Tunneling and death efficiency Solution

We all know that tunneling is a big problem with the game. Optimal play means that going after one survivor until they die is the best way to reduce gen repair speeds. Solution? Modifiers:
Basically I propose the addition of a buff called Urgency and a debuff called Crippled
Urgency: Every time a survivor is hooked or reaches a new hook stage besides you, gain a 5% boost to gen repair, healing, chest opening, gate opening and hook sabotage speed. This gives an additional 5% bonus for every dead survivor. This buff stacks with itself and is lost when you are hooked.
Crippled: Every time you are hooked gain a 20% debuff to gen repair, healing, chest opening, gate opening and hook sabotage speed. This debuff stacks with itself and lasts for the rest of the trial.
How does this help? So let 100% represent the speed at which a single survivor preforms gen repairs. At the start of the game survivors repair generators at 400% speed. Once a survivor is being chased it goes down to 300%.
With this change once the survivor is hooked the gen repair speed is 315% and will be at 395% if the survivor is saved. If he is hooked a 2nd time the gen repair speed will be 330% and after a 3rd time it will be 390% due to Urgency getting stronger. That's only 10% slower than the start of the game.
If you instead hook a different player the 2nd time then again there is another +15% gen repair speed. However once they are unhooked it is a -10% from compared to before they were hooked. 20% from crippling them and 5% from removing urgency. Each hook on a new person is worth 5% more than the last so your 4th hook on a new person will reduce gen speed by a full 20%
This also means that if you are better than your other survivors at evading the Killer than you get rewarded for your effort with extra action speed.
So if you evade the Killer the whole game while the rest of your team is killed then you will gain 9 stacks of Urgency for a 180% bonus to action speed (a total of 280% if you manage to never get hooked). Combining this with left behind means completing the generators yourself is a completely viable task.
At the same time if the Killer spreads out hooks instead of tunneling the game would be slower than it is now. Since after the first hook gets saved you've already slowed the survivor's down by 5%. And the next hook slows them down even more if it is on a different person.
Now of course while this system is great for discouraging tunneling it has an obvious problem. Specifically the time between hooking a survivor and finding the next one being a time where the Survivors are faster compared to if you never hooked them (315% vs 300%). Late game this isn't that big of a deal since the Killer would have momentum and thus would be able to gain the upper hand anyway. However early game this could lead to a quick genrush even sooner than it does now. This is great for dealing with campers, but not for people playing normally.
Thus we need something to act as a consistent buffer. Thus I propose as a secondary objective:
There are 6 parts scattered across the map plus 2 in the basement. Each survivor can carry one part at a time and can carry one at the same time as an item. Before you can work on a generator you must find a part (which would be silver and somewhat shiny) and bring it to a generator. Once installed (which doesn't take long) you can work on the generator like normal. You must do this for each generator you want to complete once per trial per generator. You may use a brand new part addon in place of a regular part in addition to it's current effect. If you are hooked with a part then you lose the part and must find it again. If it was in the basement it is placed back there, otherwise it is randomly rehidden on the map.
This gives a larger incentive to traversing the map, especially early on. And it gives the Killer a stopgap before the generators start popping. It also makes the basement a more important location for everyone.
The Killer cannot see part aura's.
The details of this system are unimportant compared to the core idea of "Find a thing, bring it back to the gen, THEN start working on the gen". So don't get hung up on the specifics of what I just proposed.
Just realized that this would mitigate (but not remove) the need for the hatch since there is a reasonable way for a solo survivor to complete gens alone against a less skilled Killer.
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Seriously? No one has any thoughts about this?
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My objective is to make survivors miserable. I would keep tunneling whenever I can
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Well then you are a horrible person
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I think this is a good idea, but it kind of feels like killers are always being prodded with the stick and not lead with the carrot to make changes to gameplay that survivors complain about.
However, this idea fits almost perfectly with the crappy emblem change where killers are forced to get more hook actions instead of kill actions for Devout. This would actually reward hooks more than kills, which needs a reward because it is not beneficial in it of itself (Getting rid of survivors is better than spreading out the pressure.)
My only concern is that non swf will let survivors hang on the hook until the struggle phase while working on gens collectively 15% faster, which would suck for that one dude who, if he gets rescued will suffer repair speed debuff for the rest of the trial.
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@BlueDiamond666 I had a concern like that. However it's worth pointing out that it is always better to have survivors as the Cripple debuff is a max of 40% per survivor (meaning a 60% benefit for a save).
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Also. This game still isn't a team game. Having the ability to sacrifice a fellow survivor as part of a strategy should not be considered a flaw
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The other idea was that if the killer its tunneling the same survivor it will get a debuff of speed and if its billy or nurse their power will reduce now to get rid off this debuff you need to find another survivor and hook him or something similar so that killers dont tunnel the same survivor
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Sure, let's also exponentially slow down generator repair if survivors stay on the same generator.
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@Tru3Lemon tunneling isn't a mechanic so you are going to need to be more specific about the trigger
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I know its not mecanic sorry if you dont know what im saying since my english its crap xd but the thing im saying its that tunneling and camping its unfun for survivor some killers like to destroy the survivor that thet dont like so they tunnels so my thing its that it needs a chance make it so that he cannot chace the same person giving less speed or something
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Gen rush isn't fun for the killer, let's slow down survivor repair speeds. Being stunned isn't fun for the killer, let's get rid of all stuns, including from the effects of powers.
"Not fun" is not an argument to completely butcher the game.
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@Tru3Lemon yes but like. You need a way to tell if someone is tunneling.
Notice how my suggestion never actually checks for tunneling. It just adds a series of mechanical interactions that just so happens to make doing anything but tunneling a good idea
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My initial thought: This is too complicated.
Think of the new or casual players. Also remember: Before the red colour got added, most of the playerbase didn't even know that there is an efficiency penalty when several people work together at a gen. The game needs to stay understandable for those type of players.
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@NoShinyPony I mean the solution there is the same as for the efficiency penalty. Give a visual indicator for the buffs/debuffs with a gold/red indicator while doing actions with the effect
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And an icon showing how many stacks of each one you have
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So as long a survivor or multiple are hooked, they gain free gen repair speed?
I dont see 2man or 3man swf save anyone outside their group ever again.
I dont like the spread the pain approach of this concept either, it's similiar to the emblem system in railroading killers into playing like survivor would prefer them to.
The so called death-effiency-"problem" is not in need of a solution. You lose a member of the team, you get punished.
The generator parts segment might be useable and has been discussed often on the forum. Bit it has nothing to do with death-effiency but with basic trial lenght or "genrush"
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Not survivors fault for doing gen rush since its only objective to do to finish the mach if there were more objective than gens then gen rush wont be soo problematic