The Legion Rework: This feedback is retired



  • Supernaut
    Supernaut Member Posts: 1,532

    So, one of the only killers who could deal with loopers, can now no longer deal with loopers? Or have I missed an important part of the new mechanic?

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    RIP Legioneeeeeers :D

  • Jimmy_Voorhees
    Jimmy_Voorhees Member Posts: 18


    I already haven't touched the game in months and fell to 20/20. At this point I doubt I'll be back. Still haven't bought ash, probably won't any time soon.

    They do Freddy dirty like this and I'll just hit delete on my 60 ish dollar investment, and go play games that don't get ruined to appease the vocal minority.

    Remember behavior, no killers, no game.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213

    What is the difference between playing the Wraith and Legion at this point?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,334

    Would be too strong if Legion, for every survivor he hits, the timer get reduced by 25%, so if he hits all 4 survivors single frenzy, the 4th survivor gets instant downed? The deep wound timer doesn't feel like it will impact in his gameplay after the change.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited April 2019


    Wraith has stealth, speed boost out of stealth, addons that let him see through walls and gen progression.

    Legion has survivor tracking built in, can make people waste time mending, can vault pallets, has addons to make bleedout and TR absurdly powerful.

    Lots. There are lots of differences between the two.

  • GodDamn_Angela
    GodDamn_Angela Member Posts: 2,213
    edited April 2019

    You don't say. However the person I was responding to was talking about M1 and base move speed.


    In case you missed it.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506
    edited April 2019


    By that logic, how is any killer different than any other killer other than move speed? If were talking explicitly about M1.....

    Their powers.

    @ricardo You mean you cant cheese them with your power. You can hit them, and follow up FASTER than previously. Given you save time not waiting for frenzy to come back multiple times, it's not that drastic of a time difference in downing someone.

    @Supernaut No, they can still deal with loopers, just like every other killer already could. You just cant spam the ability and down someone after hopping the pallet.

    I feel like being looped is a killer gameplay problem and not killer related. Break pallet immediately. No more loops.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    I think as long as the stun following hitting someone with frenzy is either removed or adjusted, this update will be fine.

  • Jimmy_Voorhees
    Jimmy_Voorhees Member Posts: 18

    Or rename it to anything without the word "frenzy" in it.

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164

    Legion players should be punished for wiffing. -tru3ta1ent

  • Bithard
    Bithard Member Posts: 406

    @Jimmy_Voorhees yeah, they are in a stabbing frenzy. You don't stop when you miss! It's not as dramatic as most are making out but it is a bit of a butchering

  • Guertena
    Guertena Member Posts: 392

    Rework? This turned Feral Frenzy totally useless.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    I'm seeing very little reason to use deep wounds over basic attacks. At least on paper it sounds like there is almost no danger to it as long as killer remains in the vicinity and none at all if they abandon the hunt completely in favor of someone else. Can you still down someone with frenzy or is it just a gimmick for a quick hit on healthy survivors?

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    On paper it looks like legion will be the new freddy. Worst killer in the game by a mile. I'll keep the killer just give me my 10 bucks back for the cosmetic I bought for them.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    There is 1 additional change they could make that would redeem this iteration of the legion:

    • Feral Frenzy now downs survivors who do not have deep wounds if they are injured when hit.

    They have to mend eventually since otherwise they die. But this way DW mostly acts more as a buffer to prevent Frenzy being used to instadown healthy survivors while also giving him downing potential in general

  • CallMeSpidey
    CallMeSpidey Member Posts: 625

    I'm thoroughly glad for the changes.

  • takumi1974
    takumi1974 Member Posts: 71

    That's truth. Number of survivor main is many four times than killers intuitively. Dev hear that 'Nerf that killer!!' they said.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Does anybody know when this model chapter patch will be?

  • Dwight_Fairfield
    Dwight_Fairfield Member Posts: 6,906

    Absolutely delighted with these changes. DELIGHTED.

  • Jimmy_Voorhees
    Jimmy_Voorhees Member Posts: 18

    Join the killer strike. Streamers can stream the empty lobby. 😂👍

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Jimmy_Voorhees I'm already on it for the Spirit bug (although that's just a bug I'm still waiting for it to be fixed)

    I'm willing to also wait for this to be fixed too.

  • Ultima
    Ultima Member Posts: 16

    Any killer nerfs that get announced always get ignored and fast tracked through PTB and get implemented into live, seems like you've only just started playing.

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    @Ultima Killer buffs/Survivor nerfs however?

    Get into PTB, never leave it

  • NuclearBurrito
    NuclearBurrito Member Posts: 6,807

    Survivor Buffs don't even need the PTB sometimes

  • Roboducc
    Roboducc Member Posts: 16

    The whole 'all of your power depleting after 1 missed swing' is too much. Literally no other killer gets punished this hard for missing. I personally think Nurse, Plauge and Spirit are good examples of how ######### Legion really is.

    Nurse gets fatigue yes, but after that she can just teleport again, it's basically a pallet stun and then she's up and about again.

    Plauge is slow while charging, and canceling purge as well, but you can still start her power right after canceling or using purge. It's kind of similar to Nurse with not really having a cooldown.

    Spirit needs to wait until her power is fully recharged before using it, but she doesn't get stunned while coming out of phasewalking or when canceling. Her power gauge also gets recharged pretty quick, and she moves crazy fast (dunno if the movement speed on Legion will help them with FF, so take the crazy fast part with a grain of salt.)

    Legion will get stunned (or whatever you want to call it) by either canceling or depleting FF, and then you have to wait for It to recharge fully. While you wait, you cannot do anything except being an M1 killer, everything that made Legion interesting gets deleted out of existance for a couple of seconds, and then you're (probably) good to go again.

    The problem with this is that Legion gets punished way too much time wise for using their power, because one wrong step and you have lost a lot of valuable seconds to a chase or whatever else you're doing. It feels like you are better off just using FF to travel across the map (I started of by playing Legion like this and it is not as fun as to use FF to apply deepwound to multiple survivors imo), it takes away everything cool and unique Legion had to offer with FF.

    Everything else regarding this update is pretty neat though, but this is the thing that bothers me the most.

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    Too bad I can't refund this bullshit, especially since I spent my own money on their cosmetics and the chapter. The Legion was already weak and bashed enough, now they're making them unfun to play as because survivors kept b*tching about the killer being too "OP" despite him being easy to dodge his attacks.

  • Unnamed_Freak
    Unnamed_Freak Member Posts: 570

    Wraith's power actually helps him, instead of being a hindrance

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    sipping my drink reading the comments of survivor mains who could care less verses people who play both sides and can equally say these changes are not IT. pls no

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142
    edited April 2019

    @Ultima Good luck with that. Or haven't you noticed that the so-called Fog Whispers are pretty much the beginning, middle, and end of Dead by Daylight marketing nowadays. And a majority are survivor mains, so of course they need to be kept happy.

    It's as bad as it was in Overwatch, and the OWL Pros having way too much say in that game's balance. I swear, between that and the inability to nerf or buff without using a sledgehammer, it's like Activision-Blizzard purchased Behavior or something. That, or maybe they hired a bunch of former Blizzard Devs. Because it's the exact same crap, different game.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858
    edited April 2019

    All i read on their forum post just translates to "Make sure to report people playing the character we designed and already put through the PTB and has been on live". Why are we getting punished for bad design? Survivors will ######### about any crack they can slip through to say "it wasn't fair" if they lose a match

  • Kilmeran
    Kilmeran Member Posts: 3,142

    @SasukeKun Ah, you're referring to the huge red box of text. Don't get me started on that. Any other game studio would have disabled the add-ons until a fix could be implemented. But not Behavior. The exploit was allowed to stay on live, and now they want the players to police it.

    No thanks. I refuse to file a report on the matter. They should have handled it correctly. I'm not doing their job for them for free.

  • F5arTheB5ard
    F5arTheB5ard Member Posts: 118

    Why would the developers drop all this info about legion changes, but they dont tell us what exactly their new add ons are?

    That's a huge part of any killer, most killers these days their add ons either make or break them. Most of the legion changes suck, but at least seeing the addons could make everyone's outlook a little different.

  • SasukeKun
    SasukeKun Member Posts: 1,858

    As Players, we can contribute to balancing in some aspects but i'm not even gonna play Legion even tho they are one of my favs, i don't need an angry SWF group reporting me cuz they lost

  • imlegion
    imlegion Member Posts: 62

    I like playing legion the way he is now to have a re work will Be nice but they aren’t fixing with some of this stuff sounds like a nerf to be honest idk we’ll see what happens at the QA

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    Having played both killer and survivor a decent bite,

    I agree with OP on all counts, except a few notes:

    I do think that missed attacks resulting in depletion of power may be a bit extreme, maybe a 25% reduction is what I would've done had it been me.

    DW timer stopping in TR is wonderful, about time! It never made sense when they nerfed BT to become a DW timer.

    Removing Blood in Frenzy makes sense, reduces tunneling and breaking chase exploits.

    DW timer pausing while mending is a good thing, it prevents the killer from just walking up to survivors who literally just have to stand there or collapse. It provides some counterplay.

    DW timer doesn't reduce with subsequent attacks, this is a good change, to discourage tunnelling and provides survivors to have some counterplay vs legion. The increased base movement speed to legion is to help the killer due to this change while chasing.

    Overall Great changes! Could've probably gone with just a 25% loss per missed attacks. Hopefully BT no longer counts as DW. Perhaps now I won't have DCs when we go against legion.

  • imlegion
    imlegion Member Posts: 62

    Also remember this is a proposed rework they will take what’s we say into consideration plus feedback from PTB

  • Wicked_One
    Wicked_One Member Posts: 2

    I don't play legion very often but maybe if you're going to penalize that harshly for a missed swing, make their lockon better?

    HURRI_KAIN Member Posts: 358

    One more thing.... they need to add killer blindness while in frenzy to lockers. It's pretty insane that legion can see you through lockers, especially since they buffed lockers, but legion can still see you through lockers.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @HURRI_KAIN he can’t see you, he can see a indicator of where you are. Why are you hiding in a locker against legion or huntress anyway?