Who have you P3'd?
I have set the grindy goal of P3ing every single character in the game, and it made me wonder what survivors and killers have you guys P3'd so far.
At this moment I only have Claudette P3 (no, I'm not a Blendette), and I almost have Tapp at P3. All my other survivors (except Jane, Laurie, Quentin, and Ash) are about lvl 50, so they're on the edge of P1. On Killer, I have Pig at P1, and I am slowly leveling up the others for their teachables.
So far only David. Will be doing Ash next. I only play for about 10 hrs/week tops so it takes time.
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Meg and Claudette will probably p3 all of my survivors though.
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For survivors : Feng Min (Either Ash or Dwight will be next)
For killers : Spirit, Wraith, Hillbilly, Doctor, Huntress, Myers & Legion.
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Meg, Legion, Feng, Laurie
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Only my claudette. And no I am not a blendette neither, I prestiged her because she is my main survivor and I like the badge.
Kate, david are on p1
Jeff is on p2
I wanted to prestige my leatherface but I didn't go with that way.
If they reduce the grind, I might prestige some of my survivors and killers though.
Right now, I rather have every perk in every character than some bloody clothes.
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@DavidKing Yeah, I don't get much play time either.
Shame you only get 10 hours though.
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P3 - Dwight, Nurse (Legacy 3), Myers, Spirit.
P2 - Huntress
I've come to the realization that P3'ing characters is a massive waste of time.
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Tell me about it, some weeks I can only play sunday nights. The grind is brutal.
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Quentin and Spirit are P3-50. Clown is P2. Legion and Kate are P1.
My current focus is to get Clown to P3. Then Kate. Then Legion. However, I will still wait a bit on Legion because I would like to unlock some teachables first. Kate is barely level 15, so mostly crappy perks.
Once those are done, I will consider doing it for Feng, Doctor and Plague (hopefully buffed by then).
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Legion and Ace, going for David and Trapper next
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Kate and Spirit P3-50
Nea and Feng P1-50
Ash just started
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I’m currently working on Jane since I decided she’s going to be my main and therefore get all the perks.
I haven’t decided if I am going to prestige my other survivors like David, Nea, and Claudette because with the exception of Claudette I dislike their default bloody clothes - and I feel dirty considering leveling Claudette. I would have prestiged Nea if her flannel was bloody, but alas.
I main Freddy and am seriously considering prestiging him since he’s my main killer and I don’t use cosmetics on him like I do with Victorian Doc. I might give Michael a bloody knife.
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Every killer besides Hag (cuz don't like her) and Plague (cuz new and no motivation to play much).
And from survivors side the first 7 in the selection order
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Every killer besides Hag and Huntress because i refuse to prestige them. (I have moonlight offerings and old yellow/brown map ones on them)
And Claudette. Claudette is the only survivor i level past base 50 she has all perks
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Doctor, but only because P3'ing increases the amount you get of uncommon (yellow) add-on's in a way that is noticeable, and Doctor is weird in that he has 7 in that category, but I'm only after an abundance of 2 of them: Calm 2 and Order 2. Otherwise P3 is pretty useless on increasing the rate for getting Rare (green) or Very Rare (purple) add-on's as it has little to no effect on the amount of those you get in bloodwebs, and having the character get a bloody cosmetic just isn't enough incentive to P3 them.
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P3: Claudette, Kate, Quentin, Hag, Myers, and Spirit.
P2: Feng, Nea, Adam, Doctor, and Plague
P1: David, Dwight, Wraith, Trapper, and Pig
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P3 Trapper,Freddy,Kate (bae) ,Claudette,Meg.
P2 Pig,Feng
P1 literally everyone else except Jeff,Ash,Jane,Billy,Huntress
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P3: Legion, Doctor, Huntress, Jake, and Quentin
P2: Nobody
P1: Trapper, Wraith, Myers, Claudette
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David and Jane.
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Only Michael Myers for several reasons. He's the killer I main, I love his P3 look, and I wanted the achievements.
I don't like the prestige look at all on survivors.
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@DwightsLifeMatters @Bbbrian2013 Damn, that must have taken a long time.
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So far only Jake. Now I'm going for Wraith and then Trapper
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David and trapper
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Everyone except The Plague, Jane, and Ash.
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All survivors, except the new dude. Wraith, Pig, Leatherface and Trapper P2
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Pig. That’s it.
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@KillerRaccoon How long have you been playing DbD?
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Survivor: Everyone Except Ash, Nea, Bill and Laurie.
Killer: Spirit, Wraith, Hillbilly and Huntress.
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Only Dwight rn. I’m planning to p3 the new survivor atm!!
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Everyone other than Jane and Ash.
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P3-50: Meg, Feng, Kate
P2: Claudette
P1: Pig
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On XBOX, Claudette and that's it. I realised how useless it was.
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Feng, Kate, later Jane and Spirit.
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note: any character i Prestiged is also maxed out on all Perks / will be shortly (due to the release of the new Killer. Im working on it)
- Trapper
- Wraith
- Hillbilly
- Shape
- Cannibal
- Doctor
- Nightmare
- Clown
- Spirit
- Claudette (does not have every available Survivor perk, but has all i unlocked)
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I started playing just before A Lullaby for the Dark was released.
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Currently only Ace ^_^
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None so far. I haven't decided yet which one. Probably will be a SV. Killers get all the perks and that's it. I possibly will do Ash.
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Spirit, Plague, and Kate.
AKA The Sexy Bitches Club
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P3: Meg, Claudette, and Wraith
P2: Kate
P1: Huntress
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Dwight is my only p3 character with all perks.
Claudette is p2, I prestiged her twice before I even knew what prestige does. She's stuck on p2 for ages now :p
If they add better prestige rewards then I'll probably prestige more characters, for now, I don't think it's worth the grind, especially p3.
Takes a lot of time.
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I have p3'd Freddy, Legion, and Pig. I'm currently working on my Spirit. Clown is at p1 but I only did it to reset him, I didn't like his current perks
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Claudette, David, Ace and Quentin. I've P1'd all other survivors and most killers except the ones I play a lot (Wraith, MM, Doctor) because I have all teachable unlocked and I'm not looking to prestige anyone else until they significantly reduce the grind. Claudette is P3 with all perks in the game. Even killer ones. ;)
EXCEPT for Ash because I'm going for that end of Evil Dead look.
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I've P3 level 50 all of the killers. For the survivors I have Caludette, Nea, David, and Kate.
I think I might do Jane, not sure.