Am I the only one who doesn’t see billy as all that?

GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

Every time I play him I get gen rushed easily, I also do better with literally any other killer.


  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    He's a high tier killer in my eyes but it depends on the area and the skill of the billy, if the billy keeps trying to use his saw at loops it's not gonna end very well for him and it also depends on the area the survivors are in either he is really efficient or it just becomes an m1 game.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,553

    Mobility is the strongest thing a killer can have, that's why the holy trinity can travel quickly

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Billy is actually quite good.

    Thing is, Billy is also very difficult to play optimally.

    If you're playing against really good survivors, then you'll have to pull off some difficult chainsaws. Not many people can play at this level.

    I use Q and E to steer with Billy, but even still, I find it difficult to hit skilled survivors. That just goes to show you how much experience is required.

  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    well it depends are you on PC or console?

  • PhantomMask20763
    PhantomMask20763 Member Posts: 5,176

    He's good but I just find him boring

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Mcfred console

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I'd say he is the most balanced killer we have to date. His weakness and strengths are so well blended that he shines above the rest. I don't see him as having greater advantage but his weaknesses are definitely less painfully obvious than some of the lower tier killers.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    Hillbilly isn't great at all unless you have his addons which allow you to have tremendous control over your chainsaw sprint. Anyone who tells you those addons aren't required is blowing smoke up your arse unless they don't use his chainsaw to down survivors at which point I ask:

    Why are you even playing him?

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Skip to 4:15 and tell us how Hillbilly needs addons for chainsaw control again:

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212
  • Mcfred
    Mcfred Member Posts: 152

    console has bad frame rate and whenever I played him it was just AIDs at how choppy it was. Also because of the frame rate it's hard to see people when turning with the chainsaw so there's that to deal with. Nurse and billy on console is pointless because of how the game runs.

  • deathsia
    deathsia Member Posts: 250

    That was for close range takedowns.

    PLUS: he's using charge speed boosting addons.

    ALSO: that survivor was an idiot and ran around the car instead of the safe location LITERALLY A SHORT SPRINT AWAY. No seasoned survivor is going to be that dumb unless they come down with a temporary case of the "idiots" which is rare as hell.

    I'd LOVE to see a long range takedown(as in not more or less within basic attack range) without those control addons, or any addons period, against a seasoned survivor, who IS NOT having a temporary case of the "idiots" in a chase with the hillbilly.

    What's that? Can't find one? Gee, I wonder why....

    Perhaps its because a seasoned survivor IS NOT going to do what that one did and run around a pallet instead of running to a jungle gym that is nearly possible to hit them with a chainsaw sprint in.

    And what is the Hillybilly's greatest strength? Mid to Long range instant takedowns.

    If the hillbilly can't hit a survivor with his chainsaw then he's a killer without a power until he can and no seasoned survivor is going to give him that chance willingly.

    So his only shot is to come at them from mid to long range with a control addon and when they (and THEY WILL if they're a seasoned survivor) try to juke, can make a quick turn to smack them down.

    Charge Speed addons are helpful for close range takedowns but unless a survivor is a complete moron, it's not gonna happen. Occasionally you'll get lucky by hitting them as they vault but beyond that, fat chance of hitting them once inside a jungle gym.

  • TooKoolFoU
    TooKoolFoU Member Posts: 378

    See, I find that billy has potential to be strong is most aspects. Billy is strong for the most part. I find him a bit more challenging to match against than other killers, however I don’t think he’s a massive anal experience as those say he is. I don’t know though, because I’m a billy main (or used to be until I moved to nurse/console). On billy I’ll usually run BbQ for fun and mainly points, yet to make him stronger outside of pressure I’ll use bamboozle or monitor and abuse. I don’t use ruin anymore, but rather Corrupt Intervention. A good billy can do the damage

  • Free_Hugs
    Free_Hugs Member Posts: 304

    I must agree, it's better to go for the well seasoned survivors. They add a great flavour to my BBQ and chili.

    Also your post is silly.