SURVIVOR OFFERING to combat campers

DieCampersDie Member Posts: 8
edited July 2018 in Creations
So let's just argue and say that there was an offering, that as the hooked survivor, with a good aim, you can spit on a camping killer, and gain like 50% BP bonus in boldness.  

And maybe a temporary vision penalty for the killer for camping AND getting spat on?
Post edited by DieCampersDie on


  • greivous654321
    greivous654321 Member Posts: 27
    Sounds good to me xD
    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Only if you promise to stop making spam accounts to push your agenda

  • DieCampersDie
    DieCampersDie Member Posts: 8

    @DieCampersDie spam accounts?  Push agenda?   Cute, but I thought it was kinda a funny name so I used it.  Nothing deeper than that.  But yeah glad you have the say so, and I appreciate your input.

    Guess we know your gameplay style.  Camping is definitely a gameplay strategy, just a crappy way to play.  Just my opinion...

    Only if you promise to stop making spam accounts to push your agenda

  • JusticeZERO
    JusticeZERO Member Posts: 171

    @MineAntoiya said:

    Only if you promise to stop making spam accounts to push your agenda

    I knew i've seen this before somewhere....

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068
  • DieCampersDie
    DieCampersDie Member Posts: 8

    @MineAntoiya said:

    Only if you promise to stop making spam accounts to push your agenda

    I knew i've seen this before somewhere....

    Someone has already had this idea?  My buddy and I were talking about it last night...thought it was funny
  • JusticeZERO
    JusticeZERO Member Posts: 171

    I've seen this post from other members with the same exact "Spit" mechanic, assuming that's what you meant by spam accounts

    VESSEL Member Posts: 1,068

    Aye, I too have seen it. Perhaps from this guy and his 7 other clone accounts all named something strangely similar

  • DieCampersDie
    DieCampersDie Member Posts: 8
    edited July 2018
    I'm glad to see the toxic trash that plagues DBD is also here in the forums as well.

    A friend of mine and I bounced some ideas off of each other the other night while playing.  Had nothing to do with seeing it elsewhere before.

    As far as clone accounts go, no this is my one and agenda, no spam, no ill will, just thought it was a semi-clever idea and might make someone laugh.  Instead it showed the true level of toxicity that exists in this game, well not even in this game behind so many keyboards in so many Mother's basements.

    Anyway, if you don't have positive or constructive feedback, how about you go kick rocks, we don't want to hear your crap...
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346
    edited July 2018

    @DieCampersDie said:
    So let's just argue and say that there was an offering, that as the hooked survivor, with a good aim, you can spit on a camping killer, and gain like 50% BP bonus in boldness.  

    And maybe a temporary vision penalty for the killer for camping AND getting spat on?

    I like this. it doesn't necessarily punish a camper for camping other than shaming them and mild blindness, and rather just benefits the Survivor. Meaning that if you camp someone, they'll most likely say "Thank you very much!" instead of "######### camping fag." Though I'm sure most people would still find a way to make "Thank you" very toxic. Anyway, the problem with this perk is how it is a complete detriment if a Killer decides not to camp at all or decides you aren't worth camping.

  • DieCampersDie
    DieCampersDie Member Posts: 8

    @DieCampersDie said:
    So let's just argue and say that there was an offering, that as the hooked survivor, with a good aim, you can spit on a camping killer, and gain like 50% BP bonus in boldness.  

    And maybe a temporary vision penalty for the killer for camping AND getting spat on?

    I like this. it doesn't necessarily punish a camper for camping other than shaming them and mild blindness, and rather just benefits the Survivor. Meaning that if you camp someone, they'll most likely say "Thank you very much!" instead of "[BAD WORD] camping fag." Though I'm sure most people would still find a way to make "Thank you" very toxic. Anyway, the problem with this perk is how it is a complete detriment if a Killer decides not to camp at all or decides you aren't worth camping.

    Sadly camping is going to happen, this option just gives you something to do while the other survivors gen rush!
  • Mrrgle_the_Mediocre
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre Member Posts: 346

    @DieCampersDie said:
    Mrrgle_the_Mediocre said:

    @DieCampersDie said:

    So let's just argue and say that there was an offering, that as the hooked survivor, with a good aim, you can spit on a camping killer, and gain like 50% BP bonus in boldness.  

    And maybe a temporary vision penalty for the killer for camping AND getting spat on?

    I like this. it doesn't necessarily punish a camper for camping other than shaming them and mild blindness, and rather just benefits the Survivor. Meaning that if you camp someone, they'll most likely say "Thank you very much!" instead of "[BAD WORD] camping fag." Though I'm sure most people would still find a way to make "Thank you" very toxic. Anyway, the problem with this perk is how it is a complete detriment if a Killer decides not to camp at all or decides you aren't worth camping.

    Sadly camping is going to happen, this option just gives you something to do while the other survivors gen rush!

    No no no, you misunderstood me, that's what I like about it.
    I'm under the camp that finds Camping acceptable, it IS a strategy and it IS fun and fair.
    That's why I feel this Offering is such a good way to combat camping because it doesn't do anything to stop it, rather just gives the Survivor some compensation, so maybe they won't be a jerk at the end of the match as bad.

  • slingshotsurvivor
    slingshotsurvivor Member Posts: 943
    I am not sure how I feel about spitting... I like that there would be something to do while on hook at least in the first stage though. Sadly all I can imagine is green long snail looking lungies and for me that's uhm... 😱
    The other thing is I'd have questions like, do the characters have any communicable diseases, did they brush their teeth, did that spit dry already and if so is it crunchy and crusty, what if that spit landed on a weapon will we all end up with mono then? 
    Lol jk aside it's the whole spitting thing that seems eww. How about kicking? 
  • JaPonii
    JaPonii Member Posts: 91

    Yea, because apparently Flashlights aren't enough...GTF8

  • thekiller490490
    thekiller490490 Member Posts: 1,164
    If I can get my No Hatch Offering.