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Gen rushing is getting out of hands

I had survivors complete 2 gens with 3 man in like 40 seconds.

I don't know how they did it, but I wasn't able to stop them from doing so.

They always lured me away to safe pallets and they did the gens in 40 seconds, both at 0%.

In the current state of the game a game with ebony moris and tunneling is the only way to progress vs. good gen rushers.

This game is honestly dead in terms of fair play and fun.

I just had to do a daily and my ass got eaten by players pressing M1.


  • Peasant
    Peasant Member Posts: 4,104

    @mcNuggets Could you elaborate on some details like what killer you were, what map you were on, what perks were you using?

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    Run NOED.

  • TMoser
    TMoser Member Posts: 17

    In fairness from a survivor main POV we wouldn't have to gen rush if killers were not so toxic or op that they wipe out hook and maim half or more of the team in the 1st 3-5 minutes of the trials starting after a 15 minute wait to get into a trial.

  • TMoser
    TMoser Member Posts: 17

    NoED and Hex Ruin are being abused and overused its no fun trying to do trials if they are 89% gonna be fails , I have honestly gotten so tired of hex ruin and quick hook killers I have to DC if i enter a match and in 3 minutes half my team is dead ,no show from load crashes or the gens are screwed by hex ruins atleast make the totems easier to locate and not waste valueable play time hunting the map and likely ending up dead on a hook right off the get go !

  • TMoser
    TMoser Member Posts: 17

    oh and btw the whole "get better" attitude by killers is a major part of the contagion that leads to gen rushes and DC's how bout trying to "Get Balanced" and downpower some of the OP killer crap , EVERYONE NEEDS POINTS NOT JUST KILLERS! and if you burn offerings or not and get 0 points why bother playing or trying to play at all.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Incirion I run Pop goes the weasel instead, and it's far more effective. It's not broken quickly.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    Definitely not more effective, otherwise more people would run that instead. Ruin slows the beginning of the game down, and gives the killer a chance to get some momentum. PGTW slows survivor momentum mid game. They have very different uses.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @TMoser Gen rush is a balance problem. Not a survivor problem. As a survivor you should absolutely always gen rush and as Killer I will expect you to do so (or do it myself when I'm survivor).

    It is never on the players to not use OP mechanics.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    There's no image for Rank 1 Killers @OffensiveHumor not sure if this was intended or not.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Incirion I play a fast killer tho (Spirit) so it might just be me...

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @Poweas I main Spirit also. PGTW regresses gens more, Ruin makes their progress go slower. You can only kick one gen per hook with Pop, but Ruin slows down every gen in the game. So PGTW is better for mid game or late game, when the gens actually have progress on them.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043
    edited April 2019

    I think it does actually feel like gens are getting done faster on both sides post update, not sure if this was intended or a byproduct of adaptation to the new rank system. Too bad I guess if survs want to gen rush and get out so be it, fast match, they don't pip anyway, next match I guess. PGTW is good though. As a survivor I barely notice it until 3 gens go off in quick succession, just seems like speed was increased. Seems strange either way.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @Incirion Except Poweas didnt say replace ruin, they said replace Noed with PGTW and we all know every time you talk on the killer forums you're encouraging toxic killers while discouraging survivors having any chance of survival and the fact you encourage Noed to counter gen rushing is hysterical and unsurprising coming from you.

    @mcNuggets What killer/builds do you run? Discordance is a great perk to start the game off finding people since it's common for survivors to spawn together, Ruin is a must on many if not most killers too.

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    While gen rushing is indeed a problem, becoming better at slugging will definitely help matters.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    @Incirion yeah, I meant replace NOED. My current build is PGTW, BBQ, Sloppy Butcher and A Nurses calling. It's very consistent.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464
    edited April 2019

    Pick up a Nurse with Surveillance and Discordance.

    1 person touches a gen after you have kicked, you got em.

    2 persons or more touches a gen, you got em.

    Add NoED and BBQ in for extra salt

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873
    edited April 2019

    @Kurisataru while I despise NOED and never use it, unless it's Nurse behind the gates, it is a good counter to genrushing. Because genrushing gives the killer no chance and takes no skill to use, NOED can be used to retaliate and give the survivors no chance and it also takes no skill.

    So while I absolutely despise NOED, I can agree with @Incirion about NOED being a good counter.

    But also, it shouldn't even be in the game, because NOED is a band aid fix for genrushing which is really bad for killers. Once genrushing is addressed, and the killers get a more fair endgame, I doubt we'll see NOED untouched, the devs will have to nerf/rework it.

  • GraviteaUK
    GraviteaUK Member Posts: 464

    Only 1 killer is actually OP and that's Nurse and maybe Billy

    If you're getting wiped out in the first 5 minutes against anyone else that's on the survivors.

    Every other killer has way lower map pressure and weaker kits.

    And don't talk about killers being Toxic survivors are 10 fold worse.

    Hell there are compilations showing off survivors bullying killers lol.

  • Mushwin
    Mushwin Member Posts: 4,580

    i am not a huge fan of gen rushing myself, but sometimes we just have too....if the Killer is very much giving survs an easy game then Gen rush will happen....yes they do totums and chests....when found....but survs are there to do gens...i find those ones boring...but what are survs meant to do? stand there and wait to be found, hooked etc? this is why i loved the halloween event, it gave us something else to do, and i know some were not a fan, but if we have something else to do, to gain for points etc then i think there wouldn't be such gen why i like been against legion, plague and pig, because it gives you something else to do, taking traps off, mending and well getting healed of the plague.....

  • JawsIsTheNextKiller
    JawsIsTheNextKiller Member Posts: 3,360

    @Mushwin - People complained about the Halloween event because some people would collect their goo and then delibereately get themselved killed. But I never saw people do it, I would love to have something back like that as a secondary objective.

  • Divinitye9
    Divinitye9 Member Posts: 392

    Wait... what? Quick hook killers? Unless you are making a tunneling argument (which is something I don’t care for either)... what is this garbage?

    You legitimately expect us to NOT hook you quickly? This game is a race against time. We aren’t going to give you a head start. If I find you, I will down you and I will hook you. Be it 20 seconds into the game or a full minute. Tell you what, I won’t hook survivors quickly if you all just stand around and hide for the first minute of the game and do nothing, okay?

    If you are also at a point where you can’t find totems, learn placements. Use small game (if it still works on totems, haven’t played survivor in awhile). Most games see ruin destroyed in the first minute, so you must be blind or your teammates are absolute idiots.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @Poweas I don't use NOED. I use Ruin, Discordance, Whispers, and BBQ. Will swap Whispers for Surveillance once I get it on her. So I can't swap out a perk I don't use. I just don't encounter the need to run PGTW often enough to actually incorporate it into my build. Nine times out of ten my games end before the last gen is done anyway.

    @Kurisataru When exactly do I encourage toxic killers? I don't camp, or tunnel, nor do I encourage camping or tunneling. Unless it's camping end game. Then why would you not? I suggested NOED to counter gen rushing because NOED counters gen rushing. I don't even use it myself, because it's a garbage perk. It's too easily countered, and will usually only get one down at most end game, which I can do perfectly fine without it, IF the game lasts that long.

  • Kurisataru
    Kurisataru Member Posts: 460

    @Incirion I never accused you of encouraging camping and tunneling, but anyway. You don't encourage killer toxicity?

    You've said that hatch animations should be longer for survivors and killers should be able to close it for finding it first (hating on survivors having chances of escape per usual)

    you've said you dodge lobbies if 2+ survivors dress the same, multiple flashlights, multiple claudettes, multiple people with paid cosmetics basically implying that if the survivors appear to you as if they are swf or stand a chance for an easy game, you will dodge (and as a spirit main? really?). (hating on survivors chances of escape per usual)

    You admitted to doing cannibal dailies with insidious in the basement (who wouldnt though but that is toxic) (you know what goes here)

    You've said to remove the squeal pig does when she ambushes which is some survivor's only way of knowing where she comes from whether or not they get hit. (You REALLY know what goes here)

    You've agreed to someone's idea of making hex perks besides noed lasting the whole game and need a buff. (Mmm Devour hope hex being uncleanseable would really be crapping on survivors chances of escape)

    ETC ETC and on top of that, when you're not insulting people's intelligence for disagreeing with you or not relating to your struggles in this game; you're playing like a mild-mannered confused and misunderstood victim when people respond directly to your shalam.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @Kurisataru Yes, I've said that if the killer finds the hatch first, the killer should not be PUNISHED for finding the hatch. If the survivor finds it first, go ahead, escape. You did nothing to deserve that escape. You just want a free escape through the hatch.

    I do dodge lobbies with survivors dressed the same, because that's just super annoying to deal with, especially if they're a SWF because they can swap out in chase relatively easily.

    I sit in the basement with my chainsaw charged with insidious. They can still hear the chainsaw charging. If someone is stupid enough to come into the basement, then that's their fault for dying. Punishing stupidity isn't toxic.

    Yes, remove the squeal. The squeal makes her ambush 100% worthless. If you really think that's the "only way" survivors have of knowing she's there, let me introduce you to these two non-teachable perks, available to everyone. They're called Spine Chill and Premonition.

    Yes, Hex perks should get a buff. No one ever said you should keep the one hit down after Devour Hope got broken in that thread. If you'd bothered to read it, you'd know that. Pretty sure what devour hope would have kept was the 10 second speed boost after hooking someone.

    Care to explain to me how ANY of these things are toxic, or promote toxicity?

  • Frozenscum
    Frozenscum Member Posts: 393
    edited April 2019

    How does NOED counter gen rush?

    Definition: Counter is a thing which opposes or prevents something else.

    NOED do not prevent nor opposes gen rush - its just end game mechanics which kicks in once all gens done, no matter how fast they are done. And in most cases if there are 3-4 ppl alive - NOED does literally nothing, its just getting destroyed during first hook by rest of team.

    Ruin is counter to gen rush, and in current meta effects of Ruin should be basic gen interaction. And it makes sense even if you think about it - ppl without any knowledge are trying to fix machinery - so occasionally they have hard times, i.e. skill check, if they fail completely - explosion and 10% of regress with 3 secs delay to progress, good skill check - 5% regress and no explosion with 3 secs delay to progress, great skill check - 0% regress and no delay and explosion.

    Same should be applied to healing, self or others, as well.

  • Incirion
    Incirion Member Posts: 612

    @Frozenscum Oh man you can't suggest anything that would actually help balance out the game. The survivor mains will be all over you calling you toxic. You should delete this post quickly.

  • TMoser
    TMoser Member Posts: 17

    The diversity of perspectives here is very interesting to read I'm glad to see posts getting read and responded I am a survivor main as I mostly suck as a killer but those damn dailys consistently pull me outta my comfort zone,and yes I guess I am cursed with crappy teammates 9 outta 10 trials , but I am often also the only survivor that spawns in game furthest away from everyone else which seems to make me a primary target and its extremely frustrating, But good read and keep on gaming people of the Fog.good and evil regards