About PS4 Patch...

Why_Are_You_Salty Member Posts: 138
edited July 2018 in General Discussions

I don't think it's coming out this week so we have to wait because on some other post someone showed the upcoming dlc's for games this week on PS4 and curtain call wasn't on there... so it's probably not coming this week. I blame this both on BHVR and Sony. I was patient, but this is ridiculous almost an entire month since the patch went live on PC and PC players don't tell us to be patient because you guys aren't being patient about the shrine, so you all have no right to tell us to be patient. I think I speak on behalf of all PS4 players that we deserve to be compensated and have an extended double bp weekend to be able to level up the clown if he comes out next week or delay double bp weekend for PS4 until the chapter comes out. Sorry, but this is ridiculous and I believe everyone else on PS4 can agree.


    KING_DEDE Member Posts: 402

    I don't think it's coming out this week so we have to wait because on some other post someone showed the upcoming dlc's for games this week on PS4 and curtain call wasn't on there... so it's probably not coming this week. I blame this both on BHVR and Sony. I was patient, but this is ridiculous almost an entire month since the patch went live on PC and PC players don't tell us to be patient because you guys aren't being patient about the shrine, so you all have no right to tell us to be patient. I think I speak on behalf of all PS4 players that we deserve to be compensated and have an extended double bp weekend to be able to level up the clown if he comes out next week or delay double bp weekend for PS4 until the chapter comes out. Sorry, but this is ridiculous and I believe everyone else on PS4 can agree.

    True story 
  • lyric
    lyric Member Posts: 611
    Well the Sony store updates at some point today and some people have already reported seeing a new shrine on PS4 but the cost is more shards than you can save currently until the update is out so I’m hoping it will be today sometime on PS4 but if not it may be another week as you say though I really hope not and at this point BHVR does need to compensate something because you’ve waived all this in front of our face and everyone but PS4 has the patch and no comment? Are you serious right now? I love this game it’s probably my favorite but my patience is growing thin, I know I’m not owed a thing by these people but for PR purposes you would think they would do something to sweeten the pot especially for some new players who are getting the game because they just saw the clown on YouTube or twitch for the first time and now are interested in what the game is about
  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited July 2018
    lyric said:
    Well the Sony store updates at some point today and some people have already reported seeing a new shrine on PS4 but the cost is more shards than you can save currently until the update is out so I’m hoping it will be today sometime on PS4 but if not it may be another week as you say though I really hope not and at this point BHVR does need to compensate something because you’ve waived all this in front of our face and everyone but PS4 has the patch and no comment? Are you serious right now? I love this game it’s probably my favorite but my patience is growing thin, I know I’m not owed a thing by these people but for PR purposes you would think they would do something to sweeten the pot especially for some new players who are getting the game because they just saw the clown on YouTube or twitch for the first time and now are interested in what the game is about
    People have been seeing the new shrine since last week lol I’m one of the people that has had the new shrine since that day they accidentally turned the shrine back on but there is a chance it could come out today though we’ll see how the day goes
  • arcticxlia
    arcticxlia Member Posts: 53
    Maybe i'm too negative about this whole update thing at the moment but i don't believe it will come out today or this week
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    it's been confirmed as coming out today calm the F down

  • Ivy
    Ivy Member Posts: 15

    it's been confirmed as coming out today calm the F down

    Confirmed by who? 
  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260
  • Sarief
    Sarief Member Posts: 543

    @TeambossFloze said:
    it's been confirmed as coming out today calm the F down

    where? :)

  • TeambossFloze
    TeambossFloze Member Posts: 1,260

    @Sarief said:

    @TeambossFloze said:
    it's been confirmed as coming out today calm the F down

    where? :)



  • arcticxlia
    arcticxlia Member Posts: 53
    We'll, just let's see.
  • JP_Cloud
    JP_Cloud Member Posts: 173
    I am a tiny bit positive about this but i also have that negative part that says they changed the PS4 shrine so we have at least something that’s different while we wait. 70/30 atm. 
  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    There has never been a platform-only compensation in DBD and I doubt that they will start with that now.
    BP weekend starts on the 5th, so if you are lucky you might get the patch in time^^

  • PinkEricka
    PinkEricka Member Posts: 1,042
    ThePloopz said:
    I’m personally not sold on the whole compensation thing people have been saying. Yea it’d be nice but I wouldn’t say we deserve it, what I would say we deserve is for bhvr to say something about the situation though
    I agree with the compensation. We’ve been waiting for an entire month now and it’s ridiculous. It’s ridiculous because we’ve been being patient about this new patch and they can’t even do a PSA about it to update us on what’s happening. Everyone else is playing it while we have to watch YouTube videos and streams of it plus double BP week is coming and we might not even have the chance to participate in that.. 

    I think we deserve to be compensated with a large amount of auric cells because we paid $30 for game and the DLC with it. that’s at least $50 or over. We are THEIR customers and we are not getting the content we deserve out of this company, not even a PSA, so we definitely deserve something at this point for the BS they’re pulling off right now.

    and what’s so funny is that XBOX players are telling us to be patient and that we’re just salty 😂😂. Like y’all have yalls 2.0 update and not too long ago, y’all were in our same position so y’all cant even speak on this
  • kevinb420
    kevinb420 Member Posts: 32

    Damn if we’re talking compensation give me some cells for buying all the dlc lol
    No I don’t agree with anyone getting compensated for waiting for the dlc to come out. It would just cause more uproar with PC and Xbox players wanting free stuff.

  • Global
    Global Member Posts: 770
    edited July 2018

    Yea i believe new perks are 2000 shards and 2700 shards in the shrine

  • Joekillu
    Joekillu Member Posts: 164
    The only way PS4 should be compensated is if bp event starts before PS4 get the dlc. In that case give them make up time. Many are sitting on a mil bps right now.
  • Cetren
    Cetren Member Posts: 985
    Ah yes, the classic, "If you're not experiencing what I'm experiencing, you can't have an opinion." This is why SJWs exist.
  • C4Garuda
    C4Garuda Member Posts: 198
    Id say just give everyone a good amount of iridescent shards since the shrine affects everyone. How about another bonus on top of the log in bonus? Maybe double the amount.
  • Tizzle
    Tizzle Member Posts: 696

    Good news on twitter, I guess today or tommorrow.

  • apathytheclown
    apathytheclown Member Posts: 295

    @Tizzle said:
    Good news on twitter, I guess today or tommorrow.

    Someone who isn’t full of ######### about the update? I can’t believe my eyes.