Give Killers more informations or delete informations for survivors

Legion Rework:
The Killer does not see the –only the Deep Wound bar to know that Deep Wound has been applied.
And here we go again.
I dont rly care about the legion rework.
But pls give killers more informations or delete many informations for the survivors.
Its not even funny.
Survivors have just too much informations about everything.
And Killers have only useless informations.
Here is a simple example:
Why can the Pig not see the timer from the reverse beartraps,
but the survivors can see it?
It makes no sense that the survivors have the sound and the timer.
Btw here is my Pig Buff Idea:
More examples:
With informations
Make your choice: Just hide for 60 seconds
Hex: Devour Hope: Just destroy the totem
Without informations
Make your choice: Should I search a totem or hide 60 seconds?
Hex: Devour Hope: Should I search a totem or hide 60 seconds?
Love the Hex perk idea.
Not sure about hiding other elements though. Could be tricky.
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I could not read your post, that "s" at the end of the word "information" kept distracting me
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Yeah my english is not rly good.
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I've always felt Hex: Devour Hope should activate a dull totems once you get enough tokens to get some sort of benefit out of it, similar to how NOED activates once gates are powered. Maybe have a dull totem activate once you get 3 tokens on your Devour Hope, so it isn't found 10 seconds into a game when it is useless.
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i agree.
i always thought killers should be the ones who get this information, not the survivors. like, survivors have just too much information. they get notified about killer perks, about hex effects, about status effects and the are the only ones who see the progress of stuff the killer applied to them (like deep wound or reverse beartraps)
imo, the whole hex notification system needs to go. it eigther provides you with totally useless information or with too strong information.
also the deep wound bar should be visible to both sides, the reverse beartrap should be switched by 180°, so the killer sees it and the survivor only has the beeping and so on... stuff like sickness progression should also eigther be shown to both or the killer...
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Hiding for a minute won't save you from MY H:DH build! 😈
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They probably dont give information cuz some killers tunnel and they could also be toxic by knowing information about it
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Some killers are already toxic, and if the forum is to be believed, they also "tunnel" (whatever that means) all the time, so clearly it isn't working.
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Oh yeah it would be a shame, if Amanda could see the timer from her own traps.(sarcasm)
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You can tunnel without it and tunnelling is a strategy of play that they've said is perfectly legitimate even though they find new and amazing ways to try and pressure people not to do it.
The weird distribution of information in the game is something that should be looked at. Hex mechanics in general need an overhaul as fixing the spawns with a line of sight check didn't really solve any issues. Right now survivors have more information in the long term than the killer without having to give up anything in return such as perk slots or items. I would prefer it not be that way. I'd prefer if killers had slightly more information that the survivors in certain areas. Like why do killers not know which hex totem is which? They are the ones making the things they should know.
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If you took away information from survivors, you'd only be screwing solo players. Please keep that in mind.
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I totally agree with you.
But survivors just get too much killer informations.
It would be nice, if survivors could see the other survivors auras,
the perks, etc....
But they dont get informations about the killer.
And Im sry for my english.
Its not rly good.
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So they don't tunnel
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"Tunnelling" is the act of a survivor unhooking a person in front of you and then expecting to to respect that survivors "Safe space" and not hitting them again until they have had sufficient time to have a cry and heal up.
See also "Camper" this is the act of catching another survivor vulturing the hook similar to "Tunnelling" except this time you don't allow that unhook, the survivor instead of running away then proceed to run you around that persons hook before disconnecting and calling you a "Camping F*****"
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[QUOTE] More examples:
With informations
Make your choice: Just hide for 60 seconds
Hex: Devour Hope: Just destroy the totem
Without informations
Make your choice: Should I search a totem or hide 60 seconds?
Hex: Devour Hope: Should I search a totem or hide 60 seconds? [/QUOTE]
You are clearly forgetting game mechanics:
I got exposed when someone got hooked - look for H:DH
I got exposed when I've unhooked person - hide for 60 secs
Less info will change nothing in this regard.
BUT: If survivors will not be able to see exposed status on them - THAT will change things
Cause it will remove a lot of toxic behavior when survivor completely sure that he can endure 1 or even 2 hits and dont respect Killer at all wagging his ass at his nose waiting for hit for speed boost. When he wont be sure that Killer can oneshot him - he start to play much more stealthy and carefully.
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@ShyN3ko You're all right, Neko. I understand you 💜 c: and I get what you're saying. I believe the reasoning behind hiding some of that information is because it's believed that killer would abuse it (like go out and find someone when they know the bar is low). I'm not sure if it would actually be abused, though, and would be up for people testing it out in a PTB or for a short time to see how it goes. It's just solo play is already very weak. I know some friends who'll play killer before playing solo survivor. They only play survivor in SWF. I think that information is present to help with communication for solo survivor. "I can't go for the save, I'm working on getting this off my head" or "I'm mending" could be said in SWF, but couldn't be said while playing solo. Same for the change to obsession that happened a while back where people could see the brackets.
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The game need just a year with only balance patches.
Because SWF vs Solo Survivor is a joke.
And yeah killer could abuse it, but why have survivors the timer and the sound(reverse beartrap).
:3 You are a fluffy Bunny
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Yeah, I'd be up for them taking a break on the updates and new killers/survivors and just dedicate some time for balance and bug fixes.
@ShyN3ko And thank you for noticing. 🐇 hehe
EDIT: Also, survivors have those to help with solo play communication, I'm pretty sure. So you have an idea on how far along another survivor is. This much could easily be communicated in SWF, so removing it would only negatively impact Solo play and not affect SWF at all.
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I agree. Pig should be able to see RBT timer progress.
Furthermore, Plague should be able to see Survivor's infection meter.
I would also like Hex: Huntress Lullaby totem to not light up until the first hook and not give any notification until the full 5 stack is in effect. During the time the notification was bugged, the hex was able to stay for a healthy amount of time while also allowing the Survivors to deduce something was wrong with the skill checks.
Killers should also know when a Survivor has the "endurance" status (Borrowed Time, Mettle of Man).
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What if all survivors have all SWF informations.
But they have no killer information.
Would this be fair?
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Survivor have the sound and a timer.
Survivor have the Ruin notification and a red bar.
Some informations are just too much.
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Go play survivor for once, we have little to no information, we have to run perks just to make solo survivor somewhat playable. But hey, why get better at a game if all you can do is whine to get what you want? I mean, the devs are quite literally giving killers a mechanic to kill survivors for them if they can't.
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I could make a list with all informations for survivors.
I cant make a list with informations for killers.
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Because when you give a killer certain information, they exploit it. Hence why you cant see RBT or Mend time