can we finally do something about SWFs?

i mainly play killer (1 rank) and 9/10 games have SWF who are so toxic that i have no fun playing at all. if they are good, they behave like bastards, if they suck, they just leave without even being punished.
can't we do some toggle for killer to play against no SWF?
and some punishment for leaving a game? like losing pips (3-5)?
You're THAT lucky? Holy #########. Less than 10% are 4 man swf and even less are sweaty but you get them 9/10 games? That's like, mathematically improbable. Almost IMPOSSIBLE.
Ahhh. 1 post. No points. Bait?
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@Carpemortum the topic is of course about maths, thank you.
checking the number of posts, wait, are we back to 2005 again?
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People with few posts and complain about stuff usually get this treatment. Don't make an account to complain about stuff, make an account to discuss with others. Everything you have to complain about has been complained about many times, we are just tired to hear this things.
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@justastranger this post is about you getting wrecked and wanting to blame the fabled 4 man swf.
The lack of posts (on this forum) is a good sign of a troll, or someone who is upset about the game without fully understanding.
And considering the number I gave are from the devs, it absolutely is. I absolutely do not believe you get the sweaty 4 mans 9 out of 10 games.
So when I see a post like this, with someone who has never posted, I assume bait.
Also there IS punishment for DCing. 2 pips last I checked.
So you're rambling about something that upset you, without knowing some of these things are in place. Which is why I assumed you didnt know how statistically improbable what you're claiming ACTUALLY is.
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SWF make up something like 70% of the survivor base. You really want to wait that long for a match?
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Whoa, buddy. Go easy on the new guy :)
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@LCGaster I'm trying to. I really am. I'm not going as hateful as if someone who's been here came up with this.
But every other day it's the same crap.
"Delete NoEd"
"I get 4 man SWF everygame rrr"
"MoM is DS 3.0 after head on failed"
"Legion sucks"
"Killers/survivors are so toxic".
######### gets old. I assume most of these one off posts are someone just pissy about a game on a second account. And I apologize @justastranger, but it is what it is. The numbers dont make sense. And it sucks if you really feel this way, but its gonna happen.
Its nigh impossible(but not entirely) to know if they're swf, and I doubt 4 man swf are that often, but if they are, dont take it seriously. Lose rank. Play with them. Dont worry about the kills. Who cares. Rank means nothing rn. Have fun.
But posting about something that is debated daily on a first fishy. Nowemsayin?
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You forgot about camping and tunneling
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I suppose that’s how the community works, you come with a problem and you are told how bad and wrong you are. Thank you :)
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And yeah @Carpemortum the post was not about losing rank or kills, it was about not having fun playing against a toxic swf, thank you for being attentive :)
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can we finally do something about mobility killers?
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@Carpemortum Now, while I agree that we keep getting the same complaints ad nauseam at these forums, and that whole 9/10 games is a severe exaggeration, I've also seen folks hammering people with new forum accounts. Here in this thread wasn't the only one.
You guys do recall that they just had a free weekend, and that the game was just on sale for $10, right? Now, color me stupid, but I would like to assume that the free weekend and sale brought in actual new players. New players who would also have a brand new forum account, and who wouldn't necessarily be aware of all the repeated complaints we got at these forums before their arrival.
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These guys make up 70% the playerbase unfortunately and bullying Killers is what makes them happy. I think it’ll a long time before we see some serious fixes to this problem.
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@Kilmeran I absolutely agree. They're probably going to be a lot more common. And that's why I apologized and tried to step back. I know I was a little brash, and exained why I suspected what I did. Didnt mean to sound as hostile. Just with all the bans and repeat threads lately this place is falling apart!
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@Carpemortum Yeah, to be honest, it seemed a bit out of forum-character for you. But hey, it happens. 😁