Newish killer - Help with the Pig please.

So I am fairly new at playing a killer as I've said in a recent post a few days ago, and I really wanted to move from the wraith to a killer that looked more fun and challenging the pig.

I did do my homework and kind of got the understanding that stealth shouldn't be used 100% of the time, run to gens and try to stand and grab before terror radius starts, save two bear traps for last gen or exit gates open, and only use ambush for loop pallets mainly.

I'm trying all of the above, I may just be a noob killer because I miss 75% of my swings, I cant really figure out best how to utilize the ambush during loops, and overall just not sure how I should be playing to be more effective.

Any pig mains or experienced pigs share some advice about your playstyle? Most of my research came from reddit and watching some youtube players, but the hands on feel vs what I'm seeing feels a lot different.

Thank you


  • ShyN3ko
    ShyN3ko Member Posts: 1,616

    Ok some things.

    Reverse beartraps is just luck.

    The survivors find the key in the first jigsaw box or they just die.

    90% of the addons are useless.

    The ambush only work on short loops.

    You can have more skill than the survivors, but you can still lose without 1 kill.

    The perk builds are funny.

    My "I hate adrenalin" perk build:

    -Make your choice



    -Sloppy Butcher

    So Im a pig main.

    But you cant play with the basic idea from this abilities.

    The reverse beartraps should slow the game down.

    But it doesnt work.

    Sooooo just try out perk builds.

    Sometimes you win,sometimes you lose.

  • Demoneulf7926
    Demoneulf7926 Member Posts: 5

    I agree that the reverse bear trap is just for slowing the game down and to save some for end game. Also that the add one are hot garbage, except for the ultra rares.

    I stealth around quite a bit and get hits off gens as long as I can approach where they can’t see me.

    TrueTalent has some good Pig videos you should check out to give you some ideas, if you haven’t already.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    If you feel like using Play with your Food, it's easy to get them with Pig if you spam crouch, Sloppy Butcher, Thanatophobia, Monitor and Abuse, blah blah any stealth or game slowing build work, Save the Best for Last is fun too, anything works.

  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @Eight If you're still active a fellow Pig player could use your help.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited April 2019

    If you are new to killer, Pig is not for you. She excels at mind games, not utylizing it will put you at a disadvantage.

    Start with Trapper or Leatherface. This is good advice, trust me.

    However if you want to play Pig so badly there are helpful vids on YT. I have one tip of my own. With whispers and monitor and abuse you know that survivor is on gen outside your terror radius so you start crouching as whispers go on. HOWEVER you don't need 2 perks to do this. Simply don't level whispers past tier 2 on Pig. Enjoy.

    Edit: She is good at late game, saving at least 2 traps until all gens are done and having noed is very strong on her. Especially with whispers. Don't put traps on people dead on hook (unless you plan on leaving them on the ground as bait).