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Who is your favourite licensed killer?



  • Member Posts: 7
    Freddy Krueger

    I love every licensed Killer except Pig >:I

  • Member Posts: 56

    Leatherface stuck at 5%? omg not much love for that basement lover?

  • Member Posts: 52
    Michael Myers

    Myers, not just because of the series' success itself but also how great he is implemented into the game. I don't think there are any other character that scares me as much as him with his gameplay mechanics.

  • Member Posts: 3
    Michael Myers

    I just love to play my p3 Myers :)

  • Member Posts: 17
    Face all day
  • Member Posts: 22
    Michael Myers

    @RainMix said:
    Freddy just because he is so different to the other killers and when you get a kill its so satisfying.

    That's because you never do?

  • Member Posts: 7
    Michael Myers

    if I could vote twice my other would be to pig, I love stealth killers.

  • Member Posts: 3
    Michael Myers

    He is just so scary to play against and to play as him feels so powerful !

  • Member Posts: 12
    The Pig

    I think Myers was probably the best & most optimized licensed killer to come out - but I had to vote for Amanda. I just love her power!

    I'm actually really glad to see the love for the different licensed killers here in general <3

  • Member Posts: 13
    Michael Myers

    The Shape ♥

  • Member Posts: 81
    The Pig

    I love Myers, since Halloween was the first horror movie I ever watched. He comes 2nd place to Pig. I love her because she's just so cute. Seeing her crouch around, nod at you, walk away. So cute.

  • Member Posts: 82
    Michael Myers

    Easylie one of the more interesting killers out there- maybe difficult to play against survivors who are aware of their surroundings, but deadly if underestimated as only one surv feeding him enough evil may be all he needs to win the round.

  • Member Posts: 36
    The Pig

    It doesn't surprise me that myers is first but I haven't actually played him. I absolutely love the pig though, both for her thematic and her ability to mori people with her traps. I have lots of fun with her add-ons, and it never hurts a killer's case that they can literally t-bag survivors :P

  • Member Posts: 20
    Michael Myers

    Myers is one of my main killers - using the scratched mirror and monitor and abuse is just cruel :P

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited May 2018
    Freddy Krueger

    I play Freddy. It's fun to be invisible most of the time, and people say he's a lot worse than he really is, or at least potentially could be. A few QoL buffs would really make all the difference.

  • Member Posts: 17
    edited May 2018

    Myers, I had the scariest time with him when he came out. Before the Halloween DLC I was a survivor main and he scared the ######### outta me and I never understood how he works, until I tested him. No other killer plays like him, he is very well designed, his addons offer great variety and his music oh my god. I absolutely adore his chasing music and the Halloween theme in general.

  • Member Posts: 624

    leatherface is awesome. and insidious leatherface is scary af.... when i started leveling him up, i had tier 2 insidious, tier 2 iron grasp and basic agitation before any other viable perks because available. it led me to the conclusion that basement bubba is what they're pushing for....

  • Member Posts: 857
    edited May 2018
    Michael Myers

    I just got the SAW chapter and I'm really liking the Pig, the only problem is that her perks are so bad.


    Pig has a fun kit. Shape has a good kit. Cannibal was fun and is probably my most played out of the four. Freddy was a mistake, he's terrible to play and also terrible and outright unfun to play against.

  • Member Posts: 857
    Michael Myers

    @iOrangeStain said:
    He comes 2nd place to Pig. I love her because she's just so cute. Seeing her crouch around, nod at you, walk away. So cute.

    Oh my life. She is. I nod at the survivors a lot because of it.

  • Member Posts: 435
    Freddy Krueger
    Sloth910 said:

    Freddy mains REPRESENT

      P3 Freddy main my self, at least 300 hours played as freddy
  • Member Posts: 250
    Freddy Krueger

    @Sloth910 said:
    Freddy mains REPRESENT


  • Member Posts: 4
    The Pig!
  • Member Posts: 33
    Freddy Krueger

    @MONKEYMAN said:

    @RainMix said:
    Freddy just because he is so different to the other killers and when you get a kill its so satisfying.

    That's because you never do?

    LOL true

  • Member Posts: 568
    Michael Myers
    I don't really like playing AS any of the licensed killers. However, playing against a Myers who knows what he is doing is almost always a fun game.

    One of my favourite moments was a time I found the Ruin totem fairly quickly. I decided to finish it even though he was coming. I knew he'd reached EW2, but I figured I could take a hook to get rid of Ruin. I finished the totem, started running, he popped EW3... and mori'd me on the spot. I didn't consider the possibility of a tombstone. I laughed my ass off over that one.

    Myers is one of the only killers that genuinely scares me sometimes.
  • Member Posts: 61
    Freddy Krueger

    Freddy for the win mostly because I want that glove

  • Member Posts: 15
    The Pig

    It was hard to decide between Leatherface and Pig, but nothing is better in this game than getting a reverse bear trap kill.

  • Member Posts: 259
    Michael Myers

    Myers is my favorite killer, including non-licensed.
    He is so unique, fun and incredibly strong! :)

  • Member Posts: 259
    Michael Myers

    @stereoparade said:
    I think Myers was probably the best & most optimized licensed killer to come out - but I had to vote for Amanda. I just love her power!

    I'm actually really glad to see the love for the different licensed killers here in general <3

    My favorite is Myers, but The Pig looks so fun.
    I'll probably buy her soon.

  • Member Posts: 50
    edited May 2018
    The Pig

    Whenever I play killer I always play as Michael Myers only because I find it easy to play him and he was the first licensed killer with that sweet custom chase music.
    As for favourite it's The Pig, Oink!

  • Member Posts: 41
    The Pig

    The Pig for me! Never played so much Killer before she got released, now i love it! Even 'tho she's far from the strongest, i just really love to play with her, being sneaky at times, getting heads to pop.. It's all very satisfying and that's the most important part, no matter if i get 0 or 4 kills :).

  • Member Posts: 46
    The Pig

    The pig Is my second main after hag she is really good at game stall and sneaking up to someone on a gen and just pulling them off always gets a good laugh out of me!

  • Member Posts: 28
    Michael Myers

    Micheal is my boy! I love that guy. And him suddenly appearing behind me when I try to repair something always gives me the heeby-jeebies :D

  • Member Posts: 189
    Michael Myers

    Well if Freddy wouldn't be so ######### #########, he'd be my favourite, but as it stands of now it is by far Michael Myers

  • Member Posts: 1,737
    edited June 2018

    Leatherface. He one shots people and makes piggy noises.

    Post edited by Acromio on
  • Member Posts: 98
    Michael Myers

    Myers and Freddy <3

  • Member Posts: 23
    The Pig

    I love the stalky boy
    He watches over you and is always there for you

    but when you're playing the pig
    and you get a kill with the reverse bear trap
    it's the best feeling in the world

  • Member Posts: 323
    Michael Myers
    I would say leather face but I know its just because I love his lore but the way you made Michael ,he actually freaks me out '_'
  • Member Posts: 5
    Michael Myers

    Michael Myers Sneaky Sneaky BOİİİ

  • Member Posts: 42
    The Pig

    Piggy is fun, though freddy is 2nd. Myers is the best if i want 3-4 kills though.

  • Member Posts: 31
    Michael Myers

    @Sloth910 said:
    Freddy mains REPRESENT

    You must like pain.

  • Member Posts: 43
    Freddy Krueger

    @BehindTheTree said:

    @Sloth910 said:
    Freddy mains REPRESENT

    You must like pain.

    There is glory in pain. There is also glory in realizing you can actually get ranks playing freddy, even if you can't get to those top tier ones XD Nah though, Freddy may be the worst killer ever but he has some fun abilities and I say he needs more love then he gets. And possibly a major buff lmao, because much as I love his stupid long lunge, he is very underpowered

  • Unknown
    edited May 2018
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  • Member Posts: 1
    The Pig

    I've played Michael a lot... but, I've started to enjoy the pig far more.

  • Member Posts: 10
    The Pig

    Assasins Pig :)

  • Member Posts: 247
    edited May 2018
    The Pig

    I think my name gives away which killer I choose.

    Pig is just such a good character, a very strong mid-tier killer who can compete at high ranks. That and her stun squeal is cute af.

  • Member Posts: 384
    edited May 2018

    Other Bubbas in the house need to rep, 'cause 6% isn't lookin' good here, fellas. They need to know there's a market for Leatherface cosmetics.

  • Member Posts: 5
    Michael Myers

    Myers, duh. Only one who was able to scare me. I'm used to his stalking behaviour now but I still jump from time to time if I see him watching me from afar. I don't have much experience playing as him though.

    I like the Pig and Leatherface. I absolutely despise Freddy Krueger, hated his movies, hate him in the game.

  • Member Posts: 39
    Freddy Krueger
    I love playing as Freddy. I also love playing against him  :)
  • Member Posts: 474
    Michael Myers

    The Shape is the best designed, most powerful and best encapsulates what it is like to be Michael Myers. After that, I'd go with Freddy even if he is poorly designed and weak. I have no interest in SAW so the Pig does nothing for me even if she is better designed than Freddy, and Leatherface, while neat, is ironically just a cheap knock-off of the Hillbilly.

  • Member Posts: 1,146
    Michael Myers

    I love Michael Myers. I dont own him but i do plan to buy him at some point. I love playing against Myers. He is a really spooky killer and in my opinion the only killer that cultivates any sense of horror. A myers that is in tier 3 with judiths tombstone and fragrant tuft of hair is something to be very wary of.

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