Tunneling isn’t irritating, struggling is.

You all know it, deep down, that it’s not being tunneled that makes you mad, it’s the fact that a few minutes into the match you’re mashing a button while just sitting there hoping for rescue.
Wouldn’t it be way less upsetting if you just had to hold a button to give up? That’s the only thing that makes playing survivor so unappealing to me when I play, is the struggle phase. Even if I only actually enter the struggle phase once every few games.
I loathe it, it’s not fun to button mash ever. Doesn’t feel too great either, if struggling was automatic, the tolerance level would be much better, tunneling in of itself is still the most boring and pathetic way that you can play killer, but at least the killer doesn’t cost you to be physically sore now.
Yes I actually hate struggling a lot more than being tunneled. (Being serious)
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Same here struggling sucks.
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I don’t doubt it. It’s the only reason people DC and suicide on hook in my opinion, I truly believe a very large portion of survivor toxicity comes from the killer inconveniencing them with the struggle phase.
Its the reason why player killer toxicity isn’t quite as high as player survivor toxicity. The killer’s biggest inconvenience is being stunned momentarily before becoming a threat again.
I think this is also treading on another important topic, I’ve noticed a lot of killer camping and tunneling is actually due to personal grudges between players. Players who recognize me or I message them before the match never T-bag and even trust me enough to high five at the exit gates if they make it out.
Same with killers who recognize that I play survivor in a way that’s unique and doesn’t involve gen rushing. I’ve had killers outright run past me when they saw someone else in the distance behind me because they like me. they’ll nod (which looks hilarious) and run away. They’ll hit me and down me, but I’m so very rarely hooked by killers who recognize me until near the end of the match.
I think the names of players should be hidden from killer’s perspective in lobbies. I’m guilty of only using mori’s on players I have on a list of toxic targets. At higher ranks, killers are actually quite lenient and not anywhere near as aggressive until they find someone they don’t like. I’m sure you’ve noticed this too. A lot of the time playing ‘gently’ as I call it as a survivor makes the killer kinda go easy on you a good percentage of the time.
Theres something unintentionally addictive about putting the Mori on a t-bagger that sweeped you in a previous match and talked a lot of smack, only to go silent and have no smart remarks when you give em the dirty flatline.
A little social experiment I’ve been conducting for a while now and has some really interesting consistencies.
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I want it gone as much as you do. Upvote this so devs will see it for sure.
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Struggling is awful. Please removing the button mashing/mouse wheel scrolling devs.
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It's the combination of struggling while prematurely destroying one certain button on my keyboard that really gets me in the "oof."
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I don't know why we have to press any button at all.. Is it for an atmospheric effect?
Maybe the devs should add an option to auto struggle.
Or make struggling automatic and have a button to cancel struggling.
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I have said it before, and will say it again. The Dbd developers are partnering with keyboard manufacturers. They ruin our keyboards, so we need to buy new ones.
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I dislike tunneling but I would appreciate the longer controller life 😂
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Would be better as a button sequence perhaps, but rocking the analog stick back and forth is terrible and destructive on a controller. Hopefully they consider a change to it.
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i would rather spam a key than be tunneled. both are irrtating but being tunneled is far worse for me.
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Dunno maybe its not tunneling, maybe its waiting 3 minutes for a game to start, then playing it for 2 mins cause you got unlucky and the killer tunnneled?
Maybe you should not combine a weak killers strategy with some community wide hated aspect of the game for some psychological effect...
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On pc I use a macro for both struggling on hook and wiggling on shoulder. Its dumb to have a game mechanic where you just sit and wear out your keyboard
Make it constant skillchecks on hook or something, anything that can be done by a mindless bot smashing the same button every .5 seconds isn't gonna be fun for a person.
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I don't endorse camping as a killer main, but the smart strategy, I see two survivors, one healthy and one injured, I'm not gonna go for the healthy one and waste my time in a chase when rather I prevent the other survivor from working on gens and make one less survivor in the game, I'm not a noob but I'm not gonna waste my time for less kills, if the chase comes to just jungle gym loops or near infinites, I'll leave them alone.
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Nothing will beat a hook and straight tunnel in a dead zone for me.
I think that struggling is a leftover from times when they thought that this game is actually scary.
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I legit said the same thing last night playing. Getting tunneled is a drag, don't get me wrong, but it's worse that I have tp spam x like a dweeb for a minute and a half or how ever long. Just make it a timer and be done with it.
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Agreed they should just put both on a timer. It's not a skill thing anyway, you're legit just causing wear and tear on your $60 controller.