Do you go easy on new survivors?

So it seems like a lot of people go really easy on newer players to make their game more fun. Do you personally do that, and why do you or do you not?
I personally don't because of four key reasons.
1. It's not my job to make other people's games fun
2. I'm trying to progress, and going easy on them takes points from me
3. They need to learn to play against good players to get good themselves
4. They hinder their teams progress by failing skillchecks, breaking pallets, etc.
I treat everyone (both sides) as though they are at a good skill cap and I go easy on no one.
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I dont tryhard and I play "fair" as Killer.
Everyone deserves a good experience especially newbies
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@SuperRavenSn1per I didn't Friday night, but as I mentioned in the other thread we replied to each other in, in hindsight I sure as hell should have.
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If I know I totally out class a group, I'll show some class and be more sporting. Crushing them like I was clubbing baby seals does not go well with my honor nor does it grow the game for new players.
Why this thread anyway? Looking for justification or agreement for something you're going to do anyway is pointless.
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I give them hatch, if they're completely clueless, I give them more chances.
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Is it mean that I like to toy with new survivors so I can get more BPs? Of course I'll eventually try to kill them but it's fun!
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I’m not that great on a killer. But yes I go easier on them/give them the hatch. I know they have to learn but they also should have fun so they continue to play. Plus I just like playing ‘fair’. I played scummy before and never really enjoyed myself. Sure I lose games but I win some too and I enjoy myself most of the time.
I especially go easy if I completely outskill the survivor group or see one or two I outskill. I pretend I don’t notice them or will leave them injured and chase another nearby. I still hook them but I give them more of a chance.
I kind of feel in this game, how do you learn to juke/end chases etc? The only way is watching good teammates or streamers/videos. Players are just thrown into the game, even if they do the tutorial it teaches the very basics of what the buttons do. It’s usually pretty easy to tell if a new player is in the match.
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I only play how i want to play, i don't even think about how experienced they might be.
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I don't let baby survivor farm, cuz it's boring for me and probably for the aswell. If I notice these are probably rank 15 survivors I will reduce my slugging play and pick up downed survivors even if I know where everyone is. It gives both sides more points and fun and I also can train on them some techniques like curving on new tiles (but they usually can't even loop lol) and in general go for m2 even if they are injured.
Sometimes I give last one hatch cuz some baby megheads or baby dwights are to cute.
But that's it tho, other than that I pretty much play normal, no matter what.
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I play nice if they're obviously new survivors. Reason being I want new players to join the game because we need them right now. I don't get new players often though do to being at high ranks and not really noticing until the end of the match, then I feel bad
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I play fair. Especially if they seem new. I used to go all out for the 4k and finish the game asap, but that's not really fun. As long as the survivors aren't trying to imitate ochido I will always let some go, I don't mind being looped or having a long chase that's the best part of the game for killer and survivor. If survivor's bring party streamers, I won't farm but I won't put them on the death hook either unless their being toxic.
I've had games when playing survivor solo where maybe 3 people bring party streamers and the killer would go out of their way to face camp and tunnel survivor's, I just don't understand.
There's 5 human beings in each game, there's something wrong with you if you're going out of your way to make that a miserable experience for others, just imo
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i usually do.
when i see a survivor who cant stealth, run or even repair properly, i try to lay my focus on the others as much as i can.
in the end it turns out he was the rank 2 guy and the others were all green ranks.
thats what i call high level mindgames!
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Really depends. Typically in low ranks (reset) I play gimmick builds so my goal isn't to kill but to reach some sort of external goal I set for the match. In this case I'll often let 1-2 people go or will make it very easy for everyone to ultimately escape.
Once I hit mid to high ranks (if I'm against people really trying to win) I'll match their competitive nature with my own. Should I get a group of SWF doing gimmick builds too then its more about having fun.
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New Survivors?
They shouldn't be at the rank i'm normally at... So...
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Scratched mirror Myers to really scare them for me
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depends on how merciful I feel like being. If I had a couple of games where I was just being tbagged and having toxic survivors then game over I’m being toxic.