AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301
edited January 2019 in General Discussions

Freddy. The "My power hurts me more than it helps me" Freddy. The "Self-Care is OP" Freddy. The "My brightness is too high Freddy". There are various iterations of this so called Freddy.

But the only real Freddy is Freddy Krueger. Why is such a killer so disliked? It's such an amazing character in the horror movies! He has so much going for him. From cutting of his fingers or creating a fountain of blood!;

Since this is a licensed killer, why not make it THE MOST FUN killer in the game?

The idea struck me:

When watching Marth88 playing his usual Myers with scratched mirrors and boyfriends memo and seeing just how much fun he has with scaring the hell out of survivors I realised it; this real horror experience is one of THE most fun things in the game.
For those of you who know, Marth88 had a "Burn-Out" with DBD and temporarily stopped playing the game.

If it is possible to create killers with addons that are so much fun that players return to the game just to play around with THAT!
And for those interested with the financials; imagine that on a LICENSED killer!

Is it possible to create a killer as fun as scratched-mirror myers, while making it work on every map while eliminating the complaints about aura reading?

Let's find out!

The Most Fun Playstyle into the Base Kit of Freddy!

Freddy in his base form

When the match starts, Freddy is invisible. The only clue you have about his location is the sound of a Lullaby and some leafs flying around, as usual.

Freddy's ability

Instead of the old ability where you'd click on a survivor slowly putting them to sleep over a duration of 7 seconds you now have something new:

Instead, putting a survivor to sleep is a HOLD the button action. The duration of you successfully putting to sleep, while maintaining unbroken vision over them, will increase the strength of their dream.

The minimal required holding time before a survivor enters the dream is 3 seconds. The maximum amount is 10.
While you are holding your ability button and have them in range and vision, they walk in their usual half-sleep animation.

Releasing the button will put them to sleep instantly (if the minimal requirement has been met. (Freddy has a bar to see how deeply to sleep they've put a survivor while holding the button.)

While Freddy is holding his ability button, he moves 20% slower.

The new outlook of the dreamworld

The new dreamworld is no longer as bright as you're used to... instead; It's darker.

While you are in the dreamworld, a dark-blue-ish mist surrounds you, only leaving a circle area with a radius of x meters around you visible:

The Black is the mist, where you can barely see a thing.
The dark-green is what is not covered by mist.
The light-green is the part that you have in direct vision and the blue dot is you.

Aura reading in the mist is impossible. (Receiving the initial hooking/finished generator notifications aren't.

Freddy in the dreamworld

You can now interact with survivors as usual!

Freddy in the dreamworld is invisible and has no heartbeat, no lullaby and no leafs. There is literally no way that you can know where he is... except...

When you have the invisible Freddy in your vision and outside of the mist (thus near you) for over 0,5-1.5 seconds (experimental), then he will nearly instantly become visible.

While Freddy is "Revealed" to that particular survivor, they can hear his heartbeat.

In order for Freddy to become invisible again, he needs to leave their vision for 5 seconds, but this parameter doesn't check whether the camera if the survivor is looking in his direction, but whether Freddy could be seen if the camera was on him.

If Freddy thus has hidden behind an object or walked back into the mist for over 5 seconds, he'll become invisible again and his terror radius disappears for that survivor.

When Freddy lunges, he will be revealed instantly to every sleeping survivor to which Freddy is outside of the mist (thus close by to).


Freddy can no longer see the Aura of sleeping survivors.

What Freddy does have is the ability icon, that changes to an icon indicating that he is either: invisible to everyone/Visible to at least someone in the dreaming-world.

Leaving the dreamworld

Leaving the dreamworld is done through being woken up by a survivor that is NOT sleeping, by being hooked or by a generator being completed. There is no other way.

The intensity of the dream.

So the Radius of the mist; how big is the radius of the circle that repels the mist directly around you? That depends on how deeply you've put a survivor to sleep;

3 seconds minimally and 10 seconds maximally.
Thus from a 40 meter radius, to a terrifying 12 meter radius, linearly.


Since the normal:
1. Decrease skillcheck chances
2. Slightly reduces dream transitioning
3. Increased movement-speed after putting a survivor to sleep

will be remove and only the power-range will stay; here are their replacements:

  1. The time it takes to disappear in the dreamworld is decreased by x seconds. (Changing per rarity)
  2. When invisible in the dreamworld, you are revealed x% slower than normal. (Changing per rarity)
  3. Increases your walking speed while putting a survivor to sleep by x%. (Changing per rarity)

Ultrare Addons:

Red Pain Brush: Your progression towards putting a survivor into a deep-sleep is increased by a 100% (between 1.5 to 5 seconds)

Black Box: All survivors start in the dream-state except for one.

To wrap things up

Let me guys what you think about this Freddy rework! Will this become the most fun killer to play as and the most terrifying killer to play against?

Will his diving outside of the mist to make his grand appearance as in the movies create for the most intense chasing scenario's?


Previously I wasn't really invested in the Freddy Rework for the simple reason that I didn't really have an idea to turn it into an interesting killer, but after looking and spooky Myers, I suddenly saw how we could turn that intense fun play-style into a killer that works on all maps and realised FREDDY, exactly the killer in need of a rework!!! was the killer most suited for it!

Since we can turn an otherwise add-on dependant playstyle that is flawed due to map designs into an actual (LICENSED) killer's basic playstyle, I've been really invested in the debate.


Before anyone goes "OP/UP", realise that there are a lot of variables! Enough to turn this killer from incredible OP to incredibly UP.
Alter those variables first before suggesting that the entire structure is unhealthy!

Let me know what you Freddy mains out there think! Are you ready for the better spooky Myers experience? (:

Because we just created an actually terrifying killer.


  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    Personally I never liked the theme of mist and monochrome for the Dreamworld when Freddy's actual dreamworld is dark, full of fire, and gore. The colors should switch to a red/orange tint and things should look burnt, maybe your black mist could be smoke.

    But about your idea I think the maximum the black mist should enclose a Survivor should actually widen when in a chase. Like yeah 12m normally but when Freddy actually gets into the chase with the music then it expands a little bit so Freddy isn't in the black mist for the entire chase making him invisible. But I will say out of a chase that 12m will be awesome at sneaking up on Survivors and getting a good hit, breaking the chase and having the mist enclose again will make pallets and loops easier to avoid and therefore he has an antiloop strategy.

    Taking away his Aura reading in exchange for permanently being in the Dreamworld until a Gen is done and such is a great trade-off. The mist makes it hard to see others so it's difficult to find someone to wake you, he has more mind game potential, he sounds awesome.

    Months ago I made my own Freddy rework idea but I changed his power to when he has at least 2 Survivors in the Dreamworld at a time he can cross over to the real world and hit Survivors who are awake. Once both of those dreamers were awoken he would go back into the dream. Of course this is a bonus to his power, he could choose to get 2 Survivors sleeping or just be like normal and attack sleeping people. But yours sounds much better because it makes him more of a stealth killer using the mist against the Survivors and opening up surprise attacks, great job.

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  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    @jackmadrox said:
    I've been playing Freddy for a little bit and he's really not all that bad. But maybe that's because the rank reset happened and I'm playing against level 12-13 survivors.

    13's are still bad, I start seeing a difference at rank 10. I love Freddy, I'm so excited for the rework, gonna get my first P3 with him when it happens.

  • Poweas
    Poweas Member Posts: 5,873

    Honestly, that's a very good idea. He'd probably be as good as Billy. You really thought that through, as you usually do @AlwaysInAGoodShape

  • RabidWabbitz
    RabidWabbitz Member Posts: 93
    edited January 2019

    I still think the Re-work should be in line of the movies. He should not be putting survivors to sleep! that is the Sandman and not Freddy. The Survivors should be in the dreamworld from the beginning and right when you get in the match Freddy's Voice will say "Welcome to my World!" and his power should be the ability to mess with the survivors with hullicinations such as fake things Fake survivors, Fake Totems, Fake Gens, or even the ability to show that some Survivors are dead by the bottom Left avatars but they really aren't. He then can hit them at will like other Killers. Freddy is one of the TOP Movie Killers and as such should be in the top tier of killers in the game also.

  • BlackReaper
    BlackReaper Member Posts: 134

    @RabidWabbitz and @AlwaysInAGoodShape
    both ideas are really good, and stick together would look awesome.
    i havent seen his movies but i saw some highlights and the idea of change your look, like a cockroach in the movie or something else is a good point, and even the idea of kruger appearing in some spots and "build" traps like in the movies cause he is the king of the dream world and can do whatever he wants. Obviously balance is the key and that needs a way to fit in the game. The point of this is that they have a lot of thing to put on it, not just a babysister that makes you sleep and kills you, her kit can go so much futher.

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    i really love the dark mist surrounding the survivor idea, However i think there would still be the problem of pallet looping being strong and having no counter for freddy. If i'm gonna be honest, id just take the very first thing you said about this mist, and make it be what the blindness affect does

  • Hudson
    Hudson Member Posts: 93

    Hi there.

    I play Freddy main and am a bit concerned about the upcoming Freddy rework. What I like about Freddy is that playing Freddy really differs from the other killers. Most killers just add some "ranged attack" or "insta down" to the normal game, while Freddy changes how to play the game entirely in my opinion. I hope the new rework will not change that.

    About your idea:

    I really dislike the proposed mechanic of "stalking someone into dreamstate". This is exactly what Plague and Myers do. Stalking / aiming at a Survivor for an amount of time to weaken them / power yourselves up.

    While Myers has the ability to "carry his stalked power away" and use it later, when he can benefit from it most, the Plague can let survivors get away and take advantage of the infected pools, if they heal up there. Also the Plague can just hit a survivor one single time and then let the infection progress on itself.

    But what can Freddy do with the proposed mechanic? Right now, he can put survivors into dream transition at a glimpse. While chansing a survivor he even can put other survivors that pass by into dream transition and still go on with the current chase. But what does he get with the proposed mechanic? He will usually not put another survivor into dreamstate while in a chase, but the proposed dream effect will also not help him with the loops and chase at all. Usually the dream state will help you find the survivor again if you lost him because of the aura reading, but you also propose to remove this effect. And if you are successfull with the chase, downing a survivor, even thou the dream state didnt help you with that, you will remove the dream state immediately when hooking the survivor.

    So where is the big benefit, that shall make you let a survivor escape, when you put him into dream state? The gens will pop too fast in high rank games to keep him in dream state long. And I also think it's a too big problem that survivors will be taken out of the dream state in the middle of a chase, if a gen pops.

    I pretty much like the concept of the dark mist in the dreamworld. But the transition to the dreamworld should still happen automatically, so you can actaully get a benefit from it. When you see two survivors, you can put one into dream world and then trigger the transition for the other one and chase him. Also I think the aura revealing should not be removed. Thats Freddy big strenth, a built in "deerstalker" that also helps with the hatch at the end of the game. Maybe it should be inverted, so you can see auras of survivors that are nearby, and you cannot see auras of survivors far away. That would give them the chance to hide from you if they esacped once, but will help Freddy pretty much during loops (at least loops with high walls).


  • AlwaysInAGoodShape
    AlwaysInAGoodShape Member Posts: 1,301

    Hey @Hudson !

    Thanks for writing all of that out. You brought up a lot of interesting points. As I don't own Freddy it's really interesting to hear what a committed Freddy player thinks about it.

    So as for the dreaming-transition: I think I wrote it down as holding it from 3-10 seconds. The longer you hold your dream on them the stronger the mist. If indeed Freddy mains like to put multiple survivors asleep at the same time, then it would be possible to make it from 0-10 seconds, meaning that you can instantly put someone to sleep, while having the option to create for a stronger mist. (The 10 seconds may be lowered through experimentation)

    As for how the power would help him in chase: He will be invisible and has no heartbeat. In order for him to become visible, the survivor has to look at him directly for a small amount of time. That time might not look like it is that long, but if he's coming around corners, then that advantage is huge. Though it might be possible to decrease the time it takes him to disappear again. If 5 were to be lowered to something like 1-2 seconds, then he'd be on of the game's strongest "mind-gamers". This would make it desirable to loop Freddy in open area's where one can see over loops, which has its own interesting aspect and makes normally safer loops less safe.

    I find your idea of the reverse aura reading interesting too. Aura-reading for survivors might be the most frustrating thing to deal with for any player who want to have some degree of immersion, so I'm typically careful with removing that dynamic from them. Though proximity aura-reading during a chase might be exactly what he still needs, so he can know where to sneak up from, etc. I'd estimate it to be about 20 meters and have it only work on running survivors. (This form of aura-reading would work in-chase and outside of the chase)

    What do you think?

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463
    edited April 2019

    For ######### sake! I must read all of It because I know it'll be a good idea... Love to have you back :)


    Now that I've read it, I think it's an awesome idea. It would change the playstyle of this character A LOT. I personally have a really fun time facing Scratch Mirror Myers and Freddy could become a great killer with these changes.

    The only thing I would change is that Freddy should be completely visible when inside of the Dark Green area but he should not have Tr, just the Red Stain. Otherwise I feel like he would be super broken. Maybe increase a little bit the radious of the dark green area whenever you hit a survivor, that way those survivors that are hurt could also stand a chance against him

  • Hudson
    Hudson Member Posts: 93

    Hi @AlwaysInAGoodShape;

    sounds good to me, the 0 second dream transition would fix some problems. For example you can put someone immediately into dream state again, if a gen pops mid-chase. Also Freddy is a bit weak at the endgame, it's nearly impossible to catch someone, when the gates are open. That would be fixed, too.

    I would suggest that the dream world slowdown is also related to the time Freddy took to make someone asleep. The longer you take from your 10 seconds, the slower survivors become.

    The slowdown after 10 seconds should be huge I think. So that it's like: If you put each survivor into the dreamworld for 10 seconds, they will barely be able to pop anymore gens. So you actually have to unhook someone and let him wake you up. So putting everbody into a deep dream state at some points should be very close to a win for Freddy.

    At least there needs to be a benefit from investing the time to put someone into a deep dreamstate. If you invest the time, this means you are supposed to not hunt the survivor down and hook him, because the hooking will negate your investment.

    I am not too sure about the invisibility thing. Sounds a bit complicated maybe. And I think loops with high walls already allow the moonwalk thing, etc. The invisibility should then help on loops with line of sight.

    But the invisibility besides, this sounds very interesting.



  • Hudson
    Hudson Member Posts: 93

    @tt_ivi_99 Member

    You are the first one I hear from that he loves scratched mirror Myers.

    Most of the time I bring him up, survivors just disconnect and tell me how lame I am to use this add on.

    BACKSTABBER Member Posts: 1,809

    TL; DR

    Devs won't move a finger, too many hard changes to implement

  • tt_ivi_99
    tt_ivi_99 Member Posts: 1,463


    He is really fun to face imo, probably those who complain are the same people that complain about Billy...