Are we DBD addicts?

So many negative posts on this forum. Buff this, Nerf that, the game is broken etc. Yet here we are back for more. I myself included. I've had many frustrating matches, raged a few times, yet still had some fun in between. So what keeps bringing you back to The Fog??
Probably the fact that this game does not get old. Also its very grindy and gives me a ton of things to keep busy with. Also the developers update consistently and care more than most developers of different horror games.
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Game has it's own charm and is very niche, wich i guess is pretty much why we get so angry about it, wanting to see it being a "better balanced" game i suppose, at least that's how i feel about it, because i know that some only like it for the bully simulator it is when you get good enough in a SWF team.
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I am indeed addicted. I love this game! 😜
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You are right it is extremely negative. I liken it to the Matrix where the world that was constructed for the humans was not made as a paradise as deep down as humans we actually want struggle, pain, grief and tears.
"Did you know that the first Dbd was designed to be a perfect game world where none suffered, where everyone would be happy? It was a disaster. No one would accept the program. Entire crops were lost. Some believed that we lacked the programming language to describe your "perfect game". But I believe that, as a species, human beings define their reality through misery and suffering. So the perfect game was a dream that your primitive cerebrum kept trying to wake up from."
Attributed to M.Cote.
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It was clearly addiction for me. I would keep playing even though I had zero fun.
Sometimes I'd start the game and be like: "Killer or Survivor? Killer gonna be frustrating as #########.... Survivor is boring.... Ah ######### it let's go Killer!".
I already knew chances are low that I'd actually enjoy the matches but I still played. Good thing I realized that it only lead to me being triggered af. (maybe also tendencies to masochism that I wasn't aware of 😂)
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The updates are what keeps me around.
People say bhvr does nothing but every month or two we get a big update that changes a lot about the game.
Never more than 3 months without new characters/lore/perks and a map now.
Plague was my favorite new addition and got me super excited for the future of DbD.
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this is the only game that makes me feel like a predator and its actually the most balanced game when compared to others such as white noise 2 or Friday the 13th. nothing is more satisfying than perfectly predicting survivors and outplaying them or getting a perk combo to work out.
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To be absolutely honest with you man. You're absolutely right this game and the Forum is an addiction.
When it absolutely comes down to it I believe this entire game is nothing more than a giant social experiment because you're looking at different walks of life play a game and for some reason even though there are survivors and there are killers that make the game go around the funny thing is...
It literally turns into a war of survive with friends vs Solo vs killer.
It's absolutely hilarious yet the most depressing thing you'll ever really see
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Of course everyone here is addicted. Nobody who complains to the extremity that most here do would still be on this game if they were not addicted to it.
Its why you should take most of the 'I am leaving the game' threads with a grain of salt. They are just hot air.
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Been on the forums more than the actual game, mostly just reading and responding here and there.
I can't bring myself to want to play the game anymore. Not for the last month or so.
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I come back because of how fun this game is, even with the issues, so I try to help with balance issues, report bugs when found, etc
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I love and hate this game.
I complain about something every match and play it everyday.
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What keeps me coming back is that, I've always wanted a game where o could play as a killer or monster and chase people around. This game is what brought it to me. Other games like Friday the 13th or Last Year did it too, but not as well, it just didn't feel right, something was off, but I think BHVR did the killer role really well, despite the many frustrating issues it comes with
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Im absolutely addicted to DBD. I have played for 2 years and made it to rank 1 as both killer and survivor. I have dealt with this games ups and downs through thick and thin! I have loved and hated it. I have had times where even the idea of playing killer stresses me out but I cant stop myself from trying. It is a drug to me lol. Ive quit and come back, quit and come back. This game is awesome and I am learning to let go of the try hard attitude and just learn to try out different things and have fun, win or lose. I have even started having more regular good games with this attitude and its much more fun. Now I enjoy my addiction rather than fight with it at least lol
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Thanks for the feedback so far...all good stuff!
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I will stop playing when I have P3'd everyone and unlocked all of the perks for each character. So in other words, I'll never stop playing.
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It's my favorite multiplayer addiction. I love the feel of it, the visuals, the strategies, and the fun I have with my friends despite all of the bugs, imbalances, and annoyances introduced with each patch. The only thing that's killing the fun for me currently, and I'm sure for many others, is the DC epidemic. It's sad when a game dies due to loss of interest, but its even worse when it dies due to the poor sportsmanship of juvenile and petty players, and I hate that my favorite game is going down like this. I'm toughing it out and still playing regardless in hopes for better days ahead because of my addiction, but don't know for how much longer if nothing is done to get this crap under control. Overall a Great game that's loads of fun when you have a full match where nobody DC's, but sad that it's dying because 9 out of 10 games have DC'ers these days.
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Yes I am. If DbD were alcohol or tobacco, I would be dead right now :-S
No regrets though ;-)
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I feel like I am in an abusive relationship with the game.