Free weekend cheating

So everyone on PC know about all the cheating and hacking that's on PC right now because everyone is making a new steam account and hacking on the game. So if by any chance the Devs see this post never do a free to play weekend thing again with out upgrading your ######### anti-cheat first because everyone i know that plays killer and is effected by the cheating no longer wants to play the game right now because of all the cheating.


  • LillianVoss
    LillianVoss Member Posts: 10

    Hello AGreenMoose!

    Are you saying a lot of cheaters are playing due to the Free weekend? This is however very unfortunate but free weekends help bring more players to the game. Oh, it's a headache to play with these people though since a lot of higher ranking people are bringing their fresh DBD friends with them in matches but... it's nice to see new people around! Hopefully, better attitudes and a nicer community will be on its way. (Can only hope.)

  • Spiritbx
    Spiritbx Member Posts: 264
    Maybe steam should put more requirements to  play free weekend games to avoid this, like the account has to have made at least 20$ of purchase before being eligible, that way if they get flagged as a cheater it might ruin that account's rep and they wont be able to play free games anymore, or something.
  • MacTusk
    MacTusk Member Posts: 7

    There are no hacks for this game, but glitches that the game lets you make so, dont worry its just you.

  • fischyhb
    fischyhb Member Posts: 23
    Have almost 600 hours in the game since January and I saw my first speed hacker with legacy clothes on this weekend. When the killer said he was gonna send to dev, the hacker just scoffed and made fun of him.