Another Killer Tier list?

Curious to how everyone ranks the killers right now? Just started playing Myers and having a lot of fun on him but heard he isn't that great.. What do you all think?
(May get edited in the future)
Trapper- B+ or if skillful, A+
Wraith- B to A-
Hilly-Billy- SSS- or higher
(Good) Nurse- SSS+ or A+
Michael Myers- S
Hag- A
Doctor- S+ or higher
Huntress- S- to SS-
Leatherface- B+ or A-
Freddy Krueger(Currently before rework)- C+ to B-
Pig- A+
Clown- A-
Spirit- SS- to SS+
Legion (Currently)- C to B
Plague- A- to S
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High Tier- Nurse, Spirit, Billy, Hag
Mid Tier- Huntress, Plague, Myers, Clown, Wraith, Doctor, Pig
Low Tier- Legion, Trapper, Leatherface, Freddy
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In my list I will not have Leatherface, Freddy and Plague 'cause I don't have them and I didn't play them, except a bit of Freddy and Leatherface with the offerings.
Nurse on PC - S tier
Billy, Spirit, Nurse on console, Huntress on PC, Hag - A tier
Wraith, Pig, Michael, Doctor, Clown, Huntress on Console - B tier
Trapper, Legion - C tier
I'm still learning Legion so they might be B tier
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S: Nurse
A: Spirit, Billy, Hag, Huntress
B: Clown, Doctor, Myers, Pig
C: Freddy, Wraith, Trapper
D: Plague, Leatherface
F: Legion
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Can I ask why doc is so high?
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Left is higher within each tier unless specified otherwise
SS: Nurse
S: Spirit/Billy (same)
A: Huntress, Hag
B: Plague/Myers (Same), Pig, Clown
C: Leatherface, Trapper, Legion (pre rework)
D: Doctor, Legion (Post rework), Wraith
F: Freddy
S tier is the one we want Killers to be in. SS tier stomps everyone always if good enough and A tier or less is stomped on by SWF. That leaves S tier which can combat and be combated by SWF.
This is good since we can buff solos to SWF power if the Killers are buffed to S tier.
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i see a lot of people underrating Trappy here, which makes me sad... :(
(seriously... Trapper can wipe out full teams in seconds if played right... he is just not an easy killer to play...)
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@Mister_xD I agree, he's like mid tier, but he's inconsistent tho.
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yeah, definitely.
i think his main problem is how map reliant he is. get a bad map and your done for, get a good one and you have great potential...
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S-Tier: Nurse, Hillbilly, Hag
A-Tier: Myers, Spirit, Huntress,
B-Tier: Freddy, Pig, Wraith,
C-Tier: Leatherface, Trapper, Clown
F-Tier: The new Legion coming out.
EDIT: Still unsure on how I feel about Plague so she's not included.
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High Tier (don't need buffs) - Nurse, Billy, Spirit, Hag
Mid Tier (could use buffs/ QoL changes) - Huntress, Legion (current), Leatherface, Myers
Low Tier (need significant buffs) - Clown, Trapper, Wraith, Plague, Pig, Doctor, Freddy
Too early for Legion (rework). First impression seems to indicate a Wraith level Killer.
Trapper is difficult to place. When everything goes well and Survivors fall for multiple traps, he has high tier performance. Worst case scenario where no traps get triggered makes him worse than a Killer with no power.