms the killer completely watched him unhook me, walked straight past me and hounded this kids ass for the rest of the game relentlessly lol. He kept slugging him, and letting him be healed then tunneled him down again and slugged again until he just quit lol. The rest of us just stood by and watched and when the killer was done we all played a normal 3 man game and all scored well, even tho he did kill me lol

    My point is that I appreciate a killer who recognizes how ######### this is and took so much vengeance on our behalf :)

  • asapsinner
    asapsinner Member Posts: 3

    Autohaven map. Doctor.

    Played with my girlfriend who fell asleep during the game.

    Doc killed the other two randos.

    Saw my girlfriend being AFK and descided not to kill me for whatever reason and even dragged my GF to the exit area to let her escape too.

    Reason was that he just wanted to eat cookies not kill us.

    10/10 gained hope for humanity.

  • TheRealDweard
    TheRealDweard Member Posts: 148
    edited April 2019

    I had a killer let me live in a game because one of the survivors were obviously trying to sandbag me into getting killed. It was weird because I did not do anything to get sandbagged. However, the person who was playing Freddy immediately took notice of the toxic behavior and instead of attacking me went for the one sandbagging. That person ended up getting tunneled and killed. In the end game chat the killer turned out to be some streamer. I decided to be kind and sub to the person.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    I am a killer main with Myers but I do have some interesting stories with my SWF buds.

    My girl pal and I ran with a Hillbilly and acted as his followers, we chased him around and he would nod at us, he let us leave through hatch but we let him farm smack us, he didn't want to but that was okay.

    I met one of my best friends through this match, we spawned with only 3 people, a two person squad and some rando, she killed the rando as Freddy, and she would pull us into dream world just to stare at us, we chased her too, but she wanted us to leave, when we finished farming, we tried to get her to hook us in basement even though we could have left, she carried my friend to the gate but I body blocked her from letting it happen, she finally obliged to killing us on the basement hook for those spicy points, now we always play together.

    As a killer? I played ring around the rosie with some survivors as Legion, ran in a circle with them, as a Myers, I just stared at people, not stalking, they would run up to me and I'd slowly looked down at them, all these fun games where survivors don't want to run and do gens and rather be friendly to me.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    A Leatherface let me go because I gave up. My teammates were doing essentially nothing. I was the last one remaining with 4 gens left, he was a good kller so I knew I couldn't escape. He found me while I was working on a gen so I gave up.