Dcing should, for all intents and purposes, equal a sacrifice

Help killers pip.
Help killers get bbq stacks.
Stick it to nasty salty survivors who don’t have the stones to get hooked.
@pemberley I like this.
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If killers get something then the survivors who actually stick around should get a little something too.
They’re the ones that still have to get gens done a man (or two) down.
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@FreyatheKind What would you suggest then? For each survivor that DCs a random generator is instantly repaired?
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That would be far too easy, and too easily exploitable.
Maybe a small quitter bonus at the end for survivor, killers already have one.
I personally rather the small bloodpoints I do get rather than a disconnect 0, even if the match is stacked against me.
But then there’s the whole Pip Issue you gotta deal with at the end. It’s a mess with no right answer no matter how you spin it when it comes to that =\
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And a BBQ&C stack.
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I just wish they'd put in a small passive amount of BPs for people that stick around to the end...that and just increase the damn Bloodpoint values/numbers. We get so few Double BP Events that scraping by on some frequent DCing issues means so few BPs and more of a grind.
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I think survivors who stick around need a little extra something like a bp bonus at the end like how killer get. This is because sometimes the survivor gets put at a disadvantage too.
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I would suggest that first the game should develop a system that detects swf
Then any dc rewards SOLO players with the dc’s would be blood points. Swf should be exempt because they can go suck a cactus with their exploitive abusive behavior.
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Half the killer dont even deserve that particular hook, cause they played toxic. Thats the problem, which can only be solved by removing the possibility of toxic gameplay. Then you can compensate killers where halfassed survs dc because of nothing.
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Honestly feel the game should be more score based rather than ranking.
Would be easier to punish disconnects without harshly punishing those who disconnect due to a bug, or losing their internet.
Devs could even tier that with a multiplier for constant disconnects.
Would be my idea for a pip solution.
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agreed and it now can take away pips from you which is really annoying
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You dont need to suck up something which can be easily "fixed".