Do the devs plan on addressing lobby dodging?

I play survivor and killer equally. Maybe even more killer lately. I can say for a fact though that when I do play survivor I get dodged about 1 in 5 games and this is playing solo. When I do play SWF and this is rarely, about 3/4 games we get dodged I don’t dodge as Killer and it’s not like survivors even have items a lot of the time when we get dodged. Do the devs have plans to address this sometime soon or in the future?
Balance for voice coms, then we'll talk.
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Read the whole thing (about playing solo survivor) then we’ll talk.
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Yeah, i hope they'll also address Survivors dodging for no apparent reason.
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So you were certain that none of those total strangers were SWF, had a history with the killer, or had bad ping?
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The user and all related content has been deleted.4
You can't force people to play a game they don't like.
Punishment won't result in people sticking to lobbies, but rather to them not playing at all.
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Until Dedicated servers I doubt it, You should be allowed to dodge bad pings.
Really though the most I can see happening after dedicated servers is a small time limit to join the next lobby like there is now that will increase every time you leave a lobby. You shouldn't be forced into a matched, sometimes there's legitimate reasons for leaving.
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Good luck being able to actually play a game, then.
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EZ alt+f4
You'd only find this tactic necessary if you intend to play like an #########. I don't need to put up with that level of toxicity, thanks. Enjoy the infinite loading screen.
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so you don’t just dodge you DC at the loading screen. Yeah you’re opinion isn’t needed when you’re clearly admitting to participating in bannable offenses.
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Sorry I don't appreciate people trying circumvent advantages the game provides to the killer for the sake of balance, fam.
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You can't fix lobby dodging until you fix the reason people dodge. The dodge is the symptom, not the disease. The game is poorly balanced. If you fix that lobby dodging will go down. The killer doesn't know for example if it's a swf or not, so he dodges to play it safe.
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This a thing true, but there are way too many occasions when dodging. Most of it seems to happen when I’m wearing P3. If I switched a normal default skin the killer seems to want to play more.
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Yes, lobby dodging got ridiculous. It feels like killers shitting their pants already because there is a survivor in the lobby. I play always solo surv and even if I know there is no SWF in my lobby, no items or at least no toolboxes, no special clothes or offensive names -> still dodge. Seems the most killers in this game are 10 years old or below. And if a killer instantly readys up then it's 90% either a tryhard nurse or abusing crap legion. Just mental.
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i aren't sure what they can do about lobby dodging, sadly it's just one of those things, i don't mind been loby dodged, least i am not loosing add ons etc...some things i guess can't be resolved, i don't see it as a hugeissue lobby dodging, just yeah can be annoying...but so are ants at a picnic
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Yes but getting rid of a feature entirely that is a must in any game with online lobbies isn't a good idea.
And Forcing people into a game they don't want to be in will just have them DC as soon as it starts instead, It'd be even more of a waste of time for everyone. I'd rather be dodged and load into another match in a couple of seconds than have to wait the 2 minutes to get the match started only to be dodged then.
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i don't know why p3 skins have some killers lobby doesn't show how good you are, just of how many blood points you have savefd for the goes to ranks i guess
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Realistically, the game is in a state where if you as a killer don't feel comfortable with your odds again a potential group and you actually care about your rank the answer is dodge that group. You also have to consider that a lot of popular survivor mains have absolutely ruined certain cosmetics for the playerbase. Nea and Noob3 are a perfect example, people that are really into his content will often run as Nea is the same gear he wears with Nea. It's to the point where can reliably guess they are gonna try and being toxic Nea.
If you play Claudette, you're getting dodged more than other survivors. Not for toxic fear, but simply because she's legit too hard to keep track of. There are even strategies built around being a full team of Clone Claudettes. It isn't worth the eye strain and stress to deal with that.
Though I wouldn't worry so much about lobby dodging unless you are in red ranks. That is where matchmaking just breaks down for both sides.
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Believe me, i've faced dozens of toxic p3 players, especially Claudettes and Neas who loop, clicki clicki and teabag the sh*t out of you. Ofc not every p3 is toxic but tbh mostly it's not even worth the try.
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And thats the reason why killer shouldnt see survivors in lobby ... You dont know what are you have to play against = no dodging
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The issue is that killer numbers are dropping fast, so it's a lose lose for devs.
Lobby times are pretty bad at the moment and many attest this to the lack of people willing to play killer, those who do still play it lobby dodge to avoid terrible games and thus any sort of punishment for lobby dodging will make those still playing killer leave making queue times worse still.
I agree that it sucks but I can see logically why BHVR Are struggling to amend the issue. I'd say what we really need is for swf to not be so ridiculous. I won't lobby dodge out of principal but I think we can agree that the feeling of seeing an swf load in with tool boxes and flash lights really isn't great! With that being said it's easier said than done to just nerf swf especially to not ruin the solo player experience.
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If a killer wants to dodge a lobby, let them dodge a lobby. If I get someone in my lobby who was a toxic ######### in a game recently, or recognize a game from a different day, which does happen, I'm probably dodging that lobby. I'll do the same as a survivor. If someone in my lobby d/ced in a game with me previously, I'll dodge that lobby. As it has been said before, dodging isn't the problem. It's a symptom created by other problems.
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you have proof of “killers numbers dropping fast” somewhere? I know the statistics for playerbase count on steam has dwindled but i never said it was hard to find a lobby as a survivor. Maybe the answer would be SWF but unfortunately i don’t play that enough for the killer to keep dodging.
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Thinks i get lobby dodged as i am too sexy for my shirt....too sexy for my prestige shirt so sexy it hurts...!
people lobby dodge when they see a torch....or a toolbox...or don't like the bright colours of the clothes....
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Lobby dodging from both Killer and Survivors is annoying.
Closing the lobby as killer when a high ping survivor joins should be replaced by giving the killer the ability to kick people:
If the survivor's ping is red, then the ability can become active and the killer can kick. This could reduce some of the dodging. Having to close the whole lobby down because one red ping survivor refuses to leave is so dumb!
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When the matchmaking is fixed and you find lobbies extremely quick then it won't matter if you get dodged because your not waiting an hour like I was tonight.
This is coming from someone who was dodged 4 times in a row during that time.
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Did you report them? No? Then welcome to being part of the problem. Stand behind your accusations.
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Toolboxes would need a major re-balance for this to be even remotely healthy for the game.
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Sorry but sometimes I feel like testing fun builds this change would only result in me using my 600+ ebonies on every swf I see and being as toxic as possible. that's what would happen if they added some lobby dodger prevention instead more killers would purposely try to make the game unfun for others.
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The game needs some major balance changes first. Killers don't want to play a game with a group that is likely to be a 4-man SWF or with players who bring in 2 or more toolboxes because they don't want to get genrushed. Flashlights are more annoying than powerful. Yes, having Survivors bring in 3-4 flashlights means they will not be doing gens, but it's pretty annoying to have multiple Survivors clicking their flashlight back to back so they dodge.
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Talking about you calling them out for "clearly admitting to participating in bannable offenses" on the forums. Did you report the post? I'll wager my life on it that you didn't.