Making the Legion fun for everyone

- Missing an attack in Feral Frenzy reduces the power bar by 25% (can be reduced to 20/15/10% with the pin add-ons)
- When the chase is over, Deep Wound timer is still frozen for 5 seconds and doesn't go down in the killer's terror radius.
- After succesfully applying the Deep Wound timer on a survivor, your power bar goes down 2 times slower (allowing you to catch another survivor which is almost impossible now if the survivors are not extremely close to each other). It promotes the intended gameplay with this character.
- The duration of Feral Frenzy without add-ons is increased by 2 seconds (add-ons could be tweaked)
- Vaulting a pallet or window during Feral Frenzy doesn't freeze the power bar anymore.
- Frank's Mix Tape reduces the Deep Wound timer only by 3 seconds with each hit. This way the killer still has to hit the same survivor 3 times with an active Deep Wound timer to down them. This would require the killer to also take Stab Wounds Study to be able to down survivors with only 2 hits.
- Survivors can avoid even 10 attacks, but the Legion is still going to hit them because of the extremely short cooldown. The killer should be punished for making mistakes. The reduced cooldown can stay, but missing attacks should reduce the power drastically. The pin add-ons are a little worthless right now, so they could make this penalty smaller.
- We all know that looking down or walking backwards to prevent chases from triggering shouldn't be a thing. So my suggestion is that when you lose the Legion, your Deep Wound timer doesn't go down for 5 seconds. It also stops in the killer's terror radius. This way the killer will have to guess if you're still around them during those 5 seconds and if you hear the heartbeat again, you can change your position and try to avoid getting found.
- The killer was intended to injure as many survivors as possible. However, it's pretty much impossible, because the duration of Feral Frenzy is not long enough to catch up to other survivors, even with add-ons. So the duration of Feral Frenzy should be doubled when you hit a survivor for the first time.
- The duration of Feral Frenzy without add-ons is very short. You have to be really close to a survivor to even catch up to them. The default duration should be buffed and then the add-ons that increase the duration could be slightly nerfed if it's needed.
- The Legion can vault even thousand pallets and windows without any penalty and the power bar is even frozen during these actions. It should still go down to make the killer think carefully about their decisions and also allow survivors to make some use of pallets and windows.
- I think there's no explanation needed for this one.
I know this wouldn't fix some of the problems, but the killer wouldn't be so unfun to play against and it should allow the Legion to use their power in the intended way. I feel like these changes are needed for the health of the game.
Is Legion even working right? His power doesn't seem to match the description. Everytime he chases me with frenzy, he wounds me, then stabs me another 2-3 times, reducing my bleed timer, that part is fine but :
While Feral Frenzy is active, hitting a Survivor is currently afflicted with the Deep Wound Status Effect:
- Reduces a portion of the Survivor's Deep Wound bleed-out timer.
- Depletes The Legion's entire power gauge and ends the power immediately. <----******
Why isn't the 2nd part working? The description says that it's supposed to deplete the gauge and end the power, so why doesn't it?
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@Sanmer 2nd part is working fine. He just recharges it and hits you again.
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2 additional changes I would make.
A: Make vaulting actively deplete the bar by about 20% (exact amount can be changed)
B: Make his fatigue not last as long when canceled manually
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How does he charge it though? If you're referring to the 2nd part of his ability :
While Feral Frenzy is active, hitting a Survivor who is not currently afflicted with the Deep Wound Status Effect:
- Applies the Deep Wound Status Effect.
- Injures the Survivor, if they are not already injured.
- Refills The Legion's entire power gauge. <---**
- Triggers "Killer Instinct", revealing the location of all Survivors who do not have the Deep Wound Status Effect applied and are within The Legion's Terror Radius.
It says it only works if he hits a non-wounded survivor, which I get, but many times he's chasing just me, and he can stab me 3 times in frenzy.
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@Sanmer no like. Frenzy doesn't take long to come off cooldown. So it drains the power gauge which then quickly fills back up just by waiting. Unlike spirit's power you don't need a full bar to use Frenzy
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Dude... it does.
If you have the bleed-out timer on you already, and he hits you again with feral frenzy, his frenzy is cut-off again. That is what they are talking about
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I don't play legion, so I can't speak much for balance and fun, but I can see a core issue with number 2.
The terror radius part would make it easy to detect where players are. If someones wounded status is depleting and then suddenly it stops, you know that an injured survivor is definitely within the distance of your terror radius. You even know the approximate direction of the survivor.
The 5 second thing would probably be smart though. Could probably do with being added to borrowed time too.