Bloody Party Streamers are a waste of time...

...with the matchmaking in the state that it is. I've lost interest in ranking now due to it already (that and the current Pip/Ranking system), but now I can't even obtain the BP needed to level up in the Bloodweb to get better levels in my perks, or even to earn a few offerings as I get so little from each game. It's seriously frustrating and unfun to go through each game wondering if I'll even get 3k BP because of being matched with a killer beyond my skill level (and due to them using top tier killers, e.g. Nurse, Billy, Spirit) and slaughtering everyone pretty early on. It's really disheartening to finally get a BPS offering, only to be stopped by a Rank 1 killer who couldn't care less (as they need to 4k in order to maintain their rank). Below is a screenshot from the next game after that (admittedly without BPS as I didn't any more):

Please, please, please can something be done asap about this as it is near impossible to progress perks, offerings, or anything related to the Bloodweb for Survivors right now.


  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I feel you pain on bringing bps..

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Amazing you actually got into matches, I've had a few where killer dcs instant the match starts or infinite loading screen, one time I got it as a legion thinking this will be fun and everyone will get bp bc legion knows how to make it rain if played right, just ended up getting toxic teabaggers that repeatedly ran the haddonfield infinite and the long fences and I refused to be a multistab legion. Pretty sure they're cursed, I'm saving the few I have for double bp events now

  • DarkWo1f997
    DarkWo1f997 Member Posts: 1,532
    edited April 2019

    It’s not the matchmaking, there’s next to one in the red ranks. There’s nothing to matchmake. A testament to how difficult pipping has become. Only the best make it to red. Which is like 2%.

  • SurgDexil
    SurgDexil Member Posts: 157

    I remember a game where we farmed with the killer because 4 bps. I recorded the match too. So there is hope.

  • TWiXT
    TWiXT Member Posts: 2,063

    Last time I used BPS I did so for 2 reasons:

    1. Was playing Legion and wanted to motivate people to see it through to the end for the sweet bonus BP's they'd get.
    2. Was playing for best point gain by running around stabbing everyone to max out Hunting, Brutality, and Devious, and planned on only killing 2 at most if the opportunity presented itself. Basically I was just after points, and figured everyone would catch on once they realized I was jumping from survivor to survivor instead of committing.

    Results: Everyone DC'd after I inflicted Deep Wound on the first survivor.

    Conclusion: I'm just gonna keep saving up the BPS in my inventory until there's a double or triple BP weekend... But I probably still won't use them for that either if the DC epidemic isn't under control. *Sigh* Such a waste.

  • shinymon
    shinymon Member Posts: 298

    The last time I used a BPS, the game loaded with ONE survivor and 2 gens. Had to play good killer to make the most out of my points in order not to waste it.

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    So true. Wanted to play a match as killer, brought party streamers, my game crashed in the loading screen. No BPS and a depip.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    BPS are cursed, that and there are some evil people that will ensure the [survivor / killer] that popped the BPS get as little as possible

  • Davy_Jones
    Davy_Jones Member Posts: 4

    I only use BPS in double bp events or when I'm running a survivor that I will prestige.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    That's why I always take an insta-heal, when I bring 100%. I don't feel bad.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948

    At least everyone in your match is at the same rank lol

  • Reiverdemon
    Reiverdemon Member Posts: 16

    As a killer i want the survivors who brings the BPS to live as long as possible, And certainly not be the first to die. Is there any way to tell who burned what offering for certain ?

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    I wish they would revert the matchmaking, again

  • TMoser
    TMoser Member Posts: 17

    I agree with those who say they could care less about ranking,In fact I have not been one to make massive BPs any way as my builds are usually stealth builds and the good BP boosters are so rare on the low tier bonus add-ons anyway so I too save up what few 100% bonuses I get and second someones comment on the load screen of death it crashes or takes forever and i get DC'd or have to restart DBD to move on and wow I still lose my offerings with nothing at all to gain but frustration and disappointment , I also agree that half or most of the team getting wiped in the 1st 3-4 minutes and usually everyone gets bent over and dead so early on is why DC;s are becoming the current trend and play style. Would be nice to have a good ,fun ,match that lasted as long or longer than the load and lobby wait times ,!!!!

  • WereGonnaLoveForever
    WereGonnaLoveForever Member Posts: 11

    I agree. Every game I get into, even when trying to be nice and run BPS for everyone because I've been trying to farm points lately, I get insta-downed and then tunneled into oblivion because killers apparently see the need to tunnel with this new pipping system. I'm just going to save them up from now on.

  • Dirtypaws20
    Dirtypaws20 Member Posts: 6
    edited April 2019

    I completely agree with you. I fell in *love* with this game. It's actually the reason I quit overwatch. My climb was going well and I'm not going to lie I'm almost ashamed to admit how immersed I got in it. Since this new matchmaking and pip system has been live, I literally cant rank up. I've been in this rank 12-10 limbo and it seems like every other game, my entire team is way under the killers rank and we get demolished with 5 gens because not everyone at this rank understands and knows all the perks those top tiers are running. I'm honestly not the type to DC because, for one I'm a petty bastard and dont want the killer to get DC bonus, and for two I know too well how disheartening it is for the team. Playing survivor is SO frustrating that I DCd from my first game ever last night bc I spawned RIGHT NEXT TO a rank 2 wraith. Like literally a bing bong with insta down on console, like why .-. Feels sad and sends love to any survivors that cry watching their teammates have to abandon them to a face camper.

    Edit: I'm really sorry about the uncensored screenshot. If anyone can tell me how to remove the image from the edit screen I have the censored one and feel awful ( o.o)

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371
    edited April 2019

    I don't like to use BPS as a killer because I don't want to give anything to the survivors but a painful death. I stick to the pudding.

  • Anvil
    Anvil Member Posts: 39

    First, I play both survivor and killer so I experience the problem on both sides.

    Between the disconnect epidemic (from both killers and survivors), I've stopped bringing in any items, offerings, or otherwise. Only about every third game still has a full squad after first contact with the killer, but most first contact ends with tunneling, face-camping, etc., which generally causes a disconnect. I'd say only 1 in 5 games is a game worth using good items on (probably 1 in 3 as a killer). It's a losing gamble most of the time. Like many others, I'm saving BPS and the like for point events. Survivors are much less likely to disconnect during those events.

    A few thoughts around disconnect causes, effects, and possible solutions:

    The Right Balance: to set the stage for what follows, the right balance in a game, in my opinion, is Killer: 2-3 kills; Survivor: 90% hooked and escape 30% of the time. Both the killer and survivor should be amply rewarded with BP and have the possibility to pip. Yes, I think a killer should pip if they played very well but only killed 2 survivors or played moderately well and killed 3 (without tunneling, face-camping, etc.).

    End Game Balance: When two survivor are left and any number of gens remain, the game degrades to hiding, hoping the other survivor gets caught first (this happens 90% of the time in my experience). Working on a gen significantly increases the likelihood that you'll be the one caught. Completing the remaining gens should still be viable, but it just isn't, especially with the reduced map sizes. When a survivor disconnects, your doomed because you'll face this reality.

    Loading Disconnect Balance: There has been an attempt to keep a game viable when a survivor disconnects, but 3 survivors with 4 gens to complete is a huge handicap compared to 4 survivors with 5 gens to complete. The reason is based on End Game Balance. In a 3 survivor game, when one is hooked, it becomes a 2 survivor game. Sure, you can pull the survivor off the hook, but they'll likely be tunneled or camped. 2 survivors finishing gens is nearly insurmountable.

    Gen Pacing: It's not uncommon for a killer to lobby-dodge when several survivors are armed with toolboxes; gen rush is possible without toolboxes, so why bother with a game where several survivors have a toolbox. When Hex Ruin is used in nearly every match, it's more than a crutch and something is wrong. Gens are completed way too fast and should take longer to complete. Gen rush should be a focused effort by survivors with a boat load of items designed for that task. However, End Game Balance would become even more important. Remember the last Halloween event? As a survivor, taking the time to collect sap drew the game out to what felt like the right amount of time; it felt balanced in that regard.

    Tunneling, Face-camping, Patrolling, etc.: This causes most disconnects after a game has started, in my opinion. This behavior by the killer is necessary because of the current Gen Pacing. After some good gen balancing, killers need to have stronger and varied deterrents for this behavior so it comes at great cost. For example, a perk or two is required to avoid some of the consequences. For example, maybe the killer loses the ability to use Aura perks; the remaining survivors gain a repair boost; Hook progress cannot be made while the killer is within a certain range or after a cooldown from unhooking. Maybe these are enabled through more perks so the killer doesn't know when tunneling is going to hurt and survivors have to make a choice.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I experience the same thing, buy a new survivor and get some lucky Streamers only to get camped right out of the match early, or die in one hook since no one can/will rescue. Wouldn't the killer at least want to draw it out for more points too? The game is grindy enough! I also hate when someone sees the map/killer and DC's leaving you with 3 for 5 gens. It should cut out a gen at that point, although I don't know if this is balanced or not.

  • bradys44
    bradys44 Member Posts: 105

    The changes to survivor pips today should make matchmaking easier towards higher tiered survivors. Not too sure if BPS need any changing though. Seems like your topic was spinning different ideas into an incoherent thread.