

Furry by Daylight

Member Posts: 1,310

Nyew Suwvivow: OwO


Vauwt windows and pawwets at 25/30/35% fastew. Speed vauwting a window wiww cause it to be entity bwocked.

Speed vauwting pawwets 3 times bweaks it

Whiwe Cwouching you can muv whiwe cwouching at 150% speed and get exhausted fow 60/50/40s

Ahwoo: you wewease a mighty ahwoo, which pwevents the kiwwew fwom seeing visuaw nyotifications of scweaming, genyewation compwetion, faiwed skiww checks. Weveaw youw auwa to the kiwwew fow 15s and gain exposed fow 40/35/30s

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