Wraith QOL changes/Buffs

Just like my trapper post , I’d like to see some love for another Og killer that could use a little more love.

-The wraiths power is stealth. That’s all he has is stealth/ element of surprise. But is it REALLY an element of surprise ?

-Currently wraiths “stealth” consists of no Terror radius and Active camouflage that you can see pretty darn easily while he’s moving. On top of that you can hear his breathing , which is super loud and his footsteps sound like he’s walking on concrete with bricks on his feet.

-my QoL changes would be to either take away the sounds of his breathing and footsteps while in stealth or at least take away the footstep sounds and quiet the breathing a little bit.his whole power is the element of surprise and I can hear him from 15 meters away at least as well as see him comming from across the map .

- the second change is like to see is make his camouflage completely invisible , but start his uncloaking animation immediately while activating the decloak process to give survivors time to react.

one last thing I’d like to see is add some more speed and vaulting speed while cloaked without addons . Or at least the speed so he had a little bit more map pressure .

Stealth is this mans only ability and it just isn’t on par as the stealth is barely stealthy

what are your guys thoughts or opinions on wraith.


  • Nea_Death_Experience
    Nea_Death_Experience Member Posts: 316

    Stealth is OP. Think about it.

    Any terror radius related charging perk is redundant and he is faster while using it. I see most Wraiths use this instead of bloodlust. Aslo this ability allows free hits. With these changes you take skill out of survivors who know how to react to the small noises and shimmer that is the wraith and basicly make an invis killer with no way to avoid his field of view because there is no hit to where he is until the Wraith decided to drop his invis.

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57
    edited April 2019

    I wouldn’t even call it skill. I can barely be paying attention and see / hear that shithead from a mile away. And we even have spine chill which requires even the less aware players to not struggle against it . His current state is just so boring and his power is meh . Half the time when I’m playing /playing against a wraith you can hear is footsteps hear him breathe or walking from far away lol if he was fully stealthed just show his uncloak animation as soon as you start to come out

    Post edited by Trash_Panda on
  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    I think total invisibility should be on a purple add on. Wraith is actually in an ok spot for the time being.

  • LCGaster
    LCGaster Member Posts: 3,154

    As a almost exclusively Wraith main I will say that I agree about the noise being too loud, but complete invisibility is too much. I would make him completely invisible only when far away, so that at least you don't spot him from the other side of the map.

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    I could dig it . Maybe at least take away the sound and footsteps so on maps with walls survivors aren’t already running cause they heard my damn Smoker lung and brick feet before I even turned a corner lol

  • Raptorrotas
    Raptorrotas Member Posts: 3,238

    Lol at the idea of wraith getting free hits out of invisibility. The slowdown upon uncloaking cripples any chance of "free hits" if survivors would react instead of keeping up the rush.

    Back on topic I think total invisibility might be too strong, but reducing the shimmer/distortion the further he is away might actually worth testing. Or flatout make him completely invisible at a certain distance.

    Theres not much to tweak on his ability if it has to stay a QoL change 😀

    Personally I'd reduce the slowdown on uncloaking a bit, that spike of abyssal movementspeed takes so much out of his momentum. But as just mentioned, thats more of a buff than a QoL.

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    Trapper and wraith need buffs and QOL lol

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    I feel like against good loopers if you aren’t running enduring spirit fury you are struggling all game

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    They are reworking huntress hatchets so I doubt they will add any more insta down addons . But I’d honestly be just fine with true invisibility at 25m and any closer have the current invisibility . And get rid of the sounds lol

  • Mr_Myers
    Mr_Myers Member Posts: 422

    Speaking of Trapper if he could rearm traps that were already on the floor he would be a very, very good killer then

  • Trash_Panda
    Trash_Panda Member Posts: 57

    I got a trapper one of these also if you’d like to go over it and tell me what you think