Iridescent stone should be basekit

GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

As trapper you already waste a lot of time placing all your traps and when the traps start getting stepped in/tripped you waste more time replacing all of the ones that got tripped/stepped in.

Trapper is a fairly weak killer currently who could use some QOL changes and this change would be perfect IMO.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Shad03 I like your idea too, you also can never get that perfect placement back if you have to pick the trap back up.

  • Chi
    Chi Member Posts: 780

    You can not be serious?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @powerbats diamond stone is the one that downs and iridescent resets them for you.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    Totally forgot that one thanks I still haven't had my coffee yet and that probably isn't bad over all as a power of the entity. But I'd say no to remotely setting them yourself but an extra trap carried would be nice.

  • burntFuse
    burntFuse Member Posts: 290

    Just throwing this out there, but would you like it if Trapper had an ability to temporarily lower his movement speed so he can safely step over his own traps?

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    You'd be better off just stopping and picking the trap up given how fast they've made it and besides that would be a free bypass.

  • HazeHound
    HazeHound Member Posts: 814
    edited April 2019

    Placing speed is way better, trapper is fine. What i find stupid is fact that traps dont stay in the same spot as survivor runs into one. Even with iridescent stone auto trap is very often useless bcoz it no longer blocks path.

    I think that ability to carry 2 traps should be base line. Not spawning with 2, just carrying 2.

  • LiquidLink1988
    LiquidLink1988 Member Posts: 137

    I disagree because the concept of a trap that RESETS ITSELF is insanely powerful on it's own. The strategy to the trapper is to place them in effective YET unexpected places. A well-placed trap can turn a healthy survivor into a downed survivor in an instant; Also, leaving traps in the same places isn't always the best strategy UNLESS it is an extremely powerful loop

    I would be more inclined to think BLOODY COIL should be a base Trapper add-on, however even THAT is way too powerfull

    As a QOL fix though, I DO think they should make all traps take much longer to disarm and sabo

    If it were up to me, as well, I would make it to where the aura of a survivor that disarms a trap is shown for a few seconds.... or even make that an add-on in and of itself

    Hope this is constructive.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    so basically to prepare killers for "you're going to get looped and gens get done far too quick, so keep losing as an M1 killer until you git gud enough with one that can use their power effectively like Nurse or Spirit"

    his traps have far more downsides than almost any power in the game, and can even be temporarily destroyed by toolboxes/sabotage. He needs some QoL changes bad to be good at high ranks, as he has to rely on survivor mistakes far more than higher tier killers.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    i agree.

    there should be a little change to it though, so it only affects traps that have been set by you once. that way, it wont confuse me anymore to where i actually made a setup and where the traps just randomly opened in the middle of nowhere.

    (thats the main reason i really dislike the add on btw)

  • LiquidLink1988
    LiquidLink1988 Member Posts: 137

    I will agree that his power comes with a downside, but has EXTREME potential for an upside.

    I will also agree that at higher survivor ranks is difficult to use... as is with most other killers

    The best strategy for the Trapper at high ranks is to place traps at unexpected parts of a potential loop and to keep a trap on you at all times to either close a loop mid-chase or FEINT a trap so they abandon the loop and use a catch-up

    I recommend using WHISPERS on trapper because if WHISPERS is active you know two things: a survivor is nearby so you can search or them AND it's not the best idea to place a trap while active because most likely they are there to witness you place the trap.

    Also, at higher ranks, DO NOT place a trap directly under where a pallet would fall: the survivor can throw down the pallet and use it as a bridge

    A good Trapper build: Hex: Ruin, Whispers, Enduring, Spirit Fury

    If I could add anything to the Trapper, it would be that lockers carry 1 trap in them that could either be taken, OR the trap within the locker could be set itself to catch an unsuspecting survivor.

  • Ryuhi
    Ryuhi Member Posts: 3,734

    The trapper suffers with creating gen pressure more than almost every killer in the game, since he has to take time finding his traps, picking them up, and placing them again. Yes you're not supposed to stick with a loop you're supposed to trap it and then move on, but you're acting like gens can't get done in 6 minutes vs him.

    3 gen strats are pretty much mandatory for him.

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    I absolutely love trapper. He really needs some love. The buffs to his setting speed was nice and the new addons are nice but I feel like trapper should be able to

    -Start with 2 traps baseline, rest are scattered like normal.

    -Have the ability to Pick up all your traps and hold them all so you don’t have to walk back and fourth 5 times to make a play.

    I think some or all of these would be such a refreshing change for trap daddy.

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    Or hell even just start with all your traps lol.

  • Tru3Lemon
    Tru3Lemon Member Posts: 1,358

    I disagree about that the only thing that he needs its to directly put the trap without picking it up thats it no more buffs on him

  • SunderMun
    SunderMun Member Posts: 2,789

    I actually consider a good way of balancing him being to slightly slow him down but give him basic add-ons that affect the placement of traps (like in jungle gym tiles, etc) and I've considered along with this iridescent stone as not being ultra rare at the very least; if it's trapper or hag you usually know pretty quickly because you haven't seen or heard the killer a minute or so in, thanks to the setup time.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    It would be amusing if the traps could slowly chase survivors. Hear the chattering of the teeth as it wiggles towards you and then SNAP.

    Yeah I know it’ll never happen, but I’d go Trapper main forever if I could just witness that happen.