This was inspired by @Cymer .
So basically, this wilL NATURALLY slow the game Down and make cleansing more desirable.
My idea is, to make survivor take 10 seconds longer to do gens, by adding a status effect called 'Inefficient'. The Inefficient status effect makes you do gens 10 seconds slower, makes you search chests 3 seconds slower, and makes you do totems 5 seconds slower. The sickness distracts you so it makes you inefficient. The idea behind this is to add an incentive to cleanse yourself, but also give you the option not to, naturally you'd want to, which makes Plague stronger.
My idea for healing is to give you a 5% Movespeed debuff WHICH makes you leSs effective at looping the killer around and gives you less map pressure
With this, you have less map pressure and less gen pressure and on top of this, your chase game is considerably weaker, obviously this is probably too little and the numbers need to be tweaked quitw a lot but I think it's on the right lines. I added this because, if you're injured, you're certainly not going to be running at maximum efficiency and you'd be hindered a little. To help with looping because it'd take a nerf, you also get to perform actions except generators, totems, chests and fountain 15% faster. So vaulting is faster, locker (jumping in and out) is faster, and so on.
No mither neutralizes these debuffs and leaves you unaffected.
Could be interesting I suppose but I feel like going down in 1 hit is good enough for now.
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Going down in 1 hit matters when you're being chased, but not when you're rubbing your face on a gen.
I think a gen repair speed debuff would be fine. You got a chunk taken out of you, it's gonna be harder to vaguely rub your hands on a generator.
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I rather have another mandatory objective that makes the survivors take a risk if they want to stay injured, something that makes them move around the map and come back to the gen to repair a part of It and repeat.
@AlwaysInAGoodShape had the idea of the crafting parts which was really cool and I think something like that should be enough to fix genrush and add more fun aspects to survivor side.
Link to his post:
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It was asked before why they didn't do something like this, They said they felt it was 'unfun' for survivors to have action speed penalties. 🙄
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Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but I only ask because it wasn't explicitly stated in the post. What would trigger the "Uneasiness" status effect? I assume it's being Injured/Broken/Sick (I would hope that this does not apply to No Mither if so)?
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don't like the movement speed debuff, ms should stop being touched in this game, clown was more than enough. true that it would make you want to heal, but you can't exactly do that mid-chase, and no survivor enjoys moving even slower while being chased
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I think 5 seconds more is too long for totems, but otherwise I like that idea.
Losing 5% speed is way too much.
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Well it is unfun to spend even more time staring at progress bars. Not sure why that's eye roll inducing. It seems pretty clear devs are trying to balance the game in other ways.
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The other debuffs seem okay but losing 5% ms is too much. It also doesn't have anything to do with healing yourself since most probably you will be in a chase when you get injured.
Add bloodlust to the equation and you are 25% faster than that survivor. Keep in mind that cloaked wraith's movement speed without addons is 126%.
I don't see that change happening
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I find it eyerolling because they release second chance perks without a second thought but dismiss anything that effects survivor gameplay like plauge's sickness having action speed penalty or the Thana buff when games are already going too fast.
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@Bongbingbing I have to agree with you, I wanted to say the same thing but there was no chance so here is my chance I guess.
It is really unfun to spend 20 seconds more on generators when you get sick? Okay I can understand that. There is a counter play, go and cleanse yourself but anyway.
There is no problem prolonging chases by giving an extra hit chance to the survivor with no counter play? Uhm #########? Killers like wraith doesn't even have a counterplay.
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Exactly, I don't understand why the devs think it's perfectly fine to prolong chases even more but are so against action penalty's to help killers even tho everybody knows Killers are under a time crunch with how fast gens can be done.
It might not be fun to repair a generator for longer but it's also Unfun for a killer to have to hit trough the multiple second chance perks you can stack in the game.
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This is an interesting. I'd like to see something like this in a PTB so we could see it in action! +1
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I can understand that the devs don't like to always give survivors more gen speed debuffs but at the same time, they do nothing but give killers speed debuffs.
Billy self-stun, nurse fatigue, legion self-stun, hag loses movement momentum from a teleport, stalking slows you down, reloading bottles slows you down, charging hatchets slows you down.
And plague is the worst: Slowed from charging, slowed from holding, slowed after using?!
It just pisses me off that they are afraid to slow down gens, (injured does nothing, infected does nothing, madness does a little more than nothing, RBT does something. Intoxicated does nothing to slow the gens. Any perk that slows gens is a hex, thanatophobia got post ptb nerfed.
Im just pissed that they don't do the same thing to survivors. If we complain about this enough, the most that her sickness will do is reduce skill check sizes.
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I've said for a while that Thanataphobia should be a built in mechanic, not a perk. Would give survivors a reason to heal while also giving killers a reason to injure a different survivor rather than go after the person that was just unhooked.
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I got my Plague to p3 and I finally got a working build for her; BBQ, Ruin, Brutal Strength, Overcharge. My add-ons will usually include 1 apple, and the effectiveness or cooldown. The apple is VERY IMPORTANT.
So one strategy against Plague, which works very well, is to not use the fountains and just stay broken as long as you can. This is great, unless she has an apple. If she does, then once you are all sick she can get corrupt and basically force you to give her more corrupt or go down super easy the next time she finds you. Corrupt is like a machine gun Huntress. No, more like a mini gun. If you are healthy that ish is dangerous. If you are injured you won't make it 10 steps, and even if there is a pallet/window you will still get hit. It is crazy strong in this situation. Then as killer you just play smart and don't spam the fountains. Get a few sick then take another. You get them in this constant cycle of refilling the fountains.
This is why I think that 1 fountain should start corrupt at base. It makes it so you can punish survivors that don't use the fountains.
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Edited to make more sense, and tackle some issues.
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that's about as much compensation as the bloodpoints you get when a killer Insta dc's and you brought a cake. ms just shouldn't be touched
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Ah, okay. In that case, I don't think the status condition needs a name persay, unless you were thinking of having things other than just sickness cause it. The debuff could just be written out in Vile Purge's description. Also, if Inefficient is no longer going to be caused by simply being injured, I think then it would be fine for it to affect people running No Mither.
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This would not scare me (the movement speed rebuff might be too much.
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Sickness buff?
Yes please.
Players not cleansing is the same as players deciding not to heal and buffing sickness specifically would be amazing.
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I'd say being broken all game is a reason to cleanse. But ya know.
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@Carpemortum most good survivors can loop just as well when injured. It's a minor inconvenience.
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But I forego healing to combat the Plague =/ I never run SC so I can't heal anyway. I've started taking Resilience to fight Legion/Plague and it's been great. Also, when other survivors wander by to help a gen and see the cloud, they stand a moment and then run away, it's funny.