''I dc against any viable killer''

Basically we came to a point where any non-loopable killer is considered not fun to play against and dc'ing against them is completly fine. What a #########-show this game have become.
Leave then
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If they DC enough they will get banned, it's just about waiting
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legion isn't viable though
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At the moment, a part of the player base seems to have a "dc mentality" where they just leave when they don't like how the match is going.
dc'ing for no valid reason is a bannable offense and I really hope that the devs soon take measures. There are too many dc's and it's hurting the fun immensely.
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Yea but let's completely ignore all the deranking killers who DC and bot or just flat out lobby dodge any item whatsoever , the bias on this forum is real I'm a 50/50 killer and survivor player and you're absolutely right what a ######### ######### show the game AND this forum have become
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I've read profiles of killer mains on ps4 saying they'll DC if cheap perks are used or "weird map offerings."
Considering there is 4 survivors for 1 killer per game, you're going to see more survivor DCs. Especially when if one decides to DC it can often make getting 5 gens done incredibly difficult.
If a survivor DCs in a match I think the other 3 should have the option to leave the match without penalty. But if they stay then they get a BP or shard bonus.
And yes killers should get larger BP bonuses for survivor DCs too.
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most dbd streamers instantly dc against legion,nurse even big ones, i didnt see any of them getting banned
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I will dc only if:
- I get the wiggle bug (._.)
- the killer is exploiting in some way
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Wait what?
We have viable Killers?
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Just adapt, play Freddy 4head!!1!!11
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I dc only if: The killer is making the game unplayable for me, for example targeting only me for no apparent reason or blocking me so that I can do nothing but stand there, or something IRL happens.
One example for the first reason happened two days ago. I was the first to be found, a good 2 mins of chase, put on hook, for some reason only 1 gen done, I get saved by an Adam, as soon as I'm on the ground the heartbeat starts, I hide, Adam is injured, runs towards me, I start running, killer sees me, completely avoids Adam even tho he was closer, downs me, puts me on hook again, goes away, Adam saves me again, we run away, the heartbeat comes back four seconds later, we both hide behind something, the killer is coming, he clearly knows where we are but he's going to find Adam first, he sees Adam, Adam starts running, the killer avoids him knowing I'm there, downs me, I DC because I literally did nothing but run and staying on hook.
I was probably just salty but I was so pissed.
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I thought the chase was the fun part of the game.
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I have list of dcing can'ts. Morried on sight
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So you'd rather have been sitting on generators for 2 minutes? You can't have it both ways if you can't win the chase.
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Then we would have some of beloved streamers banned unless unable to do blablette vs x killer or lagy game is a valid reason
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I would rather not be tunneled so I can do something to help my team. The chase alone doesn't give enough bloodpoints. I play to have fun and level up my characters, an ideal match for me is one in which I do a bit of everything.
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Legion is the most hateful because he bugs chases to down people, which is frustrating.
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pls no dc uwu i just want to apply 28 stab wounds owo
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Actually people DC against killers without anything against loops such as Plague too. So it's really just "If I see a killer I DC"
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And Killers Do it if their ruin goes off too fast, they get looped too long, the map doesnt fit or - my favorite - they just dodge the lobby infinitely til there are only solo survs on low ranks with low gameplay hours.
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I don't get it. Why are people DCing against a killer who is tunneling you? I personally love when a killer does it on me, seriously. 100% constant action, mindgames, juke attempts, adrenalin kicking in if the killer is skilled etc.
Most fun part of playing survivor. Maybe it's just my "experienced" mindset that doesn't understand why survivors complain about tunneling killers.
I personally think it's more boring if the a killer tunnels.. Your mates. Cuz that's the situation when you hold M1 the whole match.
Makes sense right? What do you prefer more @Orion, a killer who tunnels you or a killer who tunnels your mates or a killer who goes for everyone and tunnels noone?
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Maybe we should start letting survivors see what killers they are versing in the lobby and let them dodge if they don't like it.. Its only fair if killers can do it too right?
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survivors DC at 10x the rate of killers, stop kidding yourself
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It would be fair, yes. But not good at all. It is already sad that Killers can cherrypick their Games, this should not happen with Survivors too. Because one side can do this Bullshit does not mean that both sides should do that.
It is not only viable Killers. Today I had DCs of Teammates vs:
Doctor-->two DCs, probably not SWF. Both DCed when they were downed.
Wraith-->after a quite long chase the Survivor got caught in a locker, DCed. But at least he wasted some Pallets so that we dont have to take care for them...
Pig in a 3v1..>Got downed, got his Trap-->DC. The other Survivor and myself were free2go
And I had two times the Killer DC. One time right after all Gens were down and the Exit Gates were almost open. And one time when the Map was Haddonfield (no Map Offering used).
It is ridiculous, for both sides. The Haddonfield DC was the most painful. Because before that I was not able to find any Lobby. Had to wait long at one point, got into bad Ping Lobbies, got dodged 4 times in a row... and when I finally find a game, the Killer DCs. Nice.
I dont blame anyone for DCing vs Legion, I feel the same all the time when facing him. But DCing because of a mediocre Killer or because of a Map... Or just to deny the Survivors the last 5k points... Not cool.
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Kind of like lobby dodging when a few survivors bring a toolbox or items they don't want to verse.. Or a couple of claudettes.. Or some P3 clothing.. Or just the name of a survivor they don't like.
Survivors don't have this option. They have to play whatever bull ######### is in front of them..
From what i can tell in your post, you say it would be fair for both sides to see what they are up against.. But just no.. Because unexplainable reasons?
Survivors can no longer see the loadout of the killer once the game ends, Cannot see what killer they are versing before the game starts..
Killer can see the names of the survivors, which survivor is which, and the items they bring in.
Not fair at all.. so no changes should be made to even it out?
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@CornChip you sound so entitled there. Every survivor is the same + you can change name every second. This gives killer no advantage, unless its 4 man flashlight so he can consider using lighborn. This is supposed to be horror experience, survival should feel like achievement. This is why i don't play survivor often, its just boring and easy. Most dangerous killers are other survivors, not killers themselves. Exceptions beeing nurse mains.
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Are you kidding me bloke? Starting out with an insult when i'm trying to raise what i feel are valid points which could be contributing to the dcing epidemic. Entitled is such a ######### overused insult anyway. Try something witty and original for once.
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@CornChip I did not start with insult, i simply stated that you sounded very entitled there.
You would like to see what killer you are against, and this is not reasonable request. Playing survivor is already very easy. Just git gud and stop wasting time and perkslots. Focusing gens and wearing kindred alone ends the game in about 6 minutes. With all 4 perks its 4 minutes. Having ability to see what killer you are about to face is very silly. You would face only Hillbilly and Nurse because every other killer has perk that makes them almost useless. Wraith has object, pig premonition, Freddy self care or adrenaline, Leatherface any sprint perk, doc calm spirit, spirit iron will, legion no mither. Everyone is stealthable tbh. This turns every stealth killer into just M1 killer. Why bother and not just play only Billy or Nurse in this situation? They have counters too, but are most versitile.
Now i wait for at least one of your valid points.
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First of all that is an insult.. I'm not saying that survivors should see everything a killer has.. I am merely trying to show that survivors do not have the option to lobby dodge.
They have to play what they face.. Killers do not.
Unfair? Yes
Yes there are perks that negate killers powers. There are also perks that negate survivors items. Fair that one can plan accordingly and the other can't? No
Should survivors be able to see the name of the killer to avoid the ones that purposely play toxic like killers can do to survivors? I think yes.
Should survivors have an option to lobby dodge or opt out of playing a killer they don't want to verse like legion or nurse by having an option to? I don't know.. It would definately bring down the dc rate though.
Btw saying git gud and playing survivor is very easy and spewing out some numbers of game times because you are a bad killer are not valid points.
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16 perks vs 4. Is this fair to you? @CornChip
Edit: this would also render most killers useless due to stuff i pointed out before.
Also if that's insult for you, maybe you should actually find better things to do than finding things you can be offended by...
Edit2: Of course it is easier to whine than actually looking at own mistakes and actually learning something. Why do you think Freddy was nerfed?
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Im done talking to you. I am actively trying to participate in a topic of conversation. You seem to be baiting for a reaction. bye
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No 4k = dc
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I prefer a game where I get bloodpoints
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Players that dc on either side need to go play a mobile game or something with a difficulty setting, cherry picking for ez mode is pathetic.
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Survivor main here.
Getting chased is fun for sure.
My main problem with being tunneled is the amount of BPs you get once the game is over.
Getting tunneled and looping the killer for 5 gens starts to become boring after a while.
They should seriously fix mid tiers killers tho,its too easy to loop them .
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@LCGaster Regarding your example: The killer didn't make the game unplayable for you (like bodyblocking you in a corner), he simply tunneled you. That's in no way a reason to dc.
If you hate getting tunneled that much, bring tools that help you (perks, add-ons) and play SWF. Much harder for a killer to tunnel you that way.
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Most DC so far: Nurse, Billy, Legion and Plague(Because her black googoo too spooky even she weak)
Keep in mind that IF I'm playing survivor, these dc are forcing me to play 1on1 with 5 gens and waste my item
Banning should be rework
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Basically, to give both sides the same "powers" pre-game would be fair, yes. But I consider it Bullshit that Killers can dodge because of a Toolbox or paid cosmetics (yes, someone here mentioned it that he will dodge if more than one Survivor has paid Cosmetics..). And only because one side can do that, there is no need that this Bullshit is enforced even more.
I would prefer that neither side would get this information. At least names should be hidden.
And well... You can see the Killers Loadout after the game. You just need to wait until it is finished. Which is completely fine, to use your logic: The Killer also only sees the Survivors Loadout (in term of Perks) after the game.
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I agree in large with what you have posted. I only want this game to be fair and balanced for everyone playing it. It annoys me a bit when a bunch of killers keep dodging and dodging lobbies to cherrypick the survivors they get to face.
I wish survivors could blacklist a killer or two and have a warning pop up in the campfire saying hey this is a killer you don't like.. would you like to dodge now?
Or maybe a rep system where you give the killer a score after the match. In the lobby you can only see the score of the killer like a rep sort of thing. And the score you see would only be made from your own rep given to the killer over time. Every survivor would have their own score.
Im just trying to think of ways to balance out the fairness a bit.
Hey thanks for chatting with me about this @Aven_Fallen :)
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Survivors used to be able to click on the killers profile. Guess what happened? They dodged the lobby if they knew the killer/didn’t like profile etc. So it was changed to where survivors couldn’t look at killers profiles.
Ive said before the same now needs to happen on survivor side. Make it so the killer can’t click the survivors name at the campfire to access their profile. Killers use it to dodge hours played/swf etc etc. There is absolutely no reason a killer should have access to a survivors profile at that point. I get seeing the survivor at the campfire so you can equip FD or whatever. Or dodge because you don’t want to deal with items, though I mostly disagree with that.
With regards to item dodging, the only time I excuse it is if there are 4 toolboxes, though you don’t know their rarity. I believe the game needs a mandatory secondary objective or something so I understand dodging 4 toolboxes. But dodging because of names/profiles/clothing/1-2 items is just cherry picking.
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I love to get survivors that pissed. Good for the killer in the history
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You must change that profile image right now. You are not one of us ;-)
Not knowing the killer is part of the fun. It would not be so scary to see, for example, that you are about to face Hag so everyone equips a flashlight.
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Wanting to know what killer you're facing before the game is such a ridiculous request I can't even
Some killers rely 100% on the surprise factor for the early game (Myers). Some get completely ######### by items (Hag).
On the killer side, some perks get commpletely useless if you don't see the items you're facing beforehand, such as Lightborn or Franklin's.
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I prefer playing solo.
And I know the killer just tunneled me that's why I said I was probably just salty. It was not a good day already, I probably shouldn't have been playing in the first place.
A lot of ######### has been going on recently.
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I don't really want to know the killer and i agree that it would ruin the experience of the game.. I was just trying to think outside the box so survivors could see what they are up against before the game started.. a survivor dodging the lobby is alot better than dcing after the game starts.. thats all i was thinking about :)
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If survivors could see which killer they were facing it'd skew the game in their favor immensely. Most Killers have a survivor perk that counters their Powers to some extent.
The most a killer can get from seeing the survivors is knowing what Type of items they have, That's it. If you think Franklin's or lightborn give the killer an unfair advantage I don't know what to tell you.
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Read my above post