My opinion on Legion after playing them for 15 games (including SWF)

Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

First things first: All 15 games were either 3ks (hatch) or 4ks. Only 4 survivors disconnected in all those games combined.

Having played DBD for thousands of hours I'm obviously used to all the mindgames and letting survivors go if they're looping strong map structures etc.

There's only very few killers in the game that can chase down survivors efficiently no matter how good they loop and where they are. Legion is one of those cases.

What I realized however is: Frank's mixtape is necessary.


It's the only way to have a chance to win against decent survivors "the fair way" (no camping no tunneling).

On my first game (rank 5 currently) I got a 4k and 3-hooked ALL survivors WITHOUT tunneling. So everyone got tons of bloodpoints, I maxed out on every category and thus double pipped and so did (probably) all the survivors.

So even though they died (it was a close game [1 gen]) everyone had a chance to play a "proper" game.

Everyone got unhooks, everyone got gens and everyone got chased equally meaning it was most likely less frustrating than playing against my snowballing instasaw Billy - right?

If you play Legion "without" Frank's mixtape however you're sort of forced to tunnel down specific survivors because chases take too long due to 110% ms.

I have tried these builds so far:

- short cooldown (one hit in frenzy and one hit without frenzy)

- longer frenzy (to get as many chain-hits as possible)

- faster frenzy (to get small chain-hits [2 survivors] and catch up quickly)

- frank's mixtape + susie's mixtape (allowing me to chase any survivor "directly")

Out of these builds Frank's mixtape allowed me to play the least sweaty way because I knew I can always just go for the survivor I find and don't need to kill "the first survivor as quickly as possible".

So while it sucks it's almost impossible to beat a Frank's mixtape Legion in a chase I still consider it the most fair way of "playing Legion efficiently" for the reason above.

IF Legion's Frenzy was a lot faster and had a longer duration (approx. 148% and 10 sec frenzy base) they'd probably be decent without Frank's mixtape but as of now they're only strong with Frank's mixtape in my opinion.
