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Can you use the internet in The Entity's realm?

Akibahara Member Posts: 78

Let's say Feng Min wants to play an online match of Overwatch or David King wants to browse Baitbus, do you believe they'd be able to do so?


  • Cubester
    Cubester Member Posts: 20

    i don't think there would be no wi-fi or signal whatsoever

  • Tradebaron
    Tradebaron Member Posts: 135
    I imagine the Entity would tease them by revealing an old computer lab, dilapidated and covered in mold. However, the dim light and humming of ancient 90s computers continuously drone on in the background.

    As the survivors enter, a brief moment of hope that they can outwit the evils of the fog to utilize technology and contact help, only to realize it's another trial, another realm and another killer that stalks them in the halls......
  • MimimiLalala
    MimimiLalala Member Posts: 37

    Uh guys? The hospital and SAW map clearly have TV screens and other electronical equipment so I d say yes, there is some form of Internet in the realm. But i doubt that they can play anything else than pacman lol. lucky enough now they have an entire circus for their amusement.

  • sluggygorl
    sluggygorl Member Posts: 3

    all the technology has to be a subconscious mimicry of anything. if the entity wants to reward feng for good performance to a peaceful night, it will go over her prior memories and let her enjoy something vaguely familiar to it. it won't work like it ought but it'll seem passable!