Temporary Suspension for too many DC's

xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49
edited April 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I know there is already consequences for people who disconnect such as no bloodpoints earned and items lost, very little points rewarded to the killer, or points rewarded to the survivors if killer dc's, and player levels are affected and all that.. and they can be reported but that don't seem to do anything when you report people for rage-quitting.

However these consequences are SO minor that nobody cares and people DC all the time anyways. It's a huge problem in the game.

MY SUGGESTION AND WISH: is for the people who DC too often (2 or 3 times in a whole day) needs to be suspended from playing the game any longer for, a whole 24 hours, 1 hour from the time of their last DC. So if they DC and try to get into another match there should be a message saying "Temporarily suspended for 1 hour(s)"

Next time they think about DCing or Rage-Quitting they will think twice.

Post edited by xJayeSparkle on


  • xJayeSparkle
    xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49


  • ChicoRockz
    ChicoRockz Member Posts: 34

    I think 24 hours is a bit harsh. I think they should have a gradual progression of bans.

    First Offense: 10 minutes

    Second Offense: 20 minutes

    Third Offense: 1 hour

    Fourth Offense: 4 hours

    Fifth Offense: 10 hours

    So on and so forth. You can just keep increasing the time each offense. All offenses should be wiped clean when the shrine resets. So you can technically DC all you want. Just as long as you're willing to wait hours before your next game.

  • basicpitch
    basicpitch Member Posts: 101

    I'm with Chico. I prefer to see something that penalizes with a waiting period thats reasonable. Blizzard has one if you leave a battleground. Maybe time to add one to DbD, take the depip 10/20/30 minute waiting period then back into the fray.


    And if the killer DC's the survivors don't lose their offerings and vice versa. I lose my ever lovin' mind when I use my party streamers only to have the killer DC.

  • xJayeSparkle
    xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49
    edited April 2019

    Okay maybe you guys are right. 24 Hour Suspension may be too harsh but I think 30minutes isn't long enough either. To a lot of people that's not a problem. I would just find something to do for a quick 30minutes and jump back on just to be toxic and DC again as soon as the game doesn't go my way.

    I really like your gradual idea of increasing the suspension times. 1st, 2nd and 3rd, etc.

  • p1ague
    p1ague Member Posts: 101

    Yeah, love the graduated penalty idea, except I don't see any reason for it to reset ever, just maybe let it tier up with no upper cap for each disconnect (so if you wait 24 hours then DC again, you're waiting 36 or whatever for the next one,) and maybe tier down every 5 completed (no DC) games or something (so if you wait 24 hours after your last DC, then DC on your 7th game after the wait, you only have to wait another 24,not 36, and if you played 20 complete games, you only wait 10 hrs,or whatever the tiers are..) If it reset with rank resets, you'd get a major spike in DCs at the beginning and end of every season.

  • tresbandeiras
    tresbandeiras Member Posts: 13

    I agree there should be a penalty for people who DCs , its becoming more usual and more annoying. Something has to be done as its affecting our game experience.

  • lewfairbrother
    lewfairbrother Member Posts: 44

    I agree DCing is incredibly annoying, but you won't stop if. If you start banning people who do it, people will stop playing the game, end of.

  • xJayeSparkle
    xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49

    We are not talking about being banned permanently. Just for a small amount of time like 15min for the 1st offense, and so on. Also if those people who DC quit playing the game I really don't think it would be a big loss to the community of players.

  • xJayeSparkle
    xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49

    Look at this!? All the 3 of those people DC'd as soon as I was about to hook them. I didn't camp or tunnel. It's just crazy how often this happens. As soon as the game doesn't go well for someone their answer is just to DC and go into another game.

    If there was a bigger consequence like a 15min suspension this won't happen as often.

  • No1TheLarch
    No1TheLarch Member Posts: 221
    edited April 2019

    Problem is you can DC now and not lose pips https://clips.twitch.tv/MildPeppySquidAsianGlow

    @xJayeSparkle I see noed on a huntress, and unrelenting, Maybe its cause you tunneled and camped? Making us Huntress mains look bad here

    problem now is there is literally an incentive to DC at the moment which is very smart and well thought out by BVHR.

  • xJayeSparkle
    xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49
    edited April 2019


  • xJayeSparkle
    xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49

    You're just assuming I'm camping or tunneling because of perks I chose to use? I'll let you know though you're wrong even if you might not believe me. I don't camp or tunnel as that isn't fun at all. I play survivor mainly and it's so messed up to camp a hook. So incredibly annoying and ruins the whole game. To me it's not fun to be toxic or piss people off. I don't understand why people get joy by trolling or doing stuff like that. :/

    I honestly don't care about bloodpoints or pips. I play the game because it's fun when you have a whole match with nobody trying to be toxic, or rage quitting and etc. I just wish the game could be that more often. I honestly think the temporary suspension for DC's would help cut down on DC's at least.

  • ChicoRockz
    ChicoRockz Member Posts: 34

    To assume he was camping based on his perks is a little ignorant. If people are going to camp they will do so regardless of their perks. I've played against killers who face camped with BBQ and that was before the 100 ways to counter it. Also, it looks like he's playing on the console. Having unrelenting with the ######### frame rates is understandable. NOED with all the sweaty SWF on console is also understandable. But seeing as he had DCs I highly doubt that perk got activated. So having that perk did not give them a reason to DC. And if you DC with all the gens done you really should be banned. Because you're only being salty you got caught and proving his point.

  • kaeru
    kaeru Member Posts: 1,568
    edited April 2019

    I think you should have no suspension for 1st disconnect in one day, just like in csgo. So if you disconnected once by reason you can't control, you can play further. If you DC twice - 30 minutes, third time - 1 hour, 4 hous, 24 hours. When player disconnects it is reaaly annoying for both sides, and losing 2 pips for them is not a penalty! They would love to lose a rank and play with easier opponents! So i think the temporary suspension for DC is necessary!

  • xJayeSparkle
    xJayeSparkle Member Posts: 49

    Thank you for making those points! You're exactly right, there was no reason for those DC's. Hopefully Behaviour will see this is wanted and necessary and implement it in the future. <3