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Hillbilly PS4 Tips?

Member Posts: 2,582

So in lieu of MoM becoming meta, I'm gonna take a break from Hag and Spirit and move on to someone who isn't nearly as impacted by MoM. Thing is I'm garbage with Billy and not sure how well a lot of tips translate to console play, so I'm wondering if any console Billy players have any insight to share. I'm rank 1 regularly and got most perks unlocked btw. Builds and tips both greatly appreciated!

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  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Found that tinkerer and bitter mumur is a great combo for Billy combine that with silent chain saw and spiked boots can be really good to apply pressure and of you don't make it bitter mumur will show you where to chainsaw to, enduring is great while learning to help with stuns from objects also pallets stuns could combo with spirt fury really well.

    Will take awhile to adjust to Billy tho but I hope you have fun good luck 🙂

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Also be brave you can graze by more objects than you can 🙂 think it's all about learning him I play on ps4 and enjoy Billy I don't have any issues compared to nurse with frame rates or stuff like that it's just a learning curve but he can be very fun. It's just learning what you can make with a chainsaw or not. I don't think the pigs dash is effected by mom and I play miss pig alot is very fun play. I think they plan to change mom tho so every killer will get effected by mom so yeah but I hope you have fun with Billy for the time being.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Thanks that's useful! And yeah afaik hag currently doesn't proc MoM after a teleport but they're looking at fixing that and I figure I'd like to be prepared.

  • Member Posts: 1,158

    Feels bad tho don't go up against alot of hags on ps4 even before mom it's a damn shame also will kill the hag cosmetic coming also even though I'm not that impressed by it tbh

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Yeah frankly the new cosmetic looks.... bad. Especially in contrast to mud medusa which is my favorite skin in the game

  • Member Posts: 49

    Hillbilly base kit will probably be one slow down perk such as ruin or PGTW, one tracking perk like BBQ and chili or bitter murmur, enduring and a perk of your choice given that some perks like bamboozle or monitor and abuse works really well on him, each on their own way. Then I recommend you to use the browns charge time and recovery time ad ons first as they are easy to get and allows you to use the chainsaw at certain loops.

    To chainsaw threw the map, imagine yourself driving a car, look in front of you to the horizon, this way you'll see obstacles before they come too close and adapt your pacing. It's also really good to spot survivor in the distance. While sprinting with no obstacles near by, take the time to look at the environment to gather informations on the display of the map or to spot someone wondering around (M&A is a great perk to help you do that). Remember that the outside of the map usually has less object in the way making it easier to travel. When searching for survivor, take a road that allows you to check multiple gens in one sprint.

    Lending a close distance chainsaw on a good survivor requires you to be right on their back or else they'll probably juke you by switching direction or 360's which are harder to follow with a pad (practice will do wonder to counter that).

    Finally, learn to use the chainsaw at loops. You can curve around objects. Loops with trees at the hedge are great to do so by using the natural curve of the object. Also learn to fake the chainsaw to bait the survivor to do another loop. If they drop the pallet, rave your chainsaw and start moving out of the loop. That way, if they run, you don't brake the pallet and chainsaw right at them. If they stay at the loop take an angle to break the pallet (you don't need to be in a straight line to break it).

    That's all that comes to my mind right now, if you have any questions I'll answer it gladly.

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