How to fix DCs

Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

Right now, Dead by Daylight has 2 issues that have combined to turn the game into a catastrophic mess that no one is having fun playing right now. The first issue is obviously DCs and the second issue is ranking (Which is probably the worst problem). These two issues are fueling each other like gasoline thrown on a fire.

Because of the failure of the ranking system to properly adjust people based on skill level, you have higher-skill players slaughtering lower-skilled players. Because players don't like being slaughtered, they're disconnecting or suiciding on hook causing them to derank or leaving game as killer because they can't even down a survivor. If 1 survivor disconnects right at the beginning, then other survivors will probably DC also and I really can't blame them at that point.

The way to solve the DC problem is to make the game fun for players, because right now it isn't fun.

  1. (SWF Fix #1) SWFs need to be bumped up in rank. SWFs groups should have to go against much higher level killers, than their current average rank. Maybe bump their average rank up by # levels for each additional SWF in the group. For Example lets say you did 2 levels per additional survivor. 2 survivors with an average rank of 10 should be going against a level 8 killer. 3 survivors with an average rank of 10 should go against a level 6 killer.
  2. (SWF Fix #2) If fix #1 doesn't work, then maybe a perk slot should be removed for each member of the SWF team. 2 player SWFs only get 3 perks each instead of 4. 3 player SWFs only get 2 perks each instead of 4.
  3. Fix the ranking system. The killers emblem system hasn't worked since you introduced it. The survivor emblem system is working very poorly right now.
  4. (Killer Ranking Fix) Lets face it, Killers judge how well they are doing based on kills. The could give a rats-*ss about the emblem system. Let me say this again, the emblem system literally doesn't exist from the killers point of view. The Devs. obviously won't do this, but the fix is to base rank on if the killer is getting 2 or more kills. You safety pip at 2 kills. You pip at 3 kills. You double pip at 4 kills. You lose a pip at 1 kill and 2 pips at 0 kills. Devs please, keep it simple.
  5. Keep the Survivor emblem system, just tweak it so it's accurately ranking survivors. Maybe remove the cap for doing gens and being chased. If you can loop a killer through 5 gens, then you deserve to pip. If you work 5 gens, you deserve to pip.
  6. (Punish DCs Fix #1) 30 minute ban for the 1st DC, 1 hour ban for the 2nd DC, 1 Day ban for the 3rd DC. Reset after 24 hours.
  7. (Punish DCs Fix #2) Randomly remove 1 perk level per DC. Example: A survivor DCs, then randomly remove 1 perk level, such as a level 3 Decisive Strike now becomes a level 2 Decisive Strike. Tell the survivor what they lost so they know they're getting punished.


  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    I like some of the ideas, but I think the DC timer is a BIT harsh.

    If say start at 5 min, 15, 30, hour, 3 hour, 24 hour, reset every other day or weekly.

    In the instance someone DOES have a power flicker or bug, we shouldnt overly punish them, but after 3 or 4 when that's not really an excuse, theyll have to wait.

  • CocodaMonkey
    CocodaMonkey Member Posts: 10

    Most of these ideas are pretty good. If they start punishing DC's I think one thing they should do is allow the other players to override the punishment. It's usually pretty easy to tell if someone rage quit or DCed on purpose versus something went wrong. I've been in after game lobbies where people will comment on the DC being weird because we were winning and they weren't in chase. It's not a perfect fix but it helps limit damage done by power outages or bugs.

    I'd also love to see a rework on the survivor ranking system. What used to count as double pipping can now count as a depip. Their most recent change was massive and has largely resulted in everyone just playing at higher ranks regardless of skill. If they want to keep this hardcore mode of pipping they need to drop the idea of seasons. No more rank resets at all as it would take good plays months to reach rank 1. If they want to keep seasons then they need to revert to what it was if they can't come up with something better. The old system was far from perfect but it at least separated good and bad players a little bit.

  • Munqaxus
    Munqaxus Member Posts: 2,752

    I would say just punish people who hit the leave button. You can definitely tell if someone used the leave button. Maybe give everyone a freebie DC per day. After that, start punishing.

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221
    edited April 2019

    I agree, right now there is a bug that dcs people from the game with no choice so a harsh system would punish people for Behavior being incompetent. when this is fixed i think a 5 minute timer and 10% less bp for the next 3 completed games would be solid enough to discourage people while not being so heavy handed it would turn people off of the game.

    And @Munqaxus honestly since Prayer Beads, Haddonfield, Franks mix tape, MoM, and SuperSaiyin nurse are still things I feel both survivors and killers have real reasons to dc in some occasions. (im not gonna wait for some douche bubba to stand over me till I bleed out even if i have unbreakable, waste of my time and is unfun, also when a legion starts exploiting with moonwalking im not gonna give him a bbq stack or waste my time. Also if you are huntress on haddonfield you are going to lose as there are window loops that are literally infinites if the surv has balanced landing again)