Deliverance buff

Deliverance should be able to be used after everyone has died
But the killer is going to be next you anyway, this would have no purpose. If they do leave and go get gens or pallets, then yeeting off on them doesn't exactly seem fair, free hatch chance more than what you already have before he catches you seems MEGA WACK
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Still, killer could just be away kicking gens, or you can escape and dead hard to a pallet and attempt to escape... Too many games of mine that I died on first hook after everyone was killed already XD
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Yeah, in the circumstance it DOES work, it doesn't seem fair to the killer. With the current state of perks such as Mettle of Man, Sprint Burst, Adrenaline, Decisive Strike, I don't think another second chance perk is required right now. Deliverance already gives you a nice reward for playing carefully. I don't think it should give you a free crutch to stand on at the end.
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Idk, could be award to be the sole survivor and not be so quick to die, like a final survivor in a horror game. True that there will be too many advantages though... Just no way to insta-heal while being chased.
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I feel like if this were to ever go through, it should give you Exhaustion afterwards to prevent any quick Dead Hard/Sprint Burst getaways, especially if the hatch is right there.
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Maybe we should wait until The Collapse releases first. They may change how hatch works completely yet.
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If survivors were able to use Deliverance after everyone had died, that would also mean they'd be able to kobe, right? That would create a situation where killers wouldn't leave the hooked person until they were second stage and prolong what was essentially already a loss. Just because you weren't hooked doesn't mean you had a successful game. Doesn't mean you're the strongest runner and best at stealth. You've already lost if everyone dies and you get hooked. If you can't find the hatch before the killer gets to you and all your teammates died, you don't deserve a free escape.
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Absolutely should happen. +1
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I used that perk A LOT. It does NOT need a buff, if anything it needs a nerf it’s ######### broken. You should not be able to heal period.
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@Croquedead If you really think the perk is broken, you need to play with it more. It's largely situational. If you're found first, you're likely not using it unless you can lose the killer. GL doing so without the perks or with a tunnel visioned killer. It's like Unbreakable, only you can use it the first time you get downed and only then.
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First it shouldnt activate if survivor is nearby. those selfunhooks in your face are the worst thing ive ever seen.
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I don't believe I'm going to get away if I'm the last one alive, but if I've earned the opportunity to unhook myself then let me do it. The killer will get some easy points.
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Okay but what I'm pretty sure OP means is that even if you didn't fulfill requirements or have already used it, it gains an immediate charge at the end of the game. That's wack.
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Well combo it with new DS
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The hatch close is coming back, so it really wouldn't matter at all. Unless you can handle getting a gate all by yourself against a timer that's probably already ticking down.
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True :( Its disappointing how toxic survivors created a whole nerf to survivors because they feel the need to tbag at exit gates