The Legion Rework: This feedback is retired

Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732
edited May 2019 in General Discussions

This feedback is retired

This was my step by step thoughts on what I felt about the Legion Rework. I am a bit underwhelmed especially when seeing the abysmal changes made to the Legion.

People of the Fog, 

Since the release of Chapter 11: The Darkness Among Us, we have received a lot of feedback, both positive and negative, regarding The Legion. With this update, we aim to bridge the gap in the extreme playstyle of this Killer and remove some of the ongoing frustrations when playing as The Legion as well as against The Legion. 


The following changes allow for direct Survivor counter-play, reduce the potential for exploiting certain game mechanics, and bring The Legion’s default attributes in-line with other Killers, all while retaining the core vision of this Killer. 



  • The Legion’s base movement speed is increased to 4.6m/s. 

This is pretty good, I never understood how a group of rebellious teens moved so slowly. Teens are meant to be up and about, moving faster than adults should. 4.4 did not make sense.

  • The Legion’s Terror Radius is increased to 32m. 

It's protocol, I have no words for this but I don't think it's bad.

  • Most of The Legion’s add-ons are rebalanced or reworked to account for the changes to Feral Frenzy and the Deep Wound status effect. 

I hope the pin add ons are actually good.

  • The Iridescent button addon no longer requires The Legion to apply Deep Wound for the effects to be active. 

This is simply delicious. Thank you.



  • The recharge time of Feral Frenzy is increased and now requires a full power gauge to use it. Once it has been activated, the Legion must wait until the power gauge is full to be able to trigger the power again. 

In line with a killer like the spirit. While I will miss activation at any time, for balance reasons I will accept this change.

  • The duration of Feral Frenzy is increased. The Legion spends longer in frenzy. 

Oh thank goodness, hopefully people will play this as intended now.

  • The movement speed of Feral Frenzy is significantly reduced. The Legion moves faster than base speed while in frenzy, but not as fast as they did before. 

Wasn't it like 120 movement? Well, as long as I could still use it to great advantage. I don't mind sooooo much.

  • The Legion can no longer see blood pools (in addition to not seeing scratch marks) while in Feral Frenzy. 

I... Don't know how to feel about this. It REALLY doesn't make sense that you can't see blood during a frenzy. That what made the Legion tolerable back then. But for balance reasons, I shall accept these terms.

  • Feral Frenzy is immediately and automatically cancelled whenever The Legion misses an attack while in frenzy. 

Due to a comment from @Peanits, I no longer really find this problematic. While I still do not agree with this completely, it's not as bad as I had first thought.

Don't ever say that I can't change my opinion. 


  • The Deep Wound timer pauses for survivors within The Killer's Terror Radius–regardless of whether they are in a chase or not. 

I... Don't know how to feel about this. Especially with the fear it will affect Borrowed Time's Deep Wound timer. If it does, then the Entity has truly left us. Borrowed Time, in my opinion, was wrongly buffed and is the only reason why I would ever dislike the Legion.

  • The Deep Wound timer pauses while Mending

(Changed from a John Tron meme.)

  • the Killer does not see the Deep Wound timer progress–only the Deep Wound bar to know that Deep Wound has been applied. 

This is pretty bad. But for balance I will accept it.

  • The Deep Wound timer progress is no longer reduced by regular Feral Frenzy attacks. 

Annnnnd there you go. How I feel about all this. I could do a whole thing where I suggest what I think would fix the issues I see but I know it won't happen. And Freddy needs attention now.

Good day y'all.

Edit: Added in further review.

Well, I waited, I watched, and now I can give feedback (because apparently you have to wait to be served a sandwich made of excrements to be able to know it's gonna be terrible [I, again, am not saying the new Legion is bad! But I find it dumb that people don't want to hear feedback before a product is out. Especially if they give no reason for me to believe they are knowledgeable on Legion]) For what it's worth I will always have a special place for Legion in the spot where my heart should be.

Unfortunately all of my points in the initial post has not really changed. The only GOOD thing is... Uh... The longer duration?

There are a lot of things I can say at the top of my head, but I won't waste any time. I'll give my feedback on what I've seen thus far.


I have no idea why you nerfed them like that, especially when you gave the Legion a cooldown of four seconds. You say you play your own games, but I don't have Dead by Daylight on my (dying) computer and it HURTS seeing that long of a stun. Either revert the cooldown nerfs or change Legion's base cooldown back to 3 seconds because I feel physically ill seeing the stun.


You changed it so that all the add ons that once gave faster Feral Speed now increase the range of the Killer Instinct reading range. The problem is that without the SPEED to make use of it, the effects are in fact useless. I'd suggest buff base Legion Feral Frenzy speed back up slightly/moderately, or allow the speed add ons to retain their original effects.


I'll believe losing ALL the power gauge when missing is a bug that will be fixed, but why have it in the first place? The Legion are a group of delinquents, and I, as a young man, can lunge forward with a knife more times now then the Legion can. And that is embarrassing for a number of reasons.


One thing that never made sense to me, especially with this update, is why affect the gauge at all? We were all kids once, and some of us had just left the teenage life. So why is it that getting hit with pallets/missing attacks/hitting a person twice cost so much? Especially now that Feral Frenzy doesn't really do much?

I suggest every missed swing reduces the power gauge by 25%, allowing counterplay for survivors and a chance for Legions. Keep the damned 20 second recharge if you absolutely must, but either allow for Legion to use their power when they have AT LEAST 50% charge or reverse the effects of hitting a survivor, so that instead of LOSING gauge, you GAIN it. One or the other, I would never ask for both.


Which brings us to the pin add ons, I like that you made them useful, somewhat. The problem is, you have to willing to take a FOUR second stun just to give a debuff to someone, meaning you can't really spread the pain that well.

I would suggest either giving the effects ON HIT, or no longer taking you out of Frenzy when you do hit someone twice.

Optional- Hitting someone twice or more times should instead give you increasingly limited returns on your power gauge instead of taking you out of it, since there is legitimately no reason to actually hit someone twice without a pin add on, and is detrimental even with one.


I'm a bit effy about this, but I'm aware that it feels slower then it actually is, so I will withhold from making statements for now.

There you go. My thoughts and feelings (and suggestions) about how I feel about it. For those of you who do not want to read all the way to the 7th page.

Post edited by Shad03 on


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Detective_Jonathan and @not_Queen

    Since you both wanted to see my thoughts.

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    I think that the jontron memes are a little bit to far, i like the changes, because now it won't require them to use their power to down someone, this is turning them into a regular M1 killer.


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Detective_Jonathan I used those memes because that is how I honestly feel.

    Plus, how in the flip floppity flap are we going to get deranged pursuit now?

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @not_Queen If so, then fine, I'll edit the op and remove that John meme. But otherwise, I feel like The Legion was done a injustice to trying to get their achievements.

    Thank you for taking the time to visit a pleb like me though ^^

  • Detective_Jonathan
    Detective_Jonathan Member Posts: 1,165

    I understand, but the killer is fine now and has a counter play, which is something we all wanted from them, some kind of counter to them. Although, i have to admit, it's going to be funny when they have to recharge their whole gauge when they miss a frenzy hit lol.


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Detective_Jonathan They had counters, and while this Legion (I'll admit) is more balanced, they were still given the shortest, dullest, end of the stick. I'll still play them, but that doesn't mean I'll be happy about the changes.

    I think what ticks me off most is that I think Borrowed Time got unintentionally buffed again.

  • Okapi
    Okapi Member Posts: 839
    edited April 2019

    The only thing I don't like is not seeing the progress of the survivor's mending bar and deep wound attacks not depleting the bar.

    Now survivors will go unpunished for mending near the killer if the legion is in Deep Frenzy. It reeks of survivors using self care in front of Freddy.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    I hate how devs make them an another loopable killer, even though that I hate to play against them.

  • DocOctober
    DocOctober Member Posts: 2,230

    You can't wait? I hope you're prepared for another #########-storm. It's beyond me at this point how you guys continue to negate mediocre buffs with outrageous nerfs. Why can't you buff Legion the same way as you buffed Spirit? She became an excellent Killer and is enjoyed by the majority of the community. Take her as an example and stop with those incessant slow-downs and power reset conditions you've added to the last two Killers. If I could, I'd refund both Plague and Legion at this point and refuse to buy any future Killer until I'm sure he's not a crippled shadow of their PTB-self that you consider "fun".

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    @Nova_Terra Unlike the nurse, The Legion can still be hit with pallets, and they don't need more heart attacks.

  • Nova_Terra
    Nova_Terra Member Posts: 123

    Technically she can, and does get hit with them. Also you can just respect and hop over them, I dunno.

  • Nova_Terra
    Nova_Terra Member Posts: 123

    Yeah that's a good point, a short stun or maybe a % based drain. I'm not sure how long the full recharge will take.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    @Shad03 Legion is still mid tier. If you forgot, let me remind you... You still get a FREE hit on the survivor at the start of a chase. I feel that these changes were a good addition but then again I am not an avid Legion player. We'll just have to wait and see what it actually feels like on the PTB

    About the achievement, I'm not sure. They might just change it is my bet. @not_Queen ?

  • T0xicTyler
    T0xicTyler Member Posts: 504

    This... all of this so much!

    I'm so sad... RIP Legion 😥

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Frenzy will be easily countered now. Legion is frenzy mode is easy to 360.

  • Hoodied
    Hoodied Member Posts: 13,019

    xD I love how you described them, its all fun and games until the after the movement speed change, then it gave me a deep wound straight through my heart

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I like the legion change.

  • not_Queen
    not_Queen Member Posts: 1,114

    No numbers were released with this communication. Just the general changes.

    You will all be able to test the Legion Update in the upcoming PTB.

    We are currently gathering all your questions and we'll try to answer them either later this week in an addition to the original post or next week during a livestream.

    Keep the feedback coming in :)

  • Pharaoh211
    Pharaoh211 Member Posts: 28

    I kinda feel like they should increase his lunge range in Frenzy to compensate. I can for sure see some unfortunate outcomes with this new one hit mechanic.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @not_Queen What about their stun time after using the feral franzy? It takes already too long.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    My only problem is the power depletion when you miss. Someone compared this to nurse and to that I say sure you get stunned as nurse but you just blink again. Legion has to let the frenzy completely recharge.

  • Ihatelife
    Ihatelife Member Posts: 5,069

    @not_Queen Also since you can no longer down the survivor with Feral Frenzy, maybe do your team consider to give them something more special about their power? Now it's just only about stabbing.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    I'm 100% certain that their cooldown add-ons will be nerfed to compensate for the 115% MS.

  • takumi1974
    takumi1974 Member Posts: 71

    @not_Queen After this update, what is the difference against Spirit? It looks just no power killer. I refund the Legion DLC if I could.

  • Darkskies
    Darkskies Member Posts: 1,158
    edited April 2019

    @Shad03 here's hoping they fix the extreme sound issues because stridor is going to be a thing I'm guessing it's bad enough on killers currently even with it equipped the chase music over powers everything plus the weird footsteps

    May I ask if your on pc? I hope so because I really want to know your thoughts on the ptb when it comes


  • BismarckCane
    BismarckCane Member Posts: 73

    The miss one time and lose your greatest power is a horrible decision.

    I assume this is to fix the players that abused the swing as many times as you can to increase movement? this could have been solved so much easier.

    Would we take Michael out of Tier 3 if he misses an attack? This logic is what kills me.

    I play Legion on rotation and am not a main and think this is a huge over reaction.

    I also would have done away with Mend Timers, Survivors don't want to mend or waste time healing, I would have just made his attack an infliction based, See no evil - blindness, Hear no evil (lul), Speak no evil (terror radius reduction) and just add them to each attack that gets hit while in frenzy. All go away as you recover (30, 60, 90)

    could have been so much more creative....

  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    I wish I could say I was on pc. But I'm a PS4 pleb. Well, M&A is still gonna be the norm on Legion I guess. I'm both happy and really sad with the change. Honestly, I just hope the complete depletion is removed. Becuase that would be unfun.

  • GrossAnimeTrash
    GrossAnimeTrash Member Posts: 11

    So it’s just a mobility tool? Get the first hit in ezpz and then just walk at them like a chimp?

    So it’s Hillbilly with slower movement and no instadown.

    Hey, maybe they can let exposed effects work with it since you lose the whole power of you whiff.

  • Member Posts: 1,398

    And this here is exactly why I will not be spending any more money on this Game. Every new chapter brings a killer with a useless power and/or band aid fixes in the form of perks. Not to mention new perks that counter mechanics/other perks that already have enough counters (BBQ&CHILLI).

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    Is it just me, or are there A TON of brand new accounts posting about how "horrible" the Legion changes are?

  • lasombra1979
    lasombra1979 Member Posts: 1,142

    @Carpemortum I actually noticed the same thing. Didnt not realize there were so many Legion out there. Kinda scary