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Question for Freddy Mains...

Member Posts: 1,534

In light of the Legion Changes, are you fearful for the Freddy rework?

Not a main, but he's in my regular rotation and I can say for one, that I am dreading it now. :(

With the sub-par Plague, followed by a Nerf for Legion, I've really lost my heart and hope for this. Considering the hours and money i've invested, that's a sad statement.

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  • Member Posts: 4

    I'm honestly pretty scared by it. Freddy is the only killer I really enjoy playing, and I've just started to put a lot of effort into learning how to better him; such as what perks and add ons to use.

    I had one person say it could only go up from here, but with how they murdered legion, I am not the most hopeful.

  • Member Posts: 1,857

    Plague is fine, her add ons that specifically says they buff vile purge buffs her corrupt purge for some reason when they took away the machine gun build from huntress. Legion being updated is great, it shows devs can update the killer with the intent in mind. So I have hope for freddy and trust the devs. Just play the ptb he gets changed on, spend lots of time with him and give lots of feedback.

  • Member Posts: 1,043
    edited April 2019

    I used to main freddy for a long time, like you he's still in my rotation occasionally, as a result you get used to his current playstyle and after seeing devs completely switching how legions power works yes a little scared, hoping for slight tweaks and buffs not what happened to legion...

  • Member Posts: 27

    They said that they would use some suggestions left here in the forum, I think they will do a good job, I am curious with the collapse that will affect him. (Séra who leaves the world of dreams for the final judgment ???) <- That was one of the ideas I saw about him.

    (Sorry for bad english)

  • Member Posts: 125

    I’m not too worried. At this point I’m kind of bored with Freddy’s power since it’s hardly even a power. I think a change will be good for him. He’s already one of the worst killers in the game, how bad can a rework be?

  • Member Posts: 1,534

    From what they said earlier in the week, the Freddy changes are likely to be from the ground up, rather than what is happening to Legion. For all his faults, Freddy is one of my absolute favourites.

  • Member Posts: 4,212

    Although I am not a Freddy main I still try and have fun and play him from time to time and Freddy's rework actually had time put into it unlike the Legion rework that feels like they spent legit zero time on. I have high hopes for Freddy's rework.

  • Member Posts: 7,669

    since the freddy rework is going to be a buff, i am not.

    legion has not been reworked wit hthe intention of buffing or nerfing them, but with making it less frustrating to face them during a trial.

  • Member Posts: 1,043

    @Supernaut That's just disappointing then... How could they possibly change dream demon? Actually I don't want to know, I doubt it will be for the better overall, at least they accept he needs some positive changes though.

  • Member Posts: 3,298

    I am worried, I didn't used to be but I am now. I do feel that he will be powerful in his own regard but I also feel that he will be so alien that I don't know him. Will we still enjoy Freddy?

  • Member Posts: 848

    Absolutely petrified, honestly. I was feeling pretty upbeat about all of this yesterday, believing that they were honestly going to work with both survivors and killers to make these characters more fun for everyone. After seeing Legion, I'm now worried that they're going to take away his power and just completely ruin what made him fun and unique.

    Honestly, I never wanted a rework. They just needed to make it so survivors couldn't interact with things while in the transition. That would've fixed his biggest issue, and made him more fun to play as while not hurting survivors too much in the change. But man, they basically excised Legion's power and made it better to just treat him like a literal M1 killer after you get in a chase, so now I'm worried what's going to happen to my boy.

  • Member Posts: 1,371

    Freddy is the reason I bought this game. I am a Freddy's fanboy since the '90. I bought and played as him even though I'd read that he was not the best killer of the bunch (to put it lightly). I didn't care and kept playing and having the time of my life even though I struggled a lot (I know you can't win them all). Eventualy I ended up sacrificing more survivors than the ones that escaped in most matches and even got to rank 1 as a byproduct of playing so much.

    I only hope they don't bring him to the ground like they are doing with Legion.

    But I will probably keep playing as him even though he ends up as the Street Fighter's Dan of DbD. That's how much of a fan I am ;-)

  • Member Posts: 1,510

    I’m worried it will end up like Symmetra from Overwatch.

  • Member Posts: 8,589

    I guess I'm slightly worried that he'll be yet another middling C tier killer. Their main concern seems to be their definition of "fun", not realizing or caring that the killer community doesn't find underpowered killers to be fun, and the survivor community wants to see killers other than Nurse and Billy at high rank. He'll be changed, but I'm not confident he'll be any more viable at high rank.

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