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DEVS are you kidding me? Killer no change for Pip?

It's suuuuuuper easy to pip as killer. Every match is Double Pip. Why am I even writing here? Oh right, because pipping is also bloody stupidly hard.

Seriously guys, what are thinking?

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  • Member Posts: 5,069

    For me as the killer it's ez to pip. It's also still ez to pip as the Legion so.

  • Member Posts: 686

    I just had a game where I killed 3 and barely and I mean BARELY safe pipped. There were lots of chases and hooks.

  • Member Posts: 14,110

    I was in purple ranks and I say killer is easy to pip in.

  • Member Posts: 590

    When survs do 5 gen in 2 min I black pip. Ranking with killer is fine but the balance of gens and endgame is not.

  • Member Posts: 684
    edited April 2019

    They haven't fix "SWF group ragequit/dc = Auto killer depping/lose rank" stuff yet?

    I'm sick of sticking with 2~3 SWF group doing DC and leave me left behind and ruin the game just because they hate Nurse, Billy and Legion or something

  • Member Posts: 122

    This man's is straight carbon still

  • Member Posts: 183

    game is survivor favoured and also the devs are survivor bias, always have been, sadly, always will be.

  • Member Posts: 216

    Killer pip system is fine with the exception of losing because people Dc/ kill them selves on hook.

    this fix we got was to address the fact that there weren’t enough people who could rank up, causing major issues with queue times at the higher ranks.

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    Until rank actually matters I could care less about pips. It's never been a testament to skill, it's never mattered in matchmaking cause that's already a disaster, it gives you nothing and gets reset monthly. All it does is let red rank players feel like their opinion carries more weight than anyone elses.

  • Member Posts: 606
    edited April 2019

    Pipping is easy for killer, just because killers are not double pipping anymore it’s a problem for them. But it do agree they need to tweak on killers having super fast games.

  • Member Posts: 216

    Isn’t that the point of making it mode difficult?

  • Member Posts: 2,582

    It's still not a test of skill though. You can absolutely body a team and then depip. Instead of having green-rank-skilled players in red ranks, now you just get red-rank skilled players in green and purple ranks. Same problem, new coat of paint.

  • Member Posts: 1,463


    Just to let you know, moris and op add-ons are still a thing because insta-heals and genrush are still a thing...

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    Instaheals give people 1 maybe 2 extra hits. Moris can happen after only 2 or 3 hits if you dont have an instadown ability. Add-ons can mori without even being hooked, down in one hit and be in general OP like prayer beads and Frank's mix tape.

    Gen rush usually involves survivors not healing, so down in one hit if you can find them. Noed is a great counter, even discordance is good against this. People complained about self care then it got nerfed, then the gen rush meta became a thing as a result of this.

    Ruin is needed but if you play good enough you should get 1 or 2 kills before endgame and noed kicks in. I went from rank 10 to 2 playing only as plague and exit doors were only activated on maybe 3/4 occasions but by that point I already killed 2 people.

  • Member Posts: 1,972

    Yes which created a lot more issues with killers at rank one going against Rank 10 survivors.

  • Member Posts: 1,463


    You just lost all credibility when you said genrush became a thing because of the SC nerf... Genrush was a thing waaaay before that. In fact, SC nerf happened because killers asked for a fix to genrush but we got that instead (which made It worse).

    "Gen rush usually involves survivors not healing, so down in one hit if you can find them."

    Ok man, you tell me how Im supposed to do that... Those survivors are not healing, therefore they are doing gens + the killer can chase 1 person at a time... If you have all 4 survivors hurt and you are chasing 1 guy is like you dont have preassure on them because they can just complete the gens in no time and get Adrenaline... Also down in 1 hit doesnt mean anything considering how many safe pallets there are in the game.

    "Instaheals give people 1 maybe 2 extra hits."

    That's right, that's why Moris are a thing, otherwise killers like Pig, Wraith, Freddy and many others could not get a single kill considering Insta-heals are used alongside things like DS, MoM, DH, BT, etc.

    "Add-ons can mori without even being hooked, down in one hit and be in general OP like prayer beads and Frank's mix tape."

    The only add-on that is complete bs is Frank's Mixtape and Legion is getting a rework, all the others have counter. Prayer Beads is not really that much of a problem as people think since you can hear the Spirit's footsteps, and Myers (the only killer that can Mori you without the need of a Mori/Perk) wont even get the chance to kill anyone if survivors just genrush...

  • Member Posts: 5,564

    "Those survivors are not healing, therefore they are doing gens + the killer can chase 1 person at a time..."

    If you play good enough as killer you should be able to down them decently quick. Also if one is on the hook then someone needs to save them and you are hopefully chasing someone else. That leaves one person on the gens. Again bringing noed does a pretty good job bearing in mind survivors never normally destroy all the totems. Only on one occasion has noed not been activated for me at the end.

    "Insta-heals are used alongside things like DS, MoM, DH, BT"

    Ds only affects tunnellers off the hook and personally I prefer this ds to the old one for that reason. MoM I said in my first post hardly is ever used. Dead hard can be baited if you know they have it and borrowed time is only when your close to the hooked survivor. I honestly dont remember borrowed time every giving me a problem after its initial nerf last year.

    "They can just complete the gens in no time and get Adrenaline"

    This is what I meant about the healing changes. I never really noticed adrenaline until that change was made, it wasn't part of the meta until that change was made. It was always self care, borrowed time, ds and dead hard or sprint burst.

    Either way mate we can agree to disagree but my initial point was the devs aren't survivor bias and no matter what is said I've played this game long enough to know your not going to change my opinion.

  • Member Posts: 1,463


    Good, if you are not willing to see how the game is and always has been survivor sided I dont have to counter every single thing you said :)

    I guess some people just dont like to acknowledge when they are wrong...

  • Member Posts: 819

    Oh another killer main thread with dumb complaing. So you didnt see that there were hardly any redrank survs but still many redrank killers? Try being a little bit realistic.

  • Member Posts: 275

    Yep guess you are a killer main right? You guys have been getting nothing but buffs for the past months, quit complaining and actually get good at the game instead of wanting ez win. Freaking virgins.

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    Pipping for killer really doesn't seem that hard. As long as survivors don't dc and you keep pressure on everyone, not tunnel or camp.

  • Member Posts: 845

    I’ve been pipping easily as killer, I don’t need a change, I’d say it’s in a good ISH spot

  • Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2019

    @GT_Legend2 I agree.

    I can't speak for purple or red ranks, but I've had to throw matches in yellow ranks as killer because I am pipping way too fast. I don't even have enough bloodpoints accrued yet to have unlocked teachables on anyone but Bubba, and yet am rapidly heading into the Vet de-ranked territory as a bonafide baby killer.

    Thank you, but no.

    I'm looking forward to rank reset this weekend, because I plan to avoid pipping too much until I've at least had the time to learn the damned killer-game and unlock some perks for an even half-way decent build.

    The fact that I am going to have to juggle getting BP and making sure to not get Pips at the same time is asinine. If anything, Ranks 20-10 need to be harder to Pip than they are right now. People need time to learn to play killer, experiment with killers to figure out what few work best for them, and grind out some perks, before being sent into the green ranks where they'll be going up against career de-ranking Vets.

  • Member Posts: 7,068

    Hmmmn mori's and op addons repeated uses, insta heal 1x use and medkits destroyed. 1 can remove the survivor from the game instantly, 1 can't.

  • Member Posts: 1,604

    See more and more no skilled killers playing this game

    its already too easy as killer to pip as long as you are a decent killer. if you are crap at playing Killer nothing we do can fix it, you are just bad

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    It's almost like it was exactly that attitude that drove away the more experienced killers...

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