Do you think Clementine from the walking dead game would be good in dead by daylight and do you want

Would you like to have Clementine in dead by daylight
No. Telltale sucks for selling their games under the illusion that choices mattered when in fact they mostly led to the same scenarios and I'm glad they finally got defunct.
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I disagree with the previous comment, clementine would be such a good survivor for this game imo
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Lee would, but not clem
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I eat Clementines for breakfast.
Sweet Clementine such a shame for I must pip.
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I would like to see a mature clementine, I mean, a clementine with like 20 years old but you know... now it will be difficult
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I wouldn't mind Clementine. But I would love Lee.
His personal perks would be:
I'll Remember That
Choices Matter
Leave Me Behind
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I'll remember that - any survivors who fail a skillcheck within 12 m of you are highlighted in red for 30/45/60 seconds
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Leave me Behind- forces all the tbaggers at the gates to leave immediately
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That's not fair. Us killers can't hurt clem.
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I'd pay over a typical price for a Clementine DLC, but I probably shouldn't be giving BHVR any ideas.
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It's just a skin, idc.
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Why do people want clem to be a survivor
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Let us first fix this crappy game atm before thinking about overpriced dlc.
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Why not do both?
Lets have a "bug fix update" with Clementine to tide us over until the next big chapter release.
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Mainly because the final season of the TWD game series just ended.
So if it doesn't happen now, it may never happen at all. Plus, she's a very lovable character that many people have been following for 7+ years now, and it would be a dream to see her here in DbD one day.
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@NightmareReborn PM me the ending, I don't want to spoil it for anyone and I am not playing this game
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Clementine is the main character of TWD games BUT I feel like she's too innocent to be an actual survivor. All the survivors kind of have some morbid quality about them that helps them fit into the game. Well morbid might not be the right word, but I think you see what I'm getting at.
Another character, probably Kenny, might fit better. Considering he actually dies (though I never played all TWD games, maybe Clem dies at the end IDK) it seems to make more sense.
I'd be for it, just IDK if Clem is the right pick from the series.
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I'm sort of a forum noob, how do I do that exactly?
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@NightmareReborn, press my username and type it in comment
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Choices is not the main reason people played their games.
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Then what, pray tell, was the reason? Aside from the garbo engine they kept using? They got lucky with TWD S1 but only started caring about changing the IP while milking the same formula. Good riddance I say.
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I really liked the story well painted graphics(seemed like a living comic book) and many people were paying for the good story of some titles. I really enjoyed The wolf among us, tales from the borderlands( my favourite), Monkey island , Sam and Max, TWD even though season 3 was garbage especially at the end. No other game movie book could give me the same feelings.
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No. How she will be able to run away from the killer with only one leg?
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She could just get the leg back, or she could get a prosthetic leg (which opens up many options for cosmetics).
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Lee too, He can take his arm back with no matter he cut it off or ignored that bit.
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Lee and Clementine are definitely the two biggest choices from the series.
I personally prefer Clementine over Lee, mainly because I feel that she's slightly more unique.
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Agree with everything you said here!
I've been playing videogames for about 10 years now, and the TWDG series has been the only game to make me care about its characters so much.
EDIT: Typo
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Dont know her...
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Oh... :(
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Imo Clementine wouldn't be a good fit, I'd say maybe Lee or even Kenny would fit into the game better.