Legion Mega fix
Credit to @dadamek8 and @DarkWo1f997 for inspiring me with some of these ideas.
These changes are all intended to go together:
- Frenzy now has a 0.75 second startup during which time the Legion stops moving and looks straight up while roaring. This can be easily heard by nearby survivors.
- Vaulting a window or pallet during Frenzy now drains 15% of his power
- Missed attacks have a 70% cooldown reduction instead of 100%. You will need Unrelenting to get a 100% reduction.
- Deep Wounds now bleeds out depending on distance to the Killer. The farther the faster. This is not effected by terror radius.
0-16 meters = 0 charges per second
17-24 = 1 charges per second
25-32 = 2 charges per second
32+ = 3 charges per second
A survivor is downed at 0 charges and starts with 60 when hit the first time (affected by addons) and will not go below 10 charges while mending. If it is already below 10 it will instead just pause.
- Stabbing a survivor already in Deep wounds drains 50% of the REMAINING duration rounding up with a minimum of 10 charges removed.
- Frenzy must be at least 60% recharged in order to be activated (9 seconds of charge from 0%)
- M1 attacks no longer drain frenzy
- Frenzy now drains at half speed during Killer Instinct
- Vaulting a pallet is now only available during Killer Instinct (you can still fast vault windows whenever).
- Legion now moves at 5.6 M/S during Frenzy (140% up from 132%)
- Killer instinct allows the Legion to cancel Frenzy with 33% less fatigue time (2 seconds instead of 3). This only triggers if Frenzy is canceled manually and not if you hit a survivor with Deep Wounds or let the timer run out.
- Mending now has Skill Checks but takes 5 seconds less by default (10 down from 15)
- Legion can now preform break actions at 150% during Frenzy
- Killer Instinct's tracking is now aura and thus is hidden by lockers, generators and distortion.
- Exposed or Injured survivors start with half the charges when put into Deep wounds from frenzy (30 charges instead of 60 normally) this does not stack.
Best Answers
Bump because it's still necessary
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Just an explanation behind why I think these changes specifically are what is needed and solves his issues:
Standard play:
- Legion now moves at 5.6 MPS during Frenzy (140% up from 132%)
- Frenzy now drains at half speed during Killer Instinct
- Killer Instinct's tracking is now aura and thus is hidden by lockers, generators and distortion.
These changes mean he can reliably get to and injure a group of survivors, if they scatter then his increased speed and duration means he can still catch up to them. Making it aura means hiding is still possible if that is your playstyle, however it would require preparation before hand so it still isn't easy to do.
Standard Chase:
- Killer instinct allows the Legion to cancel Frenzy with 33% less fatigue time (2 seconds instead of 3). This only triggers if Frenzy is canceled manually and not if you hit a survivor with Deep Wounds or let the timer run out.
This change means that Frenzy can be used as a combo starter with the right preparation. You hit them once, get up close and then cancel, unlike right now the stun is much shorter allowing you to actually follow up with this strategy.
Counter play:
- Frenzy now has a 0.75 second startup during which time the Legion stops moving and looks straight up while roaring. This can be easily heard by nearby survivors.
- Vaulting a pallet is now only available during Killer Instinct (you can still fast vault windows whenever).
This means you can dive for cover or use pallets to cover your escape in order to break LoS, once broken Frenzy doesn't seen scratchmarks so you will get lots of distance from this if done right
Counter-Counter play:
- Legion can now preform break actions at 150% during Frenzy
This means that while yes you still have to deal with pallets, you can at least get through them quicker . From there while you can't see the survivor you can absolutely predict them
Counter-Counter-Counter play:
- Deep Wounds now bleeds out depending on distance to the Killer. The farther the faster. This is not effected by terror radius.
- Frenzy must be at least 60% recharged in order to be activated (9 seconds of charge from 0%)
- Stabbing a survivor already in Deep wounds drains 50% of the REMAINING duration rounding up with a minimum of 10 charges removed.
Getting stabbed with Frenzy is not the end of the world. He can't spam it and you can always just keep running in order to get distance giving you more chances to try and juke (which is possible because of the startup and pallet interaction)
Counter-Counter-Counter-Counter play:
- Mending now has frequent Skill Checks but takes 5 seconds less by default (10 down from 15)
- Exposed or Injured survivors start with half the charges when put into Deep wounds from frenzy (30 charges instead of 60 normally) this does not stack.
In addition to allowing for more perk combos this means that it is easier to let a survivor go for a bit, and then down them later while they are mending/healing. You let them go using the distance to speed up the drain and then rush over to them once it gets low. If they are injured then it would be very fast to hit them twice, let them go for 5 seconds and then chase after them again.
- Frenzy now has a 0.75 second startup during which time the Legion stops moving and looks straight up while roaring. This can be easily heard by nearby survivors.
- Vaulting a pallet is now only available during Killer Instinct (you can still fast vault windows whenever).
Now of course this change means that doing so isn't reliable, the roar means the survivors will know when you are coming so you won't be getting a sneak attack in without M1. They can simply avoid you and since it doesn't go down when you are right next to them they can wait until you lose them in order to start mending again.
Hey wait a second? This is already on the list, we have a loop! That means every aspect of him has counterplay INCLUDING THE COUNTERPLAY ITSELF!
Post edited by NuclearBurrito on7 -
Loving this six ways to Sunday - make this live, please, Behavior.
In case anyone doesn't know. Killer Instinct is what happens after a survivor is hit with Frenzy who doesn't have deep wounds.
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I'm liking this
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This seems.... a-okay and balanced.
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Probably going to be unnecessary soon but whatevs.
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i like how u tried not to end this killers life like the devs did
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meh i like the devs way of fixing i will enjoy more now since he wont do exploits all the time
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well fixing the exploits wasnt that hard no reason to destroy anything else
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btw. Tunneling a survivor to death with these changes would take 39 seconds of nothing but either being in a stun or being in the process of recharging your power. Plus however many seconds it takes to catch up to the survivor and to initially find them and apply the DW for the first time on them. Thus trying to let the bar drain on it's own is more time efficient so long as you can keep an eye on the survivor so they can't mend. Doing the moonwalking strategy to accomplish this would be redundant however since it is proximity based, instead you would have to give them some distance (not the full TR distance the official legion rework has. But 32 meters would be the fastest if you did it anyway) which they might then use to escape from you.
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Wow, this is soooo much better than what they actually did.. i wonder if that might in part be because it starts out with such killer favor things that at first glance i was rolling my eyes (yeah, sure, he needs to be ultra OP, *that's* what was wrong with him...) But once you got into counters it became astonishingly balanced! My point in bringing that up, though, is that busy folks trying to skim through hundreds of posts might not get past the first excuse to write this one off..
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This, in a million years, is the BEST idea anyone had to solve a problem that the devs were just too lazy to take care of. JUST WOW!